Presents. Robert says I overdo it every year. How can you "overdo" Christmas? To me it never seems like there is enough. There is always something else to get. Usually for Bryan because I have bought so much for Katie. She is so easy to buy for. She may not like everything I get her, but she WILL wear the clothes I bought her...dang it! LOL! So I was always having to add more for Bryan, and he is hard to buy for. Or was. He just never wants anything. His list is a few things. He never wants clothes, but I always buy some. If I didn't buy him clothes for Christmas he would wear the same thing until it fell off him. This year, even though they are adults, I still asked for lists. I needed ideas. Next year though, 5 things per list, total of the 5 has to be $100 or less. That's it. No more $55 movies. No more $30 video games. If they want those things, then it comes out of their $100. And I'm sticking to that! Or at least I will try to!
I loved Christmas morning when I was a kid. The only presents that went under the tree before Santa came were the ones that us kids gave each other. There were 5 of us so there were quite a few gifts sitting under there. Before we went to bed, we were allowed to open one present. Then off to bed we would go to await the arrival of Santa. And we were never disappointed. There were so many presents that half of the living room would be full! I know I have a picture of one Christmas growing up. I will find it later today and try to upload it tonight or tomorrow. I will upload a picture from Bryan's first Christmas. I have that on myspace, so it was easy to get to it. I was horrible at peeking though. Actually I was a great peeker, I just was horrible for looking! I knew at least one gift every year. I would find the gifts in my parents room and I would find one with my name on it and carefully open one end, see what it was and then carefully tape it back closed. No one ever knew. I was pretty good at it. It took me years to stop peeking. I'm talking being married and having kids and still knowing at least one gift! If I could not find the gifts, I would find receipts! So pathetic.
One year I decided that I wanted to have all the presents under the tree that were for the kids and Robert, except of course the ones from Santa. He doesn't come until Christmas Eve! Anyway, we put all of the gifts under the tree for a couple weeks. Come Christmas morning Robert started passing out gifts. He picked up one for Bryan. And looked kind of confused. He turned it around. Bryan had opened one end. Not just opened the tape, but tore it open then shoved that end back under the tree so that we would not see. Then Robert picked up another present for Bryan. Same thing. One end all torn open. Gift after gift for Bryan was opened on one end and then that end put under the tree so that we would not know. He had opened all of them! And his idea of us not knowing was to hide the opened end. Like we would not see it when it was Christmas morning! Like mother like son.That was the last time I put presents under the tree before the kids went to bed Christmas Eve. Even now I don't put them out. Mostly so that Kodiak & Alyeska don't get into them!
Your comment yesterday was what gave me the idea for todays blog. That is so funny that you actually used your gift and them rewrapped it!
I really like your idea of having all of your gift buying done before December. I wish I could be that organized, but I'm always looking for that great sale. If I started buying gifts in November everyone would have a buttload of stuff!
Renee Eve....
I'm so sorry that your MIL is such a pill. It's sad when parents show such favoritism to one child. I can't understand how someone can do that. I could never love one child more than the other. It's like that old saying...You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family.
I actually like this saying better..You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose. But you can't pick your friends nose!
I'm so excited about the puppies! I hope momma and her new babies are doing well! I'm glad you got the card and will be looking out for yours!
Ho, ho, ho...It's the count down to Christmas! Whee!!!!
Woah, Barb that's a lot of gifts under the tree! That looks like my grandma's house when we were all little.
Wow, I didn't know there are $55 movies. I do know that Wii games are $80 up so David can go buy his toys himself. He is 50 years old now for goodness sakes and his tastes in toys are over the top such as the RC airplanes that he buys and wants. His scale Jet cost $2000. Ugh! He has 20 RC airplanes and is building another one. Why doesn't it ever end?! LOL
Tonight we are going to see the live nativity at the church and then go see the Polar Express display. We are also going to a Christmas dinner. I love going to cozy restaurants this time of year that put up Christmas trees and pipe in the Holiday music.
Barb, that is funny. I have always been described with that adjective "organized". I get that from my Dad and he learned it from his career in the military. My Dad even organizes his tools in his garage and puts labels above where each tool goes. I had to organize David's closet and put up labels that said work jeans and new jeans so he'd stop ruining all of his brand new jeans working under his cars.
Today is much warmer so I am out of here and heading over to Best Buy to buy some devices for my computer!
xoxo everyone!!!
Barb, I have a feeling that if you were my mom, you would have noticed my curly hair and the re-packaged gift under the tree. I think I would be tempted to keep the gifts that had been opened for an extra week, like til the New Year. See if they ever peek again!
I am sure Bryan felt like I did after I peeked. Christmas morning is just not very exciting.
OK Barb, I was up half the night because I was dreaming...and I have a prediction. (You heard it here first!) The "5 Golden Rings" will be an Olympics Egg!! It kept me up thinking about it. I think I am officially obsessed now.
So, school was cancelled today. The streets were wet, but not snowy or even icy. We are expecting to get hit this afternoon though, and it just started snowing, so it BETTER snow hard! I made sure to run to the liquor store to get stuff to make hot buttered rum... since I keep thinking about it ever since your Leavenworth blog!!!
Kaitlyn is back in bed. She hardly slept last night because she had curlers in her hair for a Christmas show she was supposed to be in tonight (it got cancelled due to "expected" snow.) I just took the curlers out and sent her back to bed. Poor girl!
I am ready to start drinking!
Oh man G....I want some of that hot buttered rum! I printed up the recipe but have not taken the time to make it. We are going to a friends for dinner Saturday and she told me she has hers all made and has a gallon of rum! We are set! Woo Hoo!!! I made it into work fine. No snow on the ground. It has been snowing off and on, but nothing is sticking. There are a few flakes coming down right now. I feel so bad for Kaitlyn. There is nothing worse than sleeping in curlers~!
word of the hour: siditch!
Howdy gals! I am so happy my mom is baking right now LOL I offer to help but she says no... at least I offer :) She's making small loaves, loafs? what's plural of loaf??? LMAO .... ok... she's making a loaf of applesauce cake for each of her co-workers. Then she's making fudge and cutting off the edges and we get the edges and she's making the neat middles into pieces to give to her co-workers... For us she is making 7 layer cookies :D and eventually we have precut sugar cookies to bake n decorate.
I remember when she was teaching... she's make things for her students or maybe it was her fellow teachers, but I just remember she wasn't making things for us :(
I LOVE 7 layer cookies ... has anyone had them? I can get recipes for yall if you'd like.
DREAMA! Sign me up for the spa day too :D
I was never a peeker of gifts and I didn't even look for them around the house or in closets. Jeremy said he ALWAYS found the gifts when he was little, in his parent's closet... he was so bad/good at it that his parents had to get a storage unit to keep the gifts!!! Now that's bad LOL
We got to the point where mom and dad said "all you two put on your list are electronics, dvds, and cds, so let's just buy things that the family can use." That turned into all of us buying board games that didn't really get played... so now we're to the point where we aren't really buying presents... mainly because I don't have money and my bro and his wife aren't rich either... this year we were going to put the money into doing things as a family.
I can't wait to have a job, then I can buy presents for everyone. I try to keep my hopes up for finding a job even after all of these places around here are laying off hundreds of people. Even a school district down here just cut 200 jobs. How will I find a job with all of these people added to the pool of job searchers? *SIGH*
Well I'm starving so I'm going to go find something to snack on before dinner... dad's making dinner this week, but he's snoring in his chair and it's already 6:20! On the upside... I'm watching You've Got Mail :D I love it LOL
Tonight's word: norero ??? LOL
ok - i guess i typed it in wrong... now it's ousegant WTF!
Thanks for sharing mom...... -Bryan
LOL Bryan! What's the matter? Don't want everyone to know that you unwrapped ALL of your presents that year??? Too late!
Adri....mmmmmmm 7 layers cookie sound good! I ahve never had them, but any cookie that is 7 layers has to be good!
word of the moment: sicalst
That's too funny that Bryan left that comment :) Don't worry Bryan it's what kids do, I was just an unusual one, I think :)
Barb - I'll post the recipe as soon as mom finishes with it, check back tomorrow cuz I'll probably have to steal it when she's asleep :D
But I CAN tell you it has coconut, choc chips, butterscotch chips, sweetened condensed milk, graham cracker crumbs, butter, and nuts (I think either pecans or walnuts?). My favorite!
Word: matoxb
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