There is bombing going on in Gaza again. I have been trying to read up on this, but honestly, I just don't get it. I have been on Wikipedia this morning trying to read up on this conflict. From what I think I can understand now, the Jewish people were thrown out of The Land of Israel somewhere around the year 132 BC. And they have been fighting to get back since. In the 12th Century the Jews fled Europe because of Catholic persecution and settled again in the Holy Land. More came in the 15th after fleeing Spain, and still more in the 16th and 18th Centuries. And then in 1881 the Jews fled Eastern Europe. And it continued up through WWII. So many countries denied Jewish refugees. So they just kept fleeing to Israel. In 1947 the United Nations divided the area into two states, one Arab and one Jewish. The Arabs did not approve and refused to recognize it. This in turn caused Israel to start a war with the Arabs, which they won, and they took over more lands than what the UN set them up with. And here we are today. War after war after war still going on.
I just don't understand this whole thing. Why did the UN feel the need to "give" Jews their own State taking away lands from the Arabs? Why were the Jews thrown out of there to begin with? What is so horribly wrong with the religion of Judaism that almost the entire world has not been able to tolerate them for thousands and thousands of years? This has been going on way before the birth of Jesus, so how can some say it is because of the death of this prophet? Why are they still fighting? We are a few days away from the year 2009. Are people in the Middle East still so unprogressed in their thinking that they can not get past the whole "This is my land and I am not going to share it with a Jew."
I was raised a Catholic, but I no longer follow any type of religion. There has been so much death and destruction over religion for so many years that I just can not believe in it any longer. I do not think that people who need religion in their lives are wrong. That is for them. I just do not want it in mine. I believe that people should live their lives honestly with respect for all people. But it just does not happen. I know Born Again Christians who say that if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior then you are going to hell. Some people honestly believe that you are going to hell! Christian of you.
I did not raise my children under any type of religion. I believed it to be brainwashing to teach that at such a young age. Children believe what you tell them. I still to this day can not walk into a Catholic church without feeling the need to dip my fingers in Holy Water and do the sign of the cross before sitting in the pew. I feel like I am doing something wrong by not doing it. I decided that my children could do their own research when they were adults. My kids were going to be given the opportunity to choose, or not choose to follow whatever religion fit them. So far they have no interest. Most if not all of their friends are the same way.
I believe that organized religion is slowly disappearing as people become more educated about it's roots and they see how it continues to be the main cause of death and destruction throughout the world. I am not saying that religious people are not educated. I'm saying that some just believe what is told to them without looking into it and educating themselves. They believe it because that is what they were taught. If as an adult you have read about, or spoken to people of other religious backgrounds and you have made a decision that a certain religion is for you, then I respect you for it.
I have no hope for the Middle East though. How tragic that an area of our world can not progress enough as a people to just live and let live.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
I find religion to be incredibly interesting. I believe in God, but I have a very hard time with the whole "if you are not in our group than you are to burn in hell for eternity." I don't believe that God had the intention to put everyone into one group. The other thing that is so interesting is that almost all major religions in the world follow the same doctrine and even follow the same writings (those that the Christians call The Old Testament.) And yet, it is once you turn the page to find out about a Messiah, or a new prophet sent by God...well, that's when it all falls apart.
I find it incredibly sad when people read the Bible, yet bend the words to fit their own needs. The original writings were not in English and some words cannot be translated exactly as they were meant. I even believe that most people imagine Jesus to be an American and not a Jew. They see the long haired hippy-esque man that many of us grew up with, but some scientists have found proof that Jesus may have been much closer to how men in the Middle East look today.
The thing that gets me the most upset is when preachers stand at the pulpit and spew hatred to support their own beliefs during a political year. Look at all the lies that were spread this year about Obama... and how much of that was started, or grew, through a church.
I believe there is something... more out there... but nobody can know for sure what it is until we pass to the other side. Until then, I enjoy the stories and the history, but not the badness that religion can spawn.
Can you imagine if the Native Americans wanted to fight for their land today? It is basically the same idea...
Thank you for putting into words what some of my thoughts were this morning. I agree with you that some people twist the Bible to fit what their agenda is. To me, the Bible is stories that have been passed down and translated so many times that how can anyone really know what the true intent was. As for the Prophet Jesus being this beautiful white man with long blondish/brown hair, well isn't that how the Italian painters made him look around the middle ages or something like that? I should look that up. I'm sorry, but there were no white people in the Middle East back then. Even the Romans were not considered white. And they didn't speak with British accents either :-)
For real? Jesus didn't have a British accent? Next thing you are going to tell me is he didn't speak English either.
And how does Mary get to keep the title as "Virgin" after all these years? I mean, she had other children!
Is the lightening going to strike me yet?
Better duck!
Too funny ladies! I was just telling Donna hartlo that I believe that miracles do happen. I also believe that God knows all. I want to get into those Pearly gates so I behave accordingly. Most religions scare me and give me the willies. I have been to Mormon churches, Baptist churches and my favorite of all unusual churches , the Pentacost church whose members do not believe in interacting with other non Pentacosts. Now the Mormons who preached to me did so when they were stoned. I worked for the pentacosts and later they burned down their business to collect the insurance money, grandpa went to jail for raping a 6 year old and the son shot the Mother of his baby son and killed her. This was the same family that tried to force their religious beliefs
down my throat to make me a better person. Yeah, right!
Jesus could not have had golden brown hair and light skin. Those big pictures that everyone hangs over their sofa of that Jesus well I hate to say this but he should have been dark.
If my Indian relatives ever do want their land back then just hang with me. I will protect you at
least from the cherokee and apache.
I'm being silly. I'm making light of a situation because I
don't want to growl. I don't like it at all that people fight over religion and kill each other. Geez, they need to get along. Perhaps brain wash them to believe in peace by keeping
Wabbear's funny brownies around at all times. I bet loads of those brownies would make war stop and make people laugh and be happy.
Have a safe new years eve!!!
I'm up late I know, I'm trying to sleep but cant for some reason. I am Roman Catholic, I teach 2nd grade cat. and aid for 8th grade cat. My oldest is making is Confirmation in March, and my youngest is making is First Communion in May. We try and go to church every Sunday well 6:00 pm Mass on Saturday, but we miss do miss some masses. Both my husband and I are Roman Catholic, so we had no religion fights in our marriage, we married Catholic, Baptized our kids Catholic and so on. My religion is very close to me, but I do not push it on anyone. My neighbor down the street in a born again christian she was lost and then found herself, OMG I do not speak to her now because shes the biggest hypocrite two faced person you would ever want to meet. But prides herself on how Jesus is our Saviour okay whatever Lady. But I love to learn about different religious and cultures, to me its very interesting to learn new things.
The fighting that is going on in Israel is very sad. I don't like to read or hear about it, but then on another hand I like to be updated on current events. Like the firing of our Lions Coach Mr. Marinelli LOL, 0-16 what a record huh???? How embarassing for him. Just had to change the subject for a minute.
This is the first time I had a chance to stop by in a week. Barb, your pictures are beautiful of your tree and family.
My mother will be 67 on January 1, I am having a little get together with my cousins and my sister.
I hope I get a chance to stop in before the New Year. Yes Dreama I did cook a feast and just remember you all do not need an invitation you all are always welcome. We had Kielbasa, Pierogis, Potato Salad, Homemade cookies my MIL made YUMMO, and a few other things, can't remember now LOL.
Hopefully, I will stop by tomorrow well later today LOL.
Have a good Day Friends
Love to ALL!!!!!
No need to protect me from the Cherokee, Dreama, it's too late! Berry's ancestors were Cherokee.
As I like to say: "He's corn, I'm curry." "I'm dot, he's feather."
I'm the other Indian... not to be confused with the "other white meat." So when I call for computer support and I hear an Indian on the other end of the line, it doesn't frustrate me and I don't get all ugly about their accent. They are my peeps! ;o)
OK, well I at least really enjoy their food.
Hi Renee Eve....we posted at the same time! Happy to see you again. That meal sounds so delish to me... I think I am hungry again. Better get to bed so I can wake up and have breakfast.
Good night all!
Barb or Glynis
do either of you lovely ladies happen to know if Powell's buys dvd's as well as books?
word: faciesse OOO LA LA lol
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