My sister and I started shopping on Black Friday about 10 years ago. We get up at 4am, and stand at the door, or sit in the car if it's really cold. And then we fight the crowds for socks. Yep...socks. Ladies freak out over 1/2 price socks. Cracks me up. Actually we are usually in the Photo Electronic Dept getting our DVDs, TVs, DVD players...whatever the great bargain is that year. This year we are going to be getting those video picture frames. I also always get new towels and sheets since they are 1/2 price. Sometimes we will shop at multiple stores. One year we made the mistake of going to the Mall. That is a mistake we will never make again. We stood in line at Old Navy for over an hour. It was horrible. One thing new about this year is that for the first time I have to go to work. Usually we would be done with our shopping by 9am or so, and then I would go home and go back to bed for a couple hours. Nope. Not this year. I have to be to work by 9am. Sucks......sooooooo....baaaaaaaad......I will be the only one there. I just know it. No one is going to come in. There will probably be only 10 calls, and half of those will be Robert! But the good thing about working is that I will have all day to work uninterrupted on my scrapbooks. And I really need that time. There is nothing I need to do at work but answer the phones. So I will sit there at my desk and work on the books. Yay! I'm going to get so much done. I'm trying to sound positive about this...is it working???? LOL!
So I will shop on Black Friday. I will do my best to help get our store in the "Black". So I ask all of you who read this to do the same. Go out and spend some money. Help your favorite local store get into the black. I know I am going to.
I survived Black Friday shopping. I bought new Christmas lights for the house. Ours were pretty yucky. I think it was about 22 boxes. I bought 2 sets of fleece sheets. Katie wanted a set for Christmas. 4 large blankets, 2 for the trailer and 2 for the blanket drive at work. 4 blanket throws, 2 for the trailer, one Christmas one for the house, and one for the blanket drive. A digital photo frame, memory card, a movie, 2 throw pillows, a twin size air matress, shoes, 2 knit capes for work, and 2 gifts that I can't name because the kids read this blog even though they do not comment. Something about not wanting to set up gmail accounts. Whatever....and 2 packets of socks so that my total at Kohls would be enough for the cash back reward! I fall for that every time. "If you spend $6.00 you will earn another $10.00 in rewards money!" So I spend the money to get more money. It's all very silly.
On a sad note, I heard on the radio that a worker at a WalMart in Long Island, NY was trampled to death this morning by shoppers trying to get to the sales. How sad for his family, and how ridiculous that people have to freak out so much over a sale price that they run right over someone and kill them. Very sad.
Have fun shopping! This is the first year in a while that I haven't gone out; Mark had to leave for work at 2am, and I wasn't about to drag the kids out that early when most of my shopping is already done. I had to laugh over your comment about women and socks...I was totally looking at socks online this morning! LOL! Sorry you have to work today, but at least it sounds like you'll be able to get some things done. I'm hoping to run out for a bit once Mark gets home this afternoon, as our digital camera just died the other day and we need to get a new one before this baby decides to make his grand entrance! ;)
Have fun shopping! This is the first year in a while that I haven't gone out; Mark had to leave for work at 2am, and I wasn't about to drag the kids out that early when most of my shopping is already done. I had to laugh over your comment about women and socks...I was totally looking at socks online this morning! LOL! Sorry you have to work today, but at least it sounds like you'll be able to get some things done. I'm hoping to run out for a bit once Mark gets home this afternoon, as our digital camera just died the other day and we need to get a new one before this baby decides to make his grand entrance! ;)
Wow, sounds like you had a great time shopping! That is terribly sad about the man in NY...people are crazy about these sales. My husband was just saying yesterday that if retailers would only extend the "doorbuster" deals for the entire day, we could eliminate all these silly shopping hours and senseless tragedies that occur because of it...
Oh, and sorry that my other entry posted twice...
I did not go shopping at 4 AM this morning. I have heard that sales will continue all month long due to the sluggish economy. For the most part every year I try to do my Christmas shopping in Novemeber before the crowds start up. Today I am putting up inside decorations and a big wreath on my front door.
There are some good places to shop online at:
and an entire list at
Enjoy your week end everyone!
Happy Day After Thanksgiving Jen and Dreama~
I agree Jen. They should do away with the 4 Hour sales. I go just because I enjoy the early shopping with my sister. We do not enjoy the crowds though. I don't blame you for not going out today. Not only would you be dealing with the 2 kidlins, but you are about to pop!!!!
Dreama...Thanks for the websites. I will have to check them out! We are decorating this weekend. Katie's Timmy is going to come over and help Robert get the stuff out of the attic. His back is still messed up. He had a massage earlier this week, and just went to the chiropractor this morning. Lets hope it all helps!
Back to the scrapbooks.....
There we did a comment. HAPPY!?!?!?!?!?
C & B
Yes...I am happy now!
I don't need or want anything enough to go into large crowds.... I don't even like shopping when there aren't sales :D Maybe I'll enjoy it more when I have money LOL I think stores should have those sales for the entire weekend (FRI-SUN) after Turkey Day - they'd make a KILLING! Also - no one would get trampled! Well I'm off to grease myself up with Vick's and make it a NyQuil night. HUGS!
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