Aly getting into the presents!

Our tree

Bryan, Celina, Robert & Aly

My mommy!

Katie & Timmy
Here are a few pictures of my Christmas. As soon as we are past New Years I will go back to just regular ol blogs....
I hope everyone has a fantastic day!
Hello Barb!!
I love your photos! It looks like a lot of fun and a lot of love with your home and family. Your mom is adorable! You have been blessed with a wonderful family, but I know you already knew that!
Is your snow melting?? Ours is and it makes me very happy! It is time to be able to get into the car and drive without needing a survival kit and worrying if you will make it to the other side of town safely.
What are your plans for New Year's Eve? Are you hanging at home? Take care and enjoy this relaxing time of the year.
Great pics, lots of snow! wow.
Hello there G and Bebbi!
G....yes the snow is melting. I loved it though! We are down to I think the layer of ice with a little snow underneath. We have no plans for New Years Eve. Every year we go to the Winter Hawks hockey game, but since we did not get our season tickets this year, due to butthole owners who have now sold the team (yeah), we have no plans. It will actually be nice to just stay home. We are having Katie and Tim over on New Years Day to watch the Winter Classic hockey game. It's an outdoor game that will be played this year at Wrigley Field! So we are have fondue. Yummmmm!!!!
Bebbi....Wasn't that a crazy amount of snow?!!!! I'm so glad that the walking has been working for you. That is so fantastic! I realy need to get back out there and get moving!
having fondue! a little typo!
Do you buy a fondue packet already made, or do you make your fondue from scratch? I would love a good cheese fondue recipe. I always try to remake it like they do in "The Melting Pot" but it is never the same. I love fondue!! We usually have it on New Year's eve too...after we come home from bowling.
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