Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's going to be a GREAT day!

Actually nothing big is going on today. But that is what makes today so great. I'm working until 5:30, then I get to come home and work on scrapping with my friend Sandy! YAY! LOL...Hubby is out of town again tonight, so it's just me and the kitties sprawled out across the entire bed. That's good! I wake up a lot when he's gone, but it's kind of nice to have a bed to myself...and 3 kitties. And I don't have to work tomorrow! Double YAY! I like the idea of having a day off in between work days, but I also really liked 4 days off in a row. I will get to have that shift back when everything picks back up. So buy some houses people!

Today is the kind of Fall day that I love. Cool, breezy and leaves blowing all over the place. I love it. OK, maybe breezy is to lite a word. More like blustery! Gusty. Windy. E:All of the above.

Have a great day!

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