Last night I had in mind an idea for my blog this morning.....annnnnnd it's gone. I can't remember what it was I was going to talk about. Oh well....
Yesterday was a super busy day for me. After noon that is. I woke up at 5:30AM and could not get back to sleep. I decided to just get up. I spent about 2 hours on the computer and then I was tired. Since it was my day off, I went back to bed. I didn't wake up until after 10:30!!!! How pathetic. I putzed around for a while and ate lunch. I decided I better get motivated and not waste my day off. I put on Holiday Inn and started working on my scrapbooks. I ended up watching Holiday Inn, Elf and then It's A Wonderful Life. Took a break and ate some dinner and then started up again. By this time I was watching Santa Claus is Coming to Town and then the ABC shows that came on afterwards. I finished what I was doing at 10pm. I was so tired, but I had to get on Facebook and look for the new Christmas Snowman egg. After an hour and forty minutes I found it and went to bed. So that was my day. Your world will spin quite nicely today having this knowledge!
Have a great day everyone!!!
I have missed reading your blogs. I enjoy them and the photos very much. I have been so very busy with the Holidays. I have heard that the enormous sales will continue all month long so I have signed up for all my favorite stores on line and have been receiving coupons every day with prices slashed 50% and higher!
I know that many people are getting sick with these back and forth changes in the weather. I wish everyone good health.
Thank you Barbara for giving us these wonderful blogs to read. They are always so cheerful and a great joy to read!
Yesterday I spent my free time addressing a toxic cyber troll by uploading her messages with my digital camera onto Myspace. I got tired of ignoring their venomous mouth since it's been almost an entire year of never ending nastiness and I decided to allow everyone to view it. So far I have recieved great support. I know now that I should have spoken up sooner and confided with my wonderful friends.
Have a great day everyone. I've got to get back to work and then so many preperations for the Holidays! Time is flying!
Hey there Dreama. Good to see you today.
I saw your post on myspace about your cyber troll. I really do not understand why someone, or someones, have decided that they get so much enjoyment out of picking on you. It is all so junior high. Someone needs to grow up. You are not alone in the cyber attacks. I just delete them and move on. I hope you can get this to end, but unfortunately I think they get to much pleasure out of being nasty. You are welcome to come here and leave comments whenever you want. I stop by during the day if I'm not busy to check things out. But I'm not going to be hanging out here all day long. I write a blog, check to see if anyone has stopped by, and then go on with my day. I have far more important things to do during the day....like look for Hatchling eggs!
OK, so it only took you one hour and forty minutes? I was looking in nests all friggin night and found no snowmen... but then this morning, I sat down and this nice lady on Hatchlings posted that she had a spare orange snowman. When I looked at the time posted, it was only one minute earlier, so I wrote and the next thing I knew I was the proud owner of an orange snowman! Wonder what will happen tonight?!
Dreama, I hope you can find a way to walk away from those nasty women. We all know who they are... and the fact that they all support each other thru the nastiness just proves to me that leaving a certain blog was a smart thing to do. There are some very nice people over there, but too many mean hearted bitches hiding behind their owl mask. They like to pretend they are sweet and caring and then they email venomous messages full of hate and insanity.
Anywho... enough of THEM... I am starting my baking tonight and will be getting out my decorations. I ordered a doll that my daughter wanted and need to start wrapping, but Berry is off from 12/15 til the end of the year, so I will let him wrap ith me.
Rumor has it that Santa might bring me a brand new laptop PC! I am so happy!!
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