I just do not know how I feel about this past Friday nights Ghost Whisperer episode. I know, I know....it's just a TV show. But It's my TV show. I love this show. I have seen almost every episode since the first season. I hated..HATED...when they killed off Aisha Tyler's character Andrea, and now her husband! WTF??? I knew he was going to die for sure when he went back to the house. It was too obvious. Well you could actually tell from the stupid trailers that they show all week what will be happening the next week. They kept Andrea's death a secret up until the reveal, but they blew it on this one. Why did they need to kill off Jim? And it's just the beginning of the season? Not happy. Nope. Not happy at all.
Speaking of trailers...why do they have to show you all the best parts of a movie or TV show in the trailer? Can't they just do a few clips with a Don Pardo voice over giving you just a little teaser about what the movie or show is about? I go to the movies....ahem....a lot. Like almost once a week....and...ummmm....sometimes twice. There are a lot better things I could spend my money on, but there is just something about going to a movie and sitting there in the dark with your popcorn, diet soda, and Peanut M&M's. (I hear the diet soda eliminates the M&M calories) So I see a ton of trailers. I love to see a good trailer for a movie I have never heard of. Such as the Brad Pitt movie coming out called The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Ooooooo...it looks so good. I love a movie that is unique, like Memento. I also quite enjoy just a silly comedy. Hence the disappointment of too many trailers. I'm am really looking forward to the new Reese Witherspoon/Vince Vaughn movie, Four Christmases. It looks hilarious. But I'm so afraid that I have seen all of the best gags now. That has happened before. Music & Lyrics. It was such a disappointment because they showed all the best stuff in the trailer. AND....they even had clips in the trailer that were not even in the final cut of the movie! I hate that! It it happens more then you think. How can they have something in the trailer, and it's funny, and then it gets cut from the movie???? Kinda bugs me. Yeh...I kinda get a little wrapped up in my movies....
Geeze....I thought that I had added a link for the official website for the movie, but it did not show up. So here it is if anyone would like to see the trailer.
Good morning Barbara. I was flipping channels and watching GW and DWTS. I get bummed when they kill of characters also.
It's a bit windy today and we are supposed to get rain tomorrow and Tuesday so I have to rush and go do errands.
Last night I rented the movie 88 Minutes.That movie was so good. I love movies that have twists and keep me guessing as to who did it! I am the one who keeps Blockbuster in business! I live there!
Hey Dreama!
I have not seen that movie. I will have to check my cable OnDemand and see if it is available.
Don't blow away!
So far my Sunday has been pretty productive. I have already made 3 cards! GO me! We are taking my FIL out to lunch for his Birthday. Then I think the rest of the day will be spent being lazy around the house. I'm going to try and upload some pics from Switzerland and the Matterhorn onto myspace.
Have a great Sunday!
Good Morning...oops afternoon. Hey, it's Sunday and I have lost time while relaxing in my jammies.
I am hoping to take the kids to a movie today, so this is good timing for this subject. We are going to see "Madagascar 2" and I am looking forward to it. I don't always feel that way about kids movies, but this one looks like it will have lots of adult humor hidden in the inuendo. Love that! Sometimes I resent the fact that I only seem to see kid films in the theatre, but I know that I will have more than enough time someday...and wish I had the kids with me. I try to stay focused like that.
Dreama~ Your comment about having to hurry and do errands because of rain cracked me up. We have to do errands in the rain most of the year up here. You should freak everyone out by acting like someone from Seattle. Here's how:
-- Don't wear a raincoat or carry an umbrella, even if it is pouring.
-- Don't run to get out of the rain. As a matter of fact, walk slower as if to absorb every drop you possibly can.
-- To stay warm, grab a cup of coffee and act like "Hey, what's a little water!"
I must admit, I do wear a raincoat and I often run to the car. I wasn't born here though!
Barb~ I've never watched Ghost Whisperer. It's that good, eh?
Have a great Sunday!
So I have a question about Ghost Whisperer... My dad LOVES that show too and when we saw this past episode and Jim died my mom and I wondered "Didn't he die before?" We SWEAR we have seen episodes where Jim wasn't there. HELP! :D
There are times where he is not in the show, or has a very limited part. But now he is dead. I don't know how long he will be in the show as a ghost, and I hope not long because that is just wrong. It does not give Melinda the time to heal and to get on with her life. Ugh....so not happy with this story line.
Your rain suggestions crak me up! I never use an umbrella. Have them, but they just collect spiders and stuff like that in the corner of the garage. Never had one as a kid either. In fact, the only time we have ever used them was when Bryan was playing football and we needed them. And it can be pouring down rain to where I looked like a just stepped out of the shower fully clothed and all I do is walk slowly to the store. It's just water, you dry. That happened just yesterday!
what the heck is wrong with me! so many typos! sorry.....
Glynis, Yeah it's funny how my mind has changed when it comes to rain. When I was younger I loved to play in it but now every time we have a windy, rainy day I bundle up or try not to go out in it because I fear catching a cold.I get nerveous when I have to drive on rain slick roads ever since the time my brakes locked up and my car was totaled. My body was half totaled. We don't get enough rain here for people to know or remember how to drive safely. When it rains they want to just drive faster and cause as many pile ups as they can. It never fails.
Adriana I don't watch GW that often but I don't think that they did a show when he died and it was just a vision or imaginary. Hmmm...
Nite Nite y'all.
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