Thursday, November 13, 2008


I love this time of year. The beautiful Fall colors, the special Holidays. We have already celebrated Halloween. But we still have Thanksgiving and Christmas to prepare for.

Halloween this year was spent in Bend. I had been planning on walking with my sister, nephew, and his wife while they took their completely adorable little Richie Trick or Treating. Maybe next year. That is one of the things I miss about Halloween. Dressing the kids up and taking them around the neighborhood. I can't wait until I have grandbabies so that I can enjoy watching my kids dress up their kids!

Can I just say...I LOVE THANKSGIVING!!! I think I love it so much because it is all of my favorite foods. Turkey. Mashed potatoes w/gravy. Stuffing...w/gravy. Rolls....dipped in gravy. Mmmmmmmmm..........Can't wait. The biggest thing I have learned to be able to enjoy Thanksgiving is...Portion Control. I would have the worst stomach ache from stuffing myself fuller than the turkey. But then the all blessed Turkey Coma hits and you sleep some of that ache away so that when you wake up you have room for pumpkin pie w/whip cream!

Today I'm going to try and spend time AWAY from the computer and work on my Christmas gift project for the family. Not going to talk about it here. (shhhhhh it's a secret) But I have to start now or I will never get them all done. We don't exchange gifts anymore with my side of the family. It's just too big. So I like to make something and then just give it to them right away when we get there. No opening anything up, just here I made you something. I did that with knitted scarves a few years ago. Or I just bake a ton of cookies. My brother one year made videos of our old family movies. That was fun. And one year Bryan made videos of Rick. That was touching and made us all cry....but in a good way. I wish we did not have to exchange gifts with the inlaws any more. It's really just too much. I have tried suggesting drawing names, or playing the $10 gift game like we do with my family, but they just will not do it. Robert and I don't even exchange gifts anymore. We don't need anything. If we do want something we just go buy it. So last year we bought the big screen TV and stuffed each others stocking. This year he asked me what big thing we should do. I said I want the flooring for my craft room. YAY! I get to remodel my craft room! Although now I'm thinking I want to switch it to Katie's old room, and leave the elliptical machine in Bryan's and add a nice comfortable futon in there so that the kids have somewhere to sleep when they come over. Right now they have to sleep on a air mattress in the Family Room. Not very private. So I will talk to hubby and see if he will agree with me. But I know he will!


Glynis said...

Hey Barb! First of all, thanks for the good thoughts yesterday as we watched the river grow deeper and rage faster. It worked though, the river didn't win (this time!) and after several hours of heavy rain the river is back under control and much lower along the banks. Whew!

OK, I have not been just watching the river. Thanks to YOU Barb... did I mention it was YOU!!!... I am totally hooked on searching thru Facebook for these egg Hatchling thingies. I have so many questions, so don't be surprised when the phone rings and I am whining on the other end. Like, why on earth would I want to release my Hatchling into the wild? And why do we feed our Hatchlings other eggs? It just doesn't make sense...

OK, going to read today's blog!!

Glynis said...

YES, I love Thanksgiving too! My MIL is flying up from TX to spend it with us and I am actually excited! The kids want to know their grandparents so badly, and now that my dad is gone, it is great timing. Too bad Berry's dad refuses to leave the state of TX... yes you heard me correctly. He doesn't seem to care that he has three beautiful grandkids that love him just because of his place in life...

Anywho, the day after Thanksgiving is going to be really exciting this year because Kaitlyn will be riding in the Macy's Parade in Seattle for the first time. Last year she was only days away from passing her unicycle test, but this year she even passed her Level 2 and is ready! I will be on the sidelines, probably crying my eyes out. Look for me on TV! HA HA HA!

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

Super cool about Kaitlyn and the parade. And not just any parade, but a Macy's Parade!!!! Sweeet!
As for you FIL....well it's his loss. He really should get to know his grandkids. Your 3 are the best...really! I'm glad you MIL is coming. I'm sure she will go back to Texas and brag away!!!
HEH HEH....I'm so addicted to Hatchlings. I love to look for the new ones. And as long as you don't mind, I will send on and extra special ones that I find. Don't forget that you can name them, and you can buy retired ones in the Warehouse. The new ones used to come out on Sunday, but for some reason they released all of the koi fish each day this week. Not sure what Brad has up his sleeve! Mikey and Adri are addicted now too! So much fun!

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

oh....i only released a hatchling into the wild when i had too many. i think you can only have 36. so i dropped all of the regular eggs and just kept some of the special ones. i released all of the halloween ones after halloween was over.