Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Funny LOLcat

I need something to make me giggle today....this is it!


Adriana said...

LMAO that was hilarious Barb:D I am saddened... parents are leaving to Seattle in the morning :( Though, it'll be nice to be in a quiet house... I wonder how long it'll last though. I love a quiet house, but I will miss my parents. Jeremy got his tax return so I need to figure out when I can go up :D I miss him a lot. We've been through some stuff n I have a newfound love for his ass LOL I have to wait til after I go to jury duty to find out whether I have to stick around or not LOL.

word: nomenest

can't think of a damn thing for this word! LOL

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

Bummed that you are not coming to Seattle. Totally would have gone up to meet you!
You will get to be with your guy soon. I have feeling you guys will end up getting married!
word: hypers
sentence: Stop being so freaking hypers!

Adriana said...

Did I tell you - he bought me a $25 gift card and then said that he got me something else but he was waiting until I got up there to give it to me?! I am wondering if it's a ring... but I really don't think so LOL. I honestly don't wanna take things to the next level until we've lived in the same town, in close proximity for a while. We'll have been together for 3 years on March 12. But, if you add up the amount of time we've actually been together, it doesn't total that. Although, I don't think it's an engagement ring... he DID surprise me with a promise ring after only having been together for 9 months.

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

awwwwww.....sounds like a sweetie!