Good Morning Friends!
So far today is not moving very quickly. Hubby did not wake me up with his goodbye kiss, so guess who just crawled out of bed? I put on that eyemask and put in the earplugs and nothing wakes me up. I stayed up late again last night, and with the time change it meant I was up even later. This time change always makes me stay up late and USUALLY get up early. I like this one. I seem to be doing so much more. But I'm thinking that I must have needed a little more sleep this morning. I wonder what the kitties were thinking. I mean think about it. They have no clue that we changed the clocks back! They were probably sitting there by the door for an hour or more...."Dang woman! Where's my breakfast!"
Yesterday was most certainly an eye opener for me. I was very surprised at how some people are reacting towards our new President... Barack Obama. There are people out there saying that we now live in the U.S.S.R. I guess they think that because it, you know, does not exist anymore, so I guess, maybe we started a new United Sorry losers States of Republicans. OK...maybe that was a low blow, but this is all so ridiculous. And when did the word "Muslim" become a bad word? Why are all people who follow the Muslim faith considered evil? They are not evil. Radicals and Terrorists are evil. Not Muslims. Do some Christians not know anything about History? What about the Catholics with our Spanish Inquisition? What about the Puritans and the Salem Witch Hunt? What about Hitler and his hate for Jewish people in the 1930's-1940's? Why have some people not progressed? This is suppose to be the United States of America. We have all religions. Our citizens come from all over the world. And yet here we are, still referring to a man as a "Muslim" as if that is a horrible thing. Well guess what? It's not. And another thing...he's not! And you know what? Who the hell cares! I don't vote for someone based on Religion. I was baptised Catholic, but I....I'm gonna say it....I do not believe in any organized religion. I believe in love. I believe in honesty. I believe that people can have faith in whatever they want. If you have faith in that beautiful Maple tree that you pass every day on your walk through the park, I may think you are weird, but I will not hate you. Actually, I may just join you in that. Yes. Yes I will. I believe in that beautiful, powerful Maple, with it's many strong branches reaching out and protecting me from the rain. And I need that. It's raining.....
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3 months ago
Good Morning Barb! Sometimes it seems like the Low Road is owned by a certain group of bloggers we used to hang with... but we are over that, right? I mean just because they continue to say crap that is nasty and biggoted why should we be concerned?
It is amazing to me that the McCain supporters are turning out to be some of the biggest haters I have ever seen. One gal that I know had to be told off as she tried to explain to me that she believes that Obama is NOT a US citizen and he has to prove that he is. She loves to accentuate his middle name, as if he chose it himself. Why can't they just realize that this time their guy lost and support the man that is to be our next president. I bet if they tried, they might actually like him.
As for the USSR, these are the same people that were claiming they were moving to Canada if Obama left. Well honey, Canada won't want you either, but I am happy to help you pack your bags!
Oops, I forgot...I'm supposed to jump up and down and scream:
(and second)
...but I'm NOT making breakfast and don't even ask me to march to 100!
**slaps glynis in the back of her hand**
Go to the naughty corner G!
I've been shocked and saddened by some comments I've heard, too, Barb. It's disgusting, isn't it? Someone went as far as to say that anyone who voted for Obama is "stupid", which I find extremely offensive. Don't they get that the whole point of having an election is so people can vote for whomever they choose? My pregnancy hormones are not helping the cause, either, and I've been biting my tongue for the last two days. ;) Funny thing is, once the economy and morale of the country begin to improve, they will happily benefit from it just as everyone else will. I wonder if they'll continue to complain and spew their ignorance then?
I completely agree with you on the point of religion. It shouldn't matter what religion someone is, ESPECIALLY in politics. What happened to the separation of church and state? It completely doesn't exist. We vote in a church! If we could only make that separation, everyone could be much happier. I say, believe what you want to believe. I think that as long as you are a "good" person (ie, you don't steal, harm, cheat, etc - it's not the best label, but I can't think of another way to explain what I mean...), if you aren't harming anyone, then everyone else should just leave you alone.
The scariest thing I've found in the last couple days is that the people firing off offensive remarks about our new president have children...don't they know that they are listening, and that they are just breeding that hatred into their kids??
Good for you for sleeping in, too! I'm jealous! ;)
Thanks for inviting me over. I didn't know you kept a blog. I like it mucho!
Hate is a waste of energy and emotion. Don't know what is wrong with people. That is a major reason I've stayed away from the Ross Blog. I can't stand seeing people put those words on the page. Just bothers me greatly.
Obama isn't a Muslim. His father was. will clear up a lot of the rumors that have gone around about him.
I really don't care what religious beliefs a person has. In fact, I'm pretty sure there is a document somewhere saying everyone in this country is entitled to worship what and whomever they choose.
There is no good reason grown people should use such hateful words to get their feelings and points across. A calm rational conversation is possible, even in politics, religion and sex. It's too bad some people make a choice to spew hatred instead.
Jen....I am so happy to see you here!
I agree with so much of what you have said. There should be a seperation of Church and State. But sadly, I do not think that will ever happen.
I have not posted my opinion yet on Prop 8 in CA and what has happened in Florida and Arkansas. I think there may be one other state too. Why oh why do people care if 2 men or 2 women love each other and want to get married??? Why??? What harm can it cause you? If you are raising YOUR child in the way that you believe is the best way to raise YOUR child, then what harm is there in your female neighbor being married to another woman? I am so upset for my friends in CA who just got married. Our own Whabbear and my friend Annie. I just do not get it. And why do people think that it is better for a child to be passed around in Foster Care instead of allowing a Gay couple to give them a loving home? I read once where someone said that some people spread fear that all gay people are pedophiles, that you can't allow gay men to be Cub Scout leaders, or to adopt a child because they will molest them. That is like saying that a straight man can not have a daughter because he likes women so he may molest her. Pedophiles are sick people who molest kids, boys and girls. But to say that all gay people are pedophiles just makes me ill.
Ugh....I need to calm down.
I am off to shower...nope have not moved from this chair since I got up!
Thank you for dropping in. I have been reading your blog for so long, and have wanted to start my own. So I finally took the jump!
Speaking of jumping...I better jump in that shower!
Thanks for coming LL. It's really great to see you!
Barb, I so agree! And, about the name thing--that drives me nuts! My daughter is Korean and has a Korean middle name. So, does that mean we assume things about her?? Is she Buddhist? (Not that that would be a bad thing--I think Buddhists are cool.) And, I gave her that name, she had nothing to do with it!!
Anyway, it's awful to live your life in fear and as a victim and I think that's what a lot of this is about. Sad.
My middle name is Elizabeth, so you know... I expect you to bow down to me.... I'm a royal.
Go on now... bow!
I said bow, damn it!
Time to get get a cup of hot tea and a crumpet.
How terribly rude of this royal.
Hello to Barbwa,Jenfk, LL and Sandie... hope you are having a loverly day.
Would you like a cup of tea?
Oh! I forgot to tell you. Pastor Cathy has been appointed to a new church... in Seattle. We are really sad to see her go, but it is how our church works. No idea who is coming next...but the women's retreat will go on, so no worries about that! Lee is doing well with her new church down in Fall City. I knew she would!
Just an FYI!
Hi ladies! Great blog Barbara! I had an appointment with my Chiropracter today and an hour massage before hand. My PT kept running his mouth using the words anti Christ and Obama and trying to quote the Bible and use the Bible as a fear messenger. Needless to say I ended up putting my fingers in my ears and singing the Lala song to drown my PT out. :p
I really like Cathy and Lee. Very very nice ladies. They knew I was not a religious person, and they treated me no different then any of the other ladies there. I can not wait until next year! I hope they will both be there!
Hi Dreama!
Sorry you had to listen to you PT drone on like that. Next time tell them you are paying them to treat you, not preach to you!
Why Queen that really you? Surly you should not be serving the tea. Please, set a spell, place your beautiful leg ends upon this golden embroidered pillow, whilst I fetch the tea. Cheers me lady!
Barb, thanks for reading my blog. (Iupdated the post if you're so inclined to pop back in.)
I'm glad you took the jump. Blogging is so fun!
Have a great weekend!
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