Oiy...I need to get moving. There is a new egg already today and I have spent a couple hours that I don't have trying to find it. So I quit for now. I have cards to make, more cookies to bake, and decorations to get out still. So I need to get off this computer!
Have a great day!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Barb - get crackin'! If I have time to hunt I'll send ya the second I find.
DREAMA- I need your address (and your full name) email me or myspace message me? email is hunniebunnie219@yahoo.com
GLYNIS - same thing :D
I swear I'm gonna blog today lol.
Hi Adri~
Had to run to the store. Made 3 cards. Cookie dough is made and first batch is in the oven. I'm staving! Decorations will have to wait until Tues. I have some out. I just need to put some more of the stuff out. Kinda looks Christmas bare in here.
I am going to search for the new egg while cookies are in the oven. Wish me luck!
Hey Barb
Mom's gonna make fudge and we have pre-cut sugar cookie dough and she's gonna make applesauce cake but for people at her work. Once she's done with working this week she'll be able to make the stuff for us at home.
I finally blogged!!! LMAO
The first few sentences is at the top then all of the photos are in a row and then the rest of the story.... it doesnt look like that in the preview so I dont know what the heck is up with it LOL
I will go to your blog now and check it out. I'm so sorry you lost Luna.
I just remembered that you weren't able to find that blog about my cat so I copied it and am going to paste it below LOL :D
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Current mood: sad
Category: Life
Yesterday was the worst day I've had in a while. My cat has been going downhill being 19yrs old and she was very skinny and looking pretty pitiful. We were going to take all of the dogs and her to the vet next week since mom would be home too. I was going to ask him if he thought it was time to have her put to sleep or maybe there was something he could do for her. She had been crying a lot and was obviously unhappy, but I started feeding her wet food and she got a little perkier, but then 2 days ago I thought that she was pretty much back to being like she was before the wet food. She didn't really walk around anywhere, I mean she did walk around just not a lot. She would basically just stay by her food and water. Well, we don't have to take her to the vet or make a decision about whether or not to have her put to sleep. Yesterday I left the house at around 3:45, before I left she I had given her more food and fresh water and she was eating. As I walked out the door I yelled (as I always do when I go somewhere) "I love you Cali!!". I was only gone about 40 mins. and I went back home. I walked in the door and looked over where she would lay on her blanket and she was laying on the floor off of her blanket and it was obvious to me that she wasn't just laying there as if she were on her blanket. I went over and saw her eyes open and her mouth slightly open. I knew she was dead. I didn't cry at first, but I shook her gently and called out her name a few times and she obviously wasn't regaining anything, and I decided that it wasn't even worth it to try and bring her back. She was better off in kittie heaven. That's when I started crying. I was the only one home and I didn't know what to do, so I called my mom and she didn't answer then I called Jeremy and he didn't answer but my mom called me right back and I told her and she came home even though she was already in the parking lot of her school for open house. I sent Luis and dad a text and luis answered and then I called dad and he said he'd be home in 10mins. Jeremy called and said he was sorry, but she was old and now in a better place. Luis wanted us to wait for him to bury her, so we did. Now she is spending her eternal rest in our pet cemetery in our front yard. Guarding my bedroom. She was the best cat in the world, a cat for dog lovers. She didn't bother anyone or anything and she did nothing but love everyone unconditionally. It will be weird not seeing her everyday because I have seen her everyday of my life since I was 5 years old. I love her and miss her.
RIP My sweetie cat.
That was it! LOL I don't know which is worse... coming home to an old friend who's passed or having to have an old friend put down unexpectedly :( Oh well - I want puppies! LOL
I think that it's hilarious the things they have us type in the word verification so I'm going to start reporting it LMAO tonight's word is: untiosty .... can we contact Webster on that one?? :D
Adri...Thank you for sharing that. Every morning when I wake up I check to see if Cammy is still breathing. Every day when I come home for lunch I go check to see if Cammy is still breathing. Every day when I come home from work I go check to see if Cammy is stil breathing. I feel like I have been watching her die for a year. The Vet said she could be around for a another year. So I guess every morning when I wake up I will check......I think you get the picture.
Tonights word: mingi LOL!!!!!
I have been AWOL from the computer with Christmas and all.
Adriana you've got mail.
I will try to check back later and I will try to get to all of the Face Book requests. I have 75 eggs to pick up and other requests for charity drives and to do the Christmas tree thing. Then I have to join Scrappys mob so that I can begin to build my empire. Gosh something about Mafia world in one hand and Hatchlings in the other hand sounds so twisted! LOL
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