I love Christmas. But then again, everyone that I know loves Christmas! But I must say, that it has become so stressful. And only because I make it that way. I try to do too much. For me, it's all about making sure that everyone around me has a wonderful time. I want them to get what they want, or be surprised by something they would have never expected. I end up putting so much pressure on myself. Makes me long for those times when I was a child and everything was so easy. I only had to buy 4 gifts. One for each of the siblings. We were given $4 and taken down to the 88 Cent Store. I loved that store. It was so much fun. It was in downtown Vancouver. The main floor was toiletries, wrapping paper and bows and stuff like that. But the downstairs....well that was the TOYS! And everything was only 88 cents! I loved going down there. And the funnest part was trying to get your gifts picked out without a brother or sister coming around the corner to see what you were getting them! I still remember one of my favorite gifts that my brother Mike gave me. An entire mini tea set. It was so cute! I played with that all the time with my Barbie. Of course it was a little too big for Barbie, but that was during the OLD days when you had to have an imagination! No video games for us! LOL!
I also loved going to both sets of grandparents houses. We always went to Grandma & Grandpa Gus's for Christmas Eve, and to Grandma & Grandpa Miller's for Christmas Day. I posted a pic of G&G Gus in an earlier blog. Christmas Eve was spent running around with cousins in the basement or sitting upstairs and watching the color wheel turn the silver tree all different colors. They would play Christmas Carols on the organ and we would sing. Or they would tell their dog Simone to go play the piano, and the dog would run downstairs and start pounding on the piano keys. Hilarious. The evening always ended with Grandpa getting out is metal Band-Aid container full of nickels to play cards. Which in turn always ended up with someone accusing Grandpa of cheating because the cards were in braille and they said he would feel the corner as he dealt them and would know what everyone had in their hand! He would just laugh.
Christmas day was at my mom's parents house. It was a very small house that my Grandpa built in the 40's. And it was always packed! And hot from the fireplace. When I was really little, I remember sitting on my Grandpa's lap once and he showed me where he was shot in the war, which was WWII. He lifted his shirt and there on his belly was a bullet hole. OK, it was really his belly button, but at the time I thought he had been shot! Grandma always made fudge, divinity and Russian Tea Cakes. I was never a fan of divinity, but my sister Terri loved the stuff. We would exchange gifts that usually were handmade.
Both nights were always totally different, but both were always full of love and laughter. I hope that I have been able to give my kids fond Christmas memories. And someday I hope to do the same with my grandbabies!
Hi Barb! Sounds like your past Christmas holidays were quite fun. Great memories! Thanks for sharing! I'm sure you have provided your kids with some wonderful memories as well.
Have a great day!
Good afternoon Shirley! I'm glad to see you have stopped today.
If I don't see you again today, have a wonderful day!
Thank you for the kind comments!
Hi Barb and Shirley, and anyone else who stops in after me.
Oh Barb what beautiful memories you have of Christmas. We are the same age, so yes I also remember the color wheel on the tree, how funny huh??
My mother and father were divorced so my mom and sister and I lived with my grandparents. When I was 5 we moved to Sterling Hts. which is about 25 miles north of Detroit. So we always had Christmas Eve and everyone would come to our house, our house was FULL, we went to 3:30 mass on Christmas Eve and everyone came over around 7:00 pm they would stay LATE. Christmas Day my sister and I and my cousin Larry, my Aunt also lived there with just 2 of her boys her other 3 kids were married. So the three of us would open up our Santa Gifts and my Mom, Aunt, and Grammy & JaJa, would get up to watch us, then we would have a brunch of left overs, then play with our new toys.
Christmas Day was sorta boring for me as a kid because we just stayed home and did nothing.
Now that my mother lives with me, I have Christmas Eve, and my MIL has Christmas Day, so my kids got the two family celebrations on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, they like Christmas Eve better because they have their cousins my sisters kids, she has two kids a boy 12, and a daughter 10, so there are 5 kids ages 8-13, then if my cousin comes and she always does she has 2 kids, her son is 3 days younger than my youngest, and her daughter is 3, and all the kids just LOVE her.
I agree with you Barb, we put pressure on ourselves to make it a special Holiday and Memories for our children, this year I told my kids I'm not pressuring myself I will do what I can do. So we have 1 tree up, and nothing else. If I have time this week I will put up a few more things, but at lease we have the tree up. For some reason, I just don't have the energy this year to do nothing, I have no idea why???? So I'm praying that I find my Christmas Spirit Energy SOON!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing your memories with us.
Hey Barbara, Shirley & Renee!!!I triple loved this blog Barbara. I came home from a long exhausting day filled full of maniac drivers all rushing about doing last minute Christmas shopping and a sea of stressed out people around me. I was thinking Christmas shouldn't be this way. Then I came home and turned on my computer and came to read your blog! It brought back so many of my own fond memories of times when I was a child. I always looked forward to helping my Mom put strands of silver tinsel on a fresh cut tree. Our ornaments weren't extravegent. They were just colored glass balls from Woolworth. Christmas was all about the excitement of knowing that we would travel to grandma's house and spend it with all of our cousins on Christmas Eve. It wasn't that important what gifts we received. I was always content with a teddy bear, a Barbie, a stocking filled with candy or fuzzy pink slippers. One of my favorite gifts was a set of Ragedy Ann & Andy dolls. The biggest thrill for me was knowing that we would all be together as a family. Christmas carolers would be walking around in the neighborhood. I so loved that! Christmas Day we would go to my other grandparent's house and have grandma's traditional pineapple glazed ham, green bean casserole, baked beans and home made strawberry cake. Oh those were the gool ole days!
Hi Dreama,
I so remember Raggedy Ann and Andy, I also had their alarm clock, drove my Grandfather nuts, LOL because I had one and my sister had one, it said it little talk over and over until you shut it off. It was very annoying LOL. Well I'm almost done shopping, Bless my mom, she did all my shopping on line yesterday, I gave her my debit card and she had hers, so she knew what the boys wanted so it took her like 6 hours to order everything from all the different stores. Today, John and I went and bought Vincent his guitar, It was like a package, he got the Guitar, Amp, Headphones, Case, strap, everything, then we also got him 1 month of lessons, this kid has been wanting guitar lessons for like 1 1/2 years or more. He will be SO EXCITED. I have 1 more store K-marts, for odds and ends (stocking stuffers), they have them Joe Boxer fleece PJ pants on sale, which the boys LOVE and so does John, then some socks, and just a few other little things. Then I'm done with shopping. In Victors class this year the teacher wanted a Gift Card for Lord and Taylor so if every kid gave $5.00 that would be $100.00 so I did that this year, it was nice, like the note said how many candles, cookies and candy can teachers have. I agree, but I think I would enjoy the candy and homemade cookies LOL, just saying.
Barb and Glynis you guys must be busy today cooking, decorating???
I will try and stop by a little later I have to clean up dinner, I know its 10:15 pm then take a shower and watch DOOL, and Y&R, do you guys watch any soaps??? I know Dreama watches General Hospital. I do love my Soaps.
Good Evening Renee and Dreama. I have been on Facebook since I got home. I cooked dinner first, but have been on there since.
Dreama...It makes me feel good that you liked my blog today. It made me feel good to write it! I liked reading about your memories too!
Renee....I have not shopped. Ugh. I have so much to do the rest of this week. I'm going to try to get a lot done tomorrow because it's suppose to start snowing. And when it snows here people freak out. We are not used to it. And it's really hilly so sometimes it can be difficult to get around. I have snow routes! LOL!
Cross your fingers that I will be able to get a lot of shopping done tomorrow!
Tonights verification word: wificfk
WTH????? LOL!
Barb your memories made me feel all warm and fuzzy :) My grandparents on my dad's side had both passed before I was born, even if they would've been alive, they'd live in Mexico City. My mom's parents lived in Kansas (where I was born) for most of my childhood. But every Christmas has always been wonderful. We did spend one Christmas in Mexico City with my mom's parents and one of her sisters... THAT was SO much freakin' fun!!! and cold! :D
I'm sorry I didn't come earlier, but we've been busy with puppies since this afternoon. We're up to 8... not sure if she's done. She still looks a bit big... but we'll see.
Tonight's word: Jurizat LMAO
Good morning! I'm sorry that I didn't check back in last night. We were tuckered out and it was cold so we went to bed early after watching Charlie Brown. I gave Cinnamon a beef rawhide chew bone and I laid down on the sofa watching her chew on it and making sure she didn't bite off any large pieces. She recieved a package of small size bones in her Christmas gift bag from her grandparents. Yeah I know she is spoiled. :0)
This morning I was listening to the news and they said Toys For Tots doesn't have enough toys this year. I am going to go run over to Big Lots and see if I can scoop up a few dolls, teddy bears and toys on sale. Usually we go on the Toys For Tots Harley run but this year it was so cold.
ReneeEve I'm still thinking about the fact that your son's teacher asked for Lord & Taylor gift cards. LOL I don't think that thought would enter my mind or that I'd even make that request. I'd just appreciate the cookies and what ever a child picked out for me personally themselves. Gifts from children come from their hearts and that is very special. I once had a child wrap up their most favorite old teddy bear. I kept asking them are you sure you want me to have this but the child kept saying yes. I did also ask the child's parent and the parent said yes.
ReneeEve & Adriana you both have mail!
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