I am so nervous this morning. Actually kinda sick to my stomach. I have been putting off taking Cammy to the Vet because I think it may be time. Time to put her down. I was up the other night upset and crying because I could not stop thinking about it. I know I have done everything I can to keep her around. But I'm pretty sure she is deaf, and I think her eyesight is really bad too. I spent almost an entire year giving her fluids, but decided that since she was almost 18, I needed to just let Nature take it's course. I think Nature took the long way around. It is over a year later and she is still here. Frail and weighs maybe 4 pounds, but here. She eats, she drinks, she goes potty. But she also keeps us up all night long meowing very loudly. She stands right inside her litter box and pees outside of it onto the floor. We have given her a step stool to get up onto our bed because she can't jump up. The worst part is the nails on one of her paws has curled under and I tried to trim them and she bit me. I should have taken her to the Vet a month ago, but I just know it's time to put her down and I just didn't want to. But now I think I have to. So I will call the Vet and take her in. Get yelled at for not trimming her nails. I will start crying and wonder if they are going to offer to de-claw her for hundreds of dollars, or if they are just going to suggest putting her down. She is so frail and I just don't know if she will survive any type of surgery. She is 18.9 years old. How much more time do I give her? I feel so selfish. And now I'm crying again......
God. I'm such a baby. I could not even get through the call to make the appointment without bursting into tears...This is not going to be a good day....I'm taking her in at 11:15.
**2nd update**
She will be ok. I am the biggest baby in the entire world. I started crying before I even got to the Vet and it's only one mile from my house. As soon as I walked in the door the girl at the desk asked if I had Camile. I barely was able to get out a yes. They took us right back into a room and the Vet came in immediately. He took her out of her carrier and said "Aww. She's an old broad isn't she?" He looked her over and said her claws were very common and that he could fix those up. He asked how she is with her eating and everything. I told him that I thought she was deaf and he said most likely she was, that it was the first thing to go. He said most likely she has kitty Alzheimers. He said that as long as she is eating and is able to hold her potty until she gets to the litter box, she could live to be 20-21. He said they would give her a tranquilizer and some fluids and clean up her paw and send her home. On the way home I was thinking I should have asked for one of those tranquilizers for myself. So I will be bringing my old baby home. I'm so relieved. I know the day will come when I will have to put her down. I always said that I would not keep a pet alive just because I wanted them around. But he said she still had some time left. Looks like we will be sharing our bed with Cammy for at least another year. And I am happy to do it!
Barb, it is 11:05 and my cell phone is on if you need to call me. I am so sorry for your pain. I know it is going to be a hard thing to do. {{{HUGS}}}
Thank you Glynis. I updated the blog. She still has a year or so left. I'm so relieved. I will call you.
YEAH! The kitty gets to live another year! She only looks bad, but the doctor says she is healthy enough to be with you a little longer.
Good things happen to good people... and good kitties! I am glad it turned out to be good news.
Off to bye you-know-what's for the twins!!
Oh gosh....Glynis just told me that if you keep poking the penguin things happen! So funny!
I am glad that the news turned out good. There is a web site called petloss.com and it is a support group. I am glad that you do not need this web site.
It is the Holidays and a time to enjoy family which does indeed include our fur babies, life and all things good. I am just very relieved for you Barbara.
I accidently pushed send before finishing my thoughts. I also wanted to say that Glynis you are a wonderful, loving and generous person and of course Barbara you are always welcome to call me to if I can help you in any way.
Hava wonderful day everyone!
OK Barb, stop poking that poor little penguin! LOL!
Barb, did you ever find the recipefor Hot Buttered Rum? OK, that is sounding really yummy right now!
Dreama~ Thanks! I try to be a nice person.
I need to look for it still. Dreama posted one yesterday though!
Oh, Yummy! OK, I will have to go and check that out.
And ANYTIME you want to head over to Leavenworth let me know. It is 1-1/2 hours from here and I have some favorite shops in town and farmstands on the way home.
How is the kitty patient doing?
She was all wobbly when I got her home. I put her on the bed and she was all confused and almost fell off. I put her on some blankets on the bathroom floor instead. They said she will be fine by tomorrow. I am going to take her in every 3-4 months now to have them trim her claws. They grew so fast this last time and I just did not pay attention. I feel so bad.
Thank you so much for talking to me today. I really needed it. Thanks!
Barb! I just barely remembered I hadn't read your blog - I'm so sorry you had to go through those thoughts, but I'm so glad you have more time with Cammy :) I know exactly, and I mean EXACTLY, how you were feeling though.... I want you to read this blog... it may not help, but it's what I wrote almost two years ago.
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