I was shopping the other day, walking the aisles, minding my own business when I was suddenly, and without warning, attacked. Right there in the canned goods aisle. No warning at all. It happened all so fast I was turning right and left trying to figure out just where it had come from. There was no one around. But someone had been there. Probably not long before I had gotten there. And they left something. Right there in the canned goods aisle it was left to assault me. Someone had killed the canary, left a message from the interior, had started an air attack.....someone had farted and it was still there....in the aisle, lingering. I was none to happy. But then the fear set in. Is someone going to come down the canned goods aisle now and see me and think that I had left that drifter? I wanted to hurry and get out of there before someone came down. But then I started to think that if I ran from the area and someone saw me, then caught a whiff of that air biscuit, would my fleeing cause them to think that it was for sure me? What should I do??? Why couldn't the air offender have gone to the coffee aisle and had his/her little butt burp there? Coffee smell overpowers everything. No one would have ever known about their poop without the mess. But instead, here I was trying not to pass out. I grabbed what I needed and kept right on shopping farther down the aisle.
I never knew if anyone came into that aisle. I was afraid to turn around and check. I started to go down the baking goods aisle, but up ahead I saw tiny yellow feathers fluttering to the floor. I backed up and skipped that aisle.....
Oh gosh....I just saw on Yahoo News that Nora Roberts has opened a B&B 60 miles from DC. I want to go soooo bad. I just sent the link to hubby and told him to make it happen...some day. I want to stay in the Jane and Rochester room, or the Elizabeth and Darcy room. She has really fun packages too! One package is the room, wine, pizza, 2 books and a a gift certificate for the shop across the street! Fun!
Check it out....
I would do a hyper link, but every time I try to follow someones instructions, it never works out.
I wanted you to know that I wrote out a long comment earlier today and when I hit send it got eaten alive... and I was too frustrated to repost.
I will try again tomorrow.
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