**Updated again**

Shopping. I have to do it today. It's suppose to start snowing tomorrow at 6AM. I have no idea what will happen, and I have very few gifts bought. Like less than ten. So I am off, with lists in hand to buy buy buy. And to top it off....it is 18 degrees outside. Brrrrrrrrrrrr!
I also forgot to bring in the hummingbird feeders last night and they are now frozen. Poor little things. I don't have time to make new food, so I will just have to do it later.
So off I go. I will update later and let you know if I got anything accomplished!
Wish me luck!
Round 1 is over. I went to the Mall...shiver...
Actually it was not busy at all. Not a good sign for the economy. Get this...Nordstroms did not have anything on sale that I looked at. I guess they are not concerned about making any money this Holiday Season. I filled the trunk of the car, so I came home to drop it off, eat some lunch and go out for Round 2~!
Round 2 is over. I stopped by the house again to unload the trunk..again. LOL! OK....off for Round 3~!
Round 3 is over. And now I am all stressed. You would think that having most of the shopping done would be a relief. Nope. Not for me. I stress about what to buy and then I stress about how much I spent. Of course now I feel completely guilty about the amount. I did not even come close to getting the stuff on the kids lists. I realize that they were just giving me ideas, but their wants were uber expensive. I'm going to have to talk to them. Next year they can put 5 things on their list and the total has to be under $100. If they want to have all of it on one gift, then they get one gift. They're adults! I just want everyone to be happy and it stresses me out. And as usual Katie has more than everyone else. I just find so much stuff for her. Dollar wise I think her and Bryan are pretty close. See.....stressing.....I'm done. I can't think about this anymore. I already cried telling Robert how much I spent. He, of course, did not care. Men......
Hi Barb,
Well I hope you get or got alot accomplished today shopping!!!! My in-laws are giving my 13 and 8 year old money, so I know for a fact that I will be going out on Dec. 26 shopping with them. FUN,
Off the subject a little bit, my MIL makes me laugh really she does. At Christmas time she always says OH I cannot shop with my knees its to hard for me to shop. I'm just giving them money. But boy in the Summer or any other time of the year she can sure move her legs FAST when it comes to shop for flowers, or new things for her house, like carpeting, furniture, new rugs, appliances, etc. But when it comes to shopping for her grandchildren, who still like to open gifts shes always got to complain. I tell her what the want go to the internet right??? But shes always been a pain in my butt for 22 years and 2 years before we got married. I feel sorry for Anthony and Victor. Vincent only gets to open something because we went 1/2 with them on a guitar and lessons for him. Oh and she can go clothes shopping for her and Charlene my SIL who has MS and can't walk. The woman hasn't changed that much in 24 years a little but not that much, material things means much more to her than anything else its really sad. The saddest part is that if my sister in law would of been normal you know not have MS, and would have been able to get married and have children, my kids would of been treated like 2nd class citizens, I hate to say it, but its so TRUE. Her world revolved around Charlene and John was always pushed to the side, and the whole family treated him that way. When she was diagnosed with MS they did a lot of testing to find out what type of MS she had, well it came back that she had the Chronic Progressive type I guess its the worst type you can have, well Johns father said to him, Why did it have to happen to my good kid??? I was in shock when I heard this, I couldn't believe my ears we were only 26 at the time. Then a year later John was diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2. I know this is bad of me but I did not talk to my inlaws from 1992 until 1994 2 years I did not speak or see them, either did John. They still did not say they were sorry for saying this they just swept it under the rug. My kids do not know this and they don't need to. I'm ok with my in-laws I grew up alot and learned to overlook things, plus the only people I would be hurting would be my children and I would not want to hurt them. They want John and I to buy a new house because everyone of the cousins have big houses, I said I'm fine with my house. Ok enough I'm sorry. I hope you do get a lot of shopping done Barbara and I sure hope I can get somethings done around here today. I will check back in later to see how much you got done.
Hey Renee Eve. I don't have time to read your comment, btu I will later.
Barb! I forgot to tell you yesterday amidst all of the puppy hub-bub that I got your Christmas card :D Thank you so much! Mine may be late lol...this is the first year I decided to send them out, so I'm still learning :D
Today's word: glyriess
I have a tradition of doing my Christmas shopping at the beginning of November and making sure I am finished by Thanksgiving. This year it was easier than ever because I shopped on the Internet at kohls.com, macys.com, samsclub.com and swisscolony.com. It was really easy. I went to the web sites and typed in products and even got free shipping and huge discounts. The guys will get wallets with a $1,000,000 bill (fake of course),books, games and chocolate covered colosal cashews.
My Mom and sister got bath gift sets, earrings & Godiva chocolates. Everyone got a new watch because they were on sale! My grandma is getting a cashmere scarf and she loves family photos so I got her a frame with a voice recorder. I recorded a message and put in a photo of me and Cinnamon.
December I always want to make sure that I can kick back and enjoy Christmas shows, go see Christmas lights and attend parties.
For Chistmas I treat myself to
an hour long massage at a nice place that has aroma candles, relaxing music and can do deep tissue massage. Barb & ReneeEve it sounds like I should book us all to go. Adriana you can come also!
My word for tonight is versin! LOL
Oh Barb, I feel your pain! The problem I am facing is that the kids believe in Santa and only ask for things that cost over $100 EACH! Things like American Girl Dolls, Nintendo DS, Wii, all the accesories, digital cameras.... I am like, hey! What happened to getting a board game? Or a set of hot curlers.
Speaking of that... did I ever tell you about the year "Santa" brought me hot curlers and they were under the tree for weeks before Christmas? I unwrapped them, used them, and when they cooled I wrapped them in the same paper. My mother never even noticed that my hair was curly. It was the last year I ever peeked though. I was so depressed on Christmas morning when I had nothing special... no surprises.
Now when I get ANYTHING, no matter how small it is, I stick it under the tree. It makes Christmas morning so much more fun when you have a surprise!
Glad you got it done before the Blizzard of '08 hits! (Wishful thinking here in North Bend, WA!)
Too funny Glynis! When I was a kid I picked holes in the packages to take a looksie but you have me beat! It's just way too much tempation for a kid to handle. :0)
Yes Glynis, its much easier when they are babies and you can go get Fischer Price Toys the Farm, Little People I LOVED THEM. We have the Wii and a lot of accessories but my boys have bought a lot of it with their allowance and Birthday Money, Nintendo DS Lite I think we have 5 of them now in the house, and Victor will be getting another one on Saturday for his Birthday, the Blue and Black one. He broke his red and black one. the screen is only attached at one hinge. To be honest they only last about a year for 7 or 8 year olds. Vincent and ANthony keep theirs in good condition. Victor is getting a lot of Lego the City version hes IN LOVE with them this year. Anthony is getting 2 things, a new cell phone he wants the COOL ONE (give me a break) and him and Vincent a together gift got the Guitar Hero on Tour Bundle with the Guitar, Drums, microphone, and the game. Then my inlaws refuse to shop because its always something with them LOL read my first post. Ok its 10:00 I really need to clean and do laundry. Please pray I get some stuff done today!!!!!!
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