we are. One Nation under Obama! OK....I just had to do that. I was so excited last night that I stayed up very late. I could not wind down. Last night was so special to me. I have never in my adult life felt so strongly for a politician. Well, strongly in a "positive" way! Ever since I became aware of Obama when I was in Chicago about 5 years ago, I knew that some day he would be President. And here we are.
I just did not pay that much attention when I was in my 20's. I was a young mother, 2 small kids, we were moving around yearly for my husbands job. I just didn't make the time to care about politics. But I was always a proud American. We have always flown the American flag at our house starting on I think Flag Day and taking it down after Labor Day. We even make sure that there is a light illuminating it since that is the proper way to fly our Nations flag! My husband has even made sure that we fly the Red, White & Blue when we are away from home in our travel trailer. He bought a huge flag pole and a beautiful American flag that he makes sure to bring down when it gets dark. It's cute how he makes a big production out of raising the flag in the morning and then taking it down again at night. I keep thinking I should get some kind of CD and play the National Anthem while he does this!
But this all makes me wonder why it is that some feel that you are not a Patriot or a Proud American if you don't agree with a current President and his policies. Being an "American" gives you the right to not agree with people. It gives you the right to say what you think, to say what you believe in. I believe that our current President did not serve our Nation well. He served the needs of a few, but not all of us. That is just my opinion. Does that mean I am not or have never been a proud American. No. It just means that I am not a follower of George W Bush.
I would love to hear your opinions too.
Have a great day!
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3 months ago
Hey Barb! This IS a very happy day and we should be allowed to celebrate and feel the pride and hope of our future. Afterall, those who believed that Bush was the one who would help this country after 9/11 were allowed their opportunity. And I believe they failed us.
Why do I blame them, as well as the president? Because it felt for a long time that if you mis-spoke or had a negative thought about Bush you were labeled. You were un American... un Patriotic. You were just as bad as...those darn Dixie Chicks. Ban us all! Some turned to tears and drama, some deleted you from their world, some pretended to be a friend while bad mouthing you behind your back. And then there were those who thought they would be better than you by playing the "Christian" card.
I heard it several times during the campaign: "I am voting for McCain/Palin because I am a Christian." Well that alone doesn't seem very Christian to me. Voting for someone who supports war? When did "peace" become a 4-letter word? Lying about someone's character? What ever happened to "Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor"? They all knew that Obama is not a terrorist... he does not hang out with terrorists... he was not born from a terrorist. But gosh darn it, you betcha, if it worked to gain the office of the republican party they were out there willing to do whatever it took.
And this time, the majority said NO MORE! We are proud again and it feels good. We helped elect a president without all the dirty lies and smear campaigns that lost the election for the GOP. And it feels good to know that around the world today, people of other countries are not looking at the US and think, "How could they get it wrong again?"
Thank you so much for coming!
You know I love you and have a great deal of respect for you. We don't always agree about things, but that is what is so great about our friendship. I do not judge you, and you do not judge me. Eveyone is welcome to come and post their opinions, and I thank you for coming and doing just that! Bring along some friends. I think want2 is suppose to show up some time today for wine!
Oh forgot...
Welcome JenFK!!!!
Where the heck is Want2? And JKF? I know a few people that would probably love to blog thoughts and ideas without the drama and pity parties other places. :0D
I'll go find them... BBL!
Glynis.....I'm gonna have to sit you in the naughty corner! You bad girl!
Hey Barb & Glynis
Dreama! Sweetie! Thanks for coming by. I was just about to blog something. So come back in a little bit!
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