** sigh **
Will some people ever grow up? I can not understand how someone can have so much hatred for a person whom they have never even met. How can you get so wrapped up in what someone is doing when you don't even know them? Why do you care? What could they have done over the internet that was so horrible to you that you have had to bully them for the better part of a year?
But I think the question that is bothering me the most is this....
Why is it allowed?
I truely believe that some people have really big hearts and just do not see, or maybe they do want to see, that someone is being a cyber bully. It seems to me that people just put on blinders and ignore it. If it is not directed at them, then they just don't care. But it is that attitude that allows cyber bullying to continue. I was told once that I was being a bully to someone. I was completely clueless as to what I had done. I still to this day am because I was never told what it was that I had said to make them feel this way. But since this person told me I scared them and they felt I was a bully, I left. I did not want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. I knew that his person needed that place more than I did. So I left. Anyone who knows me personally knows that I am anything but a bully. But I do get defensive when I see that other people are being treated unfairly. I stand up for people who are being targeted. I guess that is the momma bear in me. Is standing up for someone being a bully? I hope not. Is telling someone that
"you have no idea who you are messing with.......but if you persist....you will know...." being a bully? Is telling someone that you signed them up at websites and told strangers
"all the places you can be found......" being a bully?
In my book it is.
Any comment left on my blog from this person will be deleted from now on.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
OK, so I read yesterdays editorial by Tina...err, Delores. Anyway, the funniest thing is that she says "Finally a blog for losers" and then she goes on and posts several times. If the shoe fits, shove it where the sun doesn't shine and move on!
It is very sad that not only does this woman have nothing better to do with her time, but she goes out looking for trouble to stir up.
And Barb, I agree with you 100%! The way that she has been welcomed and celebrated over at the nest is sickening. "Delores" has left awful comments and been hateful to more than one person, and yet she was showered with praise and warmth on her birthday? It seems to me that the only reason anyone would do that is if they know her real identity. In which case, shame on you all!
I say we delete and ignore them. It won't be long before they get bored with us and go back to marching and cyber meals, back stabbing and fake identities.
Delores should watch herself. If anything (God forbid) were to ever happen to Dreama there is a year's worth of evidence that would point a guilty finger at her. Cyber bullying is a crime!
Deleting is the only way to go. Ignore them and they will move on to their next victim. I'm sorry this has spilled onto your blog and others MySpace accounts etc.
I exchanged emails with Carol this morning and she told me that she now deletes any nasty messages from her blog. I hope she does not mind that I have shared that information. I will be deleting the posts from yesterdays blog later today. I want people to see exactly what this "person" is like. I do not believe that "Delores" is a real person. I was told some time ago that it was a fake persona made up so that someone could be nasty to others without anyone knowing it is them. I honestly believe that many of the people in the Nest are wonderful and caring. But a few are allowed to be cruel with their snide remarks.
My hope now is that we can just forget about it all and move forward. I'm sure there will be more lost myspace friends over this, but that is going to be their choice. I will not be deleting anyone. I wanted to allow people to post their opinions on my blog, whether I agreed with it or not. But if someone is going to come on here and be nasty like that, then they will be deleted.
As I said above, I will be deleting nasty comments. I just can not understand how this was allowed to go on for so long with no one standing up for someone who is being picked on. It's all so ridiculously childish.
Oh Barbara, What can I say, I knew about all the cyber bullying from Delores, but I actually seen it TODAY on Dreamas pictures, and then the terrible things she wrote on your blog yesterday. I think its sad that she has nothing else to do put to pick on Dreama, then yes, I know she has a FEW others on the nest who tell her everything Dreama says. Dreama did not ask for this trouble, and she has been made fun of a lot with the skeet shoot and pull. I just ignored it even though I knew it upset Dreama, I just tried to calm her down and told her to ignore them. But, a person can only ignore so much and the people who are saying those things don't realize how much they are hurting her and her heart. She loves Cinnamon that is her BABY, to call someones baby UGLY now thats really LOW. I have seen first hand what name calling, picking on people, ignoring people can do to a person. She will go on the nest and post and they will totally ignore her almost everyone except for a few. Trust me I love the nest, but there are times I do not feel comfortable posting on there because I know people don't like me on there either because I am friends with Dreama, and I am not ashamed to admit it. I Love Carol, she has always been kind to me and to everyone, she reminds me of my mom, and I LOVE MY MOTHER VERY MUCH, shes a peace keeper, she wants everyone to be happy, I totally understand. She does delete Delores crap, as I think we all have no use for her.
I haven't been blogging anywhere for the past month, I have been very busy with my son, my sister, and my mother, and just every day life things, I haven't even started Christmas shopping yet. LOL, and I am usually done by now.
I just wish we could all get along, but thats just wishful thinking, But Life is to short to FIGHT, especially in cyber land, I so look forward to reading and chatting and have missed it for a while and I hope to get back into it soon. I also like to blog at different sites, I still post on ANTS, Ross no, I read Ross, but don't post. I also joined a MOMTOMOMz site for Detroit moms, and I started a subjected blog for CHILDREN 12 & Over with ADHD and DEPRESSION, I have got a lot of help on that blog, with women telling me to go to the state for an advocate who will work with me and go to all my IEP meetings with me they work for the Parent and the Student. I had a very good meeting on Tuesday at the Middle School for my son, and Anthonys personal Therapist was there along with a letter from her and his phyciatrist, like I told you Barb, I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.
I hope after today, this CYBER BULLYING SHIT can be put to rest, and people will just STOP with the pokes here and the Jabs there. It HURTS it really HURTS no matter what age your are.
In the words of my Mother, never point a finger at NOBODY because there are three fingers and a thumb pointing right back at you.
I will check back in later, and I will try to stop by more often, you but SO much time and energy and have such a beautiful blog, with your pictures and things. Thanks for letting me be a part of it.
Dreama, I LOVE YOU, you did nothing wrong, I don't know what you did to deserve such nasty treatment, lets pray this all goes away and soon.
Glynis, remember December 6 & 7, We'll be 43, Where we going on our private plane??? Whos gonna come with us and help us celebrate # 43???? ALL INVITED!!!!!!
Renee Eve....
Thank you for taking the time to stop by today and leave me a message. It means so much more to me knowing about all the stresses you are dealing with on a daily basis, and yet you made time to come by my blog. Thank You.
Not that my G-Friend is not busy too ;-)
Good morning ladies. Cyber bullying seems to be the new norm for every nut job and depressed person out there these days. I have talked to a detective friend of mine who also works side by side with the Feds. He has been on my profile for quite some time now and he has the law to back him up to intercede with Myspace and other web communities. He has told me to document everything. He has photos at his office and he sees the mistakes that this cyber troll makes that helps him hunt the person down. He told me that it is a Federal offense to make threats over the Internet. So far we are working on harassment and stalking charges and now the fact that this person willingly states that they once again created imposter profiles of me adds new charges.
Delores did a friends request to me on Myspace so that she could leave me a nasty message. Well, I accepted her friends request and I snapped pictures and documented everything. My God she even has photos of someone's three children on her profile and Jodi called them brats in a comment under the children's photo. Isn't Jodi the same person who sweetly asks for everyones phone numbers and they trust her and innocently give their phone numbers out?! Tina left comments also. I was shocked at what I saw and read.I am giving the photos to the detective because for Christ sake these are children. These photos are school photos of 2 boys and 1 girl with dark brown hair. The boy and girl are wearing school uniforms so they can be traced. The other boy is wearing a red shirt. These kids seem to be perhaps 11, 12, 13 years old. It doesn't matter at this point if Delores deletes it because I have the digital images. If I lose friends for standing up for myself and for protecting some unsuspecting bloggers children then those weren't my frends to begin with. This morning though all of my e-mail was support. I must have received at least 12 e-mails and they don't even know how bad it really is. I also think that Mek should tell the truth and not just to her friends about what she knows concerning the real truth about the Delores persona. The ones who are involved in this are all guilty as far as I am concerned. Sorry Barb, if I have gone overboard then please forgive me. I am just so fed up with the deceit and I am tired of those certain few who hurt others annonymously and get away with it over and over.I just don't want to stay annonymous and look the other way and be a coward. My friends said that Delores wasn't going to stop because she lives to just try to get a rise out of me. Well it has been a whole year of abuse and I am finally speaking out. Delores thought I was afraid or stupid and didn't know how to deal with this matter but she underestimated me. I'm so sick of her cat and mouse games and so now she can just deal with the authorities and the detective who I has access to my computer.
Dreama, I personally think you need to handle this however you need to in order to feel safe and protect yourself.
The woman who bullied that poor teenage girl to the pont of suicide is so incredibly sad, but at least people are starting to look at needing legislature to make it illegal. The afct that you are being threatened IS indeed already a crime.
Personally, if I had a blog and people were constantly telling me about certain people doing things like this, I would step back and look at who my friends are. It is sad that they have become closer friends instead. THAT speaks volumes to me about their character. Nobody listened when you had skeet shooting or nasty comments. Perhaps they all need to go back to pre-school because it is all so juvenile.
Dreama, just know that you have friends on the internet and although I don't personally feel like I can do anything to make it stop, please know that it makes me sick to see how they have treated you. You have done nothing to deserve any of this.
It might be allowed in the nest. Barb won't allow anyone to be mistreated in her house! She is a class act!
I just had time to read the comments left on this blog last night by Delores. Barbara if you can live with it for a bit longer then please don't delete it. She blubbers the same crap that her friend Roland blubbers which is she is some sort of victim. That is such BS. I rarely get angry and those who have known me my entire life know that I'm about as peaceful and caring as they come. I wouldn't have friends flying to visit me on a regular basis for 25 years from Oslo if I was a rotten friend. The bottom line is Delores was the one stalking me on Myspace and on Twitter and Youtube. From what I understand Delores thinks she is above the law because of her monetary contributions to A&M University. She stated that she controls everything in her world which must be some sort of fantasy world. She may think she can buy power and by that I mean cops but not at a Federal level. No way. No how. I received an e-mail from NBC administration wanting to know the details of what is going on. I gave them everything and my next step is to start an investigation both on a local level and a Federal level and discuss it with a prosecuting attorney who I met on a Harley run to raise money for animal rescue. Delores says that I don't know who she is but she doesn't know much about my friends either.
I am very sad, sickened, angry and upset by this turmoil that has erupted here in front of friends and family to read. I know that there will be eyes reading this who aren't on Myspace and think that bringing this ordeal public is possibly wrong. However if a lunatic was harassing them over and over and copying their photos to put on porno sites and put their life in jeopordy then I don't think they would ignore it. I did go read Carol's blog today and she feels that a blogging war has erupted. I am very sorry that she feels that way because I truly don't feel that way at all. It's a war created by Delores and fueled by only a few people who just happen to post on the Nest and it just needs to stop. I don't know any other way to stop it other than documenting it and revealing the truth. A digital camera can't alter the truth. I don't want anyone to feel like they are caught in the middle of anything. I didn't want to post names of Nesters but children are involved. Children must be protected by adults. If I kept my mouth shut then what type of person would that make me?!
Damn, I am just so sorry for involving you wonderful people and my friends and my family also but I know that there was nothing in my power that I could have done other than to just go public. I know in my heart that it just had to be done.... It doesn't make me happy at all but it had to be done. The only person who is enjoying this as everyone knows is Delores because this is what she lives for.
BARB - you got it to work! It looks gorgeous :D YAY
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