As I kid I loved to play games. I still do. I think that is why I am so addicted to the Hatchlings search on Facebook. It's a game. Like Hide & Seek. We played that a lot when we were kids. In the Summer we would have neighborhood Hide & Seek games. After the sun set we would all run around between the houses and hide. It was so much fun. We would set area limits such as "You can go as far as Christy's but you can't go down to David's." Then we changed it up a little to include our daylight football game. We would work in groups and take the football and hide. Can you imagine our kids now even thinking of playing outside like that??? It's kinda sad actually. But then again....they are so far advanced in computers because of all of the computer and video games they play. But I would pick running around in the dark outside hiding a football over paying Zelda.
I had so many games that I loved to play. I don't think I ever took a trip to the beach with out buying a new deck of cards. I could play Rummy, Slap Jack, War and Go Fish forever. And when I couldn't get anyone to play cards anymore, I would play Solitaire. I loved board games too. Candy Land, Monopoly, Clue, Sorry, Parcheesi, Chutes and Ladders, Yahtzee, Scrabble, and the always fun Twister. There was one board game that I loved to play, but I did not own it. My friend Christy did. It was called Masterpiece. It was a game where you collected your favorite works of art. I loved this game. I don't know why I never asked for it as a Christmas gift. The funniest thing about this game was when I was in Chicago at the Art Institute, I saw so many of the pieces of art that were in this game! It amazed me to be standing in front of the real painting of some of my favorite cards to get in the game. I may have to look around and see if I can find Masterpiece and just buy it for myself!
Anyone want to play????
yeh....don't think i will be buying it brand new!
i also found original games on ebay for about $16.00 and up. but i hate to buy stuff on ebay. looks like i won't be getting it any time soon :-(
Wow, I haven't seen this game in many years. I had it when I was a little kid.
It's Ok to buy it off of EBay Barb. Just pay via Paypal and if it's not what the seller described then ask for your money back via Paypal. Most sellers are now honest and try as hard as they can to describe things extremely accurately otherewise they get into trouble. I have been a seller on EBay for 10 years. EBay is monitored real heavily these days and the buyer reaps all of the benefits and we sellers must bend over backwards now to please the buyers even hard to please buyers and ones who wish to just rent our items for a month and then send it back.Ugh! LOL.
Glynis it was nice to see you last night in chat but it was past midnight in my area so I had to go to bed. I would have loved to have stayed.We watched that new Batman movie with Heath Ledger.I think it's called Dark Knight? It was pretty good but sad also.
Good morning Barbara and all that come in later.
I have a Chiropracter appointment this afternoon and a one hour massage. Oh and Glynis I have no choice but to go out in the rain. LOL. You may have heard that I have a twin on Rossblog. Some think it is Roland but I know it's that other troll. What a waste of a life to just hang out at a computer to spew nasty crap. I'm glad to be me and happy in life always. I think that's the part that just drives trolls mad when they see a person enriched with a wonderful life and wonderful friends and they are miserable.(I got off the subject) Typical me. LOL. But I got up this morning and had so many e-mails telling me about the imposter using my name. Idiot imposter.Everyone knows that's not me. Anywho...LOL
Have a wonderful day!
Good morning Dreama! I may have to do some more research about buying the game on ebay. I really would like to have one of the original games from the 70's. Did you enjoy the game when you had it? I wanted it so bad.
I'm so sorry that "someone" is still bothering you. Some people really just need to get a life. I don't understand why they get so much pleasure out of picking on other people. You're not the only person they target. Just continue to be yourself!
I'm so sorry to hear about Renee Eve. When it rains it pours. It will be better soon for her. She is in my thoughts.....
Have a great day....and enjoy your massage!
For anyone who stops by whether you just read the blog or if you leave a comment...
Please send positive thoughts to Glynis, her family and the people living along the same river that she does. It is about to overflow. I have been to her house in the Summer and even then you could see the river behind her house. But now she said it is dangerously close to her house.
Be safe G!!!!
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