Good Morning everyone!
This is a little bit of a test. I am writing this the night before and trying the Post date and time option to see if it will post tomorrow morning! Hopefully I will do this right so that I don't have to bug Carol to find out how she does it!
Halloween weekend we went to Bend, OR and visited our friends Jack & Donna. They are the most wonderful people. We are truely blessed to be able to call them our friends for over...gosh...23ish years. I know hubby first met Donna when they were setting up the new Fred Meyer in Coos Bay, OR. And that had to have been around 1983. I know we moved to Eugene, OR in late 1983. But I don't think we became really close with them until we moved there the second time in 1987. We knew them, but we really became good friends in 87. Jack & Donna are the type of people that as soon as they meet you, you are in their house eating a fantastic meal and becoming their lifelong friend. Some of you may remember how we went with them to Triangle Lake in Eugene this past August with our other friends Jimmy & Norma. Norma is our dear friend who passed away just 2 weeks after we were together. We had some good laughs in Bend last weekend sharing stories of Norma. Gosh...she is missed.
While we were in Bend, Donna made some of the most incredibly yummy food. We were so stuffed after every meal because you just didn't want it to end! So I begged her for some recipes. One of them that she gave me is for a dinner salad that is....TO DIE FOR! So I am sharing it with you! It will be a fantastic addition to your Thanksgiving table.
Cornacopia Salad
1 head Romaine Lettuce chopped
1 cup celery
1/2 red onion sliced thinly
1 11oz can mandarin oranges
1 avacado chunked
1 appled diced
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/4 cup light olive oil
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
3 TBSP sugar
3 TBSP white wine vinegar
1 TBSP chopped parsley
Make dressing early in the day and store in fridge so that it can season well.
When you are ready to put salad together...
Put 3 TBSP of sugar in a skillet and add 1/2 cup of sliced or slivered almonds. Heat and toss around in sugar until well coated.
Toss salad, dressing and nuts together. Serve. You can also add Crumbled Blue Cheese or have it available for those who would like to add that to their individual salad.
If you try this be sure to let me know what you think! Needless to say.....we loved it!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Hi Barb, I found your blog, I'm so excited that you started this blog. You are a very talented lady and have a lot to share. I don't know how you and Carol come up with things to write about, I'm jealous. LOL JK, The salad sounds terrific, I'm going to copy it down and try it, I'm not cooking for Thanksgiving, we are going out to dinner this year. But we are going to the Parade in Downtown Detroit, We are all excited, then around 5:00 pm we will be going to Ernies Kings Mill they have a very good buffet, you can get the whole Thanksgiving Dinner and more, with YUMMY Desserts, Trust me if you know me, I will stay at the Dessert table. LOL I might stop over at the Salad Table first because I do love a good Salad or Salads. Did anyone try them new Dole Salads yet?? They come with dressing, and they have like 6 different ones to choose from, Summer, Autumn Harvest, Mexican, Ceaser, and more, I just can't think right now. Oh, I'm so excited for you Barb. Hi to whoever stops in after me, I see a lot of familiar names here.
Good Morning Renee Eve! I'm so glad that you have stopped by! YAY!
I had no idea how many of my friends had blogs here. I have been getting all kinds of messages for me to check out their blogs too. This has been so much fun!
I have not tried the Dole Salads. I will have to look for them. We have other kinds of pre-packaged salads here. But I'm pretty sure they are not Dole. But they are pretty yummy too!
Going to a movie with my daughter today. I usually take my mom to a movie every Friday, but we are spending tomorrow together so she wanted to stay home today to get some stuff done. Tomorrow is our anual trip to our favorite Christmas shop. Sleighbells. We love it there! Usually we go Thanksgiving weekend, but so do hundreds of other people! So we are going early this year.
I will stop by again later!
Have a great day!
Thank you so much for stopping by!
Thanks for the recipe Barb. That sounds so good.
ReneeEve I got your text message. I had no idea what was going on with Anthony. I wish you all well my dear friend!
We are going to the Greek Fest this week end. I look forward to this event every year. Yay!
I really admire all of you who can write these blogs daily and be so creative.I used to write all during my 20's but I lost my touch. I guess my mind just whirls too much these days and the writings just do not come.
have a wonderful week end!
Yummy salad recipe... don't know if I can wait til Thanksgiving to make it!
I am so stuffed right now. They just opened a new casino 5 minutes away and we went to check it out... for lunch of course. The buffet had everything under the moon and we tried a little bit of everything. The only bummer is that they allow smoking and so my sinuses were irritated and I kept coughing. I won't be tempted to go there too often with the smoke, but it is a beautiful casino... if you are into that sort of thing.
Hello to renee eve and dreama... and of course to you, Barb! Hi to anyone else who drops in after me. I am headed to see High School Musical on Ice with our GS troop, so I will be gone until tonight. Have a great Friday all!
Hi Dreama and Glynis!
Greek Fest sounds like so much fun. I wish they had one here. I have never heard of anything like that in our area. I don't think we have a very big Greek community here.
You keep teasing me about the casino! That is incredibly mean! I'm sure we will be up there some time soon. I can talk hubby into taking Bryan and Celina there for lunch or dinner the next time we are in Seattle. They are coming down next weekend, so I know it won't be for a little while.
Have fun at HSM on Ice! That sounds so funny!
Greek Fest is so much fun. They have a huge traditional dinner with pork kabobs, Arozz rice, Pita bread, seaweed covering meat and my favorite is the greek salad and Baklava!
Oh and I'dlove to go to the reservation to gamble. I love that stuff. I moved to Louisiana one time where it was legal and I had a blast making the machines light up and go ding ding!!!
It's 1 AM. I better go get to bed.
Rossblog is shut down. The reason of course is Roland once again.
See y'all manana!!!
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