Saturday, December 20, 2008

And more pics! Be sure to look at the other ones too!

Front yard around 3PM

Front yard




Adriana said...

Barb - if you just copy that HTML code that's there under Bonus Shells and then go to Layout and then Page Elements. Then it should say Add a Gadget then go down to HTML/JAVA and paste the code there. I didn't get any errors when I did it. Let me know if it works! I love your pictures!

What is the difference between yours and Robert's cameras? I seriously have that pic of your house with lights that Robert took on my laptop wallpaper :)

Stay warm and I hope you don't lose power! Take a ton of pictures LOL I wish it'd snow here... it did back in '04 ... so I never say never... I just wish to say AGAIN soon :D

Word: cohfora LOL

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

Hey Adri! We have 8" now! It's crazy! And still snowing.....
Robert has a nice a Canon Rebel something blah blah camera! It's really nice. Mine is just a FujiFilm FinePix. I just took new pics! Will upload.
LOL at you putting our house as your background! That's funny!