It was a really nice morning to go out and cut down our Christmas trees. It wasn't very cold at all, but a little foggy. We were planning on going to the place we have been going to for the last few years, but they were not going to open until noon. We were done with breakfast by 10:30. So we drove out there just to make sure, and they were closed. We ended up going to the big Christmas Tree lot that everyone and their mother goes too. But we found trees right away. They shake and bale them if you want. They are more spendy than the other places, but Robert didn't seem to mind. Since Katie and Tim were planning on the less expensive trees at the other place, we paid for half of their tree. I didn't think it was fair to have them pay the higher price because I goofed about the time the other one was going to open. This place has hay rides, a petting zoo, hot choco, and a little store. It was fun going there.
Here are a couple of pics of our morning!
Anyone else have their tree up yet????
Hi Barb! No I don't have a tree up yet. I'm not sure I want to put one up this year. Sounds like your tree place was fun. I remember going in the woods with Dad (we had a woodlot back in the day when we burned wood) to pick out a christmas tree. He ended up cutting two so mum would have a choice and my older brother and sister and I got small trees for our rooms.
It was fun to make those paper chains and use the egg carton to make bells. We always put a tinfoil star on top.
Maybe I need to make a paper chain! LOL!! Enjoy decorating your tree!
If you read my blog still you'd know my tree is up :D
I wish we could have real trees - but our allergies don't allow for it :( Your tree looks beautiful :)
I think you should do exactly that. Go out and get a little tree and make a tin foil star and paper chains. I think that tree would mean more to you then anything else you could do this holiday season. Sounds like you need a little cheering up. This may just help!
Adri.....I'm sorry. I have been so darn busy trying to find the stupid hatchling eggs that I have not read blogs. I'm so behind. Thank you for reading mine! I will head right now to yours.
I somehow missed thid blog. It's wonderful.
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