Went to my friend Karen's play last night. It was so funny. We had a great time. There were 29 people from work who went. Half of us met at a Mexican place for margaritas and dinner before we needed to be at the theater. The theater is really neat. It's an old house, like the one that I work in, that was converted into a theater years ago. It only seats about 56 people. I had a friend in High School who used to do plays there. That was always fun to go down there and watch her. I was always so amazed that she could act. She was quite good! Karen's play last night was hilarious. It was set in the south with 3 sisters being the center of the story. Karen was one of the sisters. This was part 2 of the 3 part series and apparently after part 1 was over her character was arrested for burning down a trailer park because her guy would not marry her. So all night last night Karen, Twink Futrell, had to wear an orange jail jumpsuit! It was actually a real one borrowed from the County! LOL! One of the other sisters, Honey Ray Futrell, was putting on the local Christmas play. This was Honey Ray's first time being in charge of the play. She made a couple changes, like calling it "Bethlahamapalooza!" Karen's husband was also in the play as the sheriff. His character was corralled into the Christmas play because everyone else got sick with food poisoning. So he had to be Elvis in the Christmas play. The whole play within a play was funny. At one point there is a character who is a rich, ummmm, bitch. Anyway, she is there causing havoc as usual, and gets a headache. She takes some pills thinking they are aspirin, but they are really pain pills. When she doing her part in the Christmas play she is all drugged and starts dancing and twirling around the stage. Everyone was cracking up. You had to be there. She was suppose to be all prim and proper and rich-bitchy, and she ends up singing Up on the House Top dancing around like a reindeer! Hilarious!
In other news....the Christmas Treats poll is over and Sugar Cookies won hands down! Time for a new poll!
Happy Friday Barb and Bloggers!
I am glad you all had a good time at the theatre last night. I love local theatre and sometimes I am just amazed at how well a smaller community can pull off some plays. We have a small theatre here, but there is also one in Issaquah that is awesome! It sounds like your's is pretty cool, especially that it is in an old house.
On the holiday treats poll, I demand a recount! How can someone pick up a cookie when there is FUDGE sitting there? Come on people....CHOCOLATE!
I just got home from Target with my neighbor. The kids come home early on Fridays, so we were racing it to get home in time... and sure enough, the school bus was right behind us as we pulled into the neighborhood. YIKES!
The wind is gusting here and the cold front is moving in. I have a new magazine to read, food in the pantry and a gazillion cookies to bake. I am ready for winter to hit the PNW!!
Hey G! It was stormy a little earlier, but right now the sun is out. The eye of the storm I think! We are suppose to have heavy winds and then temps dropping like mad. It's gonna be collllld for a while.
Bryan and Katie's Timmy are going to help Robert hang the lights this weekend. His back is still messed up. Poor thing. And Katie and Mara are coming over to bake cookies. Not sure if Celina is going to help. She has plans to Christmas shop over in Portland. Tonight I will make sugar cookie dough and get ready for tomorrow. And I'm sure there will be some egg hunting in there somewhere! Are we going to text back and forth all night again? LOL!
I was surprised sugar cookies won too. I thought for sure it would be fudge!
Hi Glynis & Barbara... I cheated on the poll. I couldn't make up my mind so I chose fudge one day and sugar cookies the next day. My bad.
My sister says to tell you ladies hello! She didn't read past the word Margarita however and now she is telling me we must go to the Martini Bar for Pomegranite Martinis. I think I am going to need Prevacid after this because I still haven't digested all of the food we consumed last night. I ordered Flounder with stuffed crab topping and they brought out a portion twice the size of my stomach. My sister is bringing out the worst in me. She has been twisting my arm and forcing me to buy to much stuff at the Malls. I bought myself a pair of diamond hoop earrings. I was happy with CZ's before she pulled the shanighan on my arm. She also insisted that I buy Matrix hair mousse for my hair instead of Sebastian. $15 for a mousse? I don't even want to add up these receipts and know how much I have spent. My sister said I may have to give up my crack habit, switch my drinking to rubbing alcohol and take my Pekingese to the Pawn shop. Good thing she is CKC! Erase, erase.... Oh I feel terrible typing out those horrid jokes. I can laugh about the first two but the one about my fur baby might have crossed the line. Hmmm...
Bye.... :0) xoxo
LOL Dreama! Sounds like you are having way to much fun with sis! Tell her I said Hi.
Repost from yesterday:
Good Morning everyone,
Adriana, i thought it was Adriana, I watch One Life to Live, just 1 of many soaps I watch and love, LOL, but there was a character named Adriana, and I just LOVED her name.
I'm planning on going shopping tonite to finish my shopping, we only buy for the boys. Before we had kids we bought for our parents, our sisters, grandparents, but Christmas is for kids, so thats what we spend our money on. We do take care of Mothers Day & Fathers Day for our Mothers and Johns father, and we give to our sisters on their Birthday. But we have a deal that they just buy for the boys and we don't want anything either, it works out great for everyone.
Ok, I will talk to you guys later, I can't wait for our new President to take over, I hope he will help our automotive companies. If Bush don't give the Auto companies the Bridge Loan, hes really gonna look bad, as if he don't already, sorry, I just can't wait until President-Elect Obama takes over.
I will check back later!!!!!!!
December 12, 2008 8:28 AM
Hi Glynis, Barb, and Dreama,
Yes Dreama it does sound like you are having to much fun with your sister, but hey WHO CARES!!!!!
We are suppose to have a 40* weekend here in Michigan with no snow I'm so HAPPY after last weekends High temps in the teens.
Barb to answer your question the airport is pretty far, the only airport I know of is Metro and its about a 2 hour ride to Frankenmuth unless they have a closer one, I'm not to familiar with that area, but check areas like Flint, Michigan they might have an airport or even Detroit City Airport. We are about and hour and 1/2 from Frankenmuth. We sometimes just go on a Sunday for Chicken Dinner, but usually we spend the weekend, the kids enjoy the pool.
Oh I have a question if someone can help. I have to make sugar cookies or cut out cookies for Vincents class for his Social Studies project, hes doing Christmas in Australia and he needs about 12 cookies in the shape of different animals, where can I get animal cookie cutters??? I have Christmas ones, and Easter ones, but no animals???? They are gonna decorate a little tree with the cookies, Then Vincent told me I have to make something for next Friday the 19th thats their last day of School, So I said to him, ok what about the other boy???? He said well his kitchen is all tore apart because they are redoing the kitchen so you have to bake the cookies at make the dish to pass for 65 people!!!!!! I said WHAT!!!!! I said and what am I suppose to make besides the cookies???? he said I can't remember, but I will let you know Monday, I have no idea what you eat in Australia, Kangaroo???? LOL no seriously I havent a clue. They have something picked out its just Vincent forgot it. The cookies have to be made by Monday. Well I'm gonna go watch some Christmas Movies. I will talk to you guys later.
Enjoy your baking Glynis and you too Barb.
Renee Eve...
Amazon has a Kangaroo one for about 2 dollars.
Sorry. I still do not know how to make hyper links. It never works when I try. Target and WalMart (bleck i need to wash out my mouth for saying that word) have an animal set but no kangaroo in it. Try a kitchen gadget store, or even a craft store. If you don't want to drive around, call a craft store and if they don't ahve one ask if they have any ideas where you might find one!
Hey Renee..I'll use Cinnamon as a mold and make you a 12" mold. I could use paper mache on one half of her body and make a big cookie cake. Just saying! :p
We rented that new Tom Cruise movie where he plays the fat, old bald man. The one where they think they are actors filming the Viet Nam war but the plane drops them off in a drug infested camp. It was corny, kind of guy funny but still enjoyable.
Good night yall.
Adriana I read yuor banner about having to put your old dog down. That is sad. I wished pets lived longer. I'm going to clone Cinnamon. Rich people are doing it. I'm not delirious...not yet anyhow!
Good night ladies.
Yall come visit me if it gets to cold up north.
PS...Renee...I loved that WHO CARES. LOL. I'm too tired to toss anything back at ya.
"Barb-in-WA~ I loved your card. It sent Mr Mary to the Atlas. He is such a nerd lol!! Beautiful background and the Mr looks pretty good too ;-)."......I copied and pasted this off of another blog.It is from Maureen aka Moweenie.
I was to lazy to get back on MS. C'yall manana!
Oooopsie Dreama....I didn't send a card to Maureen. I don't know her. I did send them to DonnaHart, Bon'O and Mary. And others from myspace. But I think they are the only ones from Carol's blog that still wanted a card from me. And since that post says "Mr Mary" it must be Mary! LOL! I will send her a little myspace message!
No wonder I woke up this morning feeling so very tired. I see that I was still playing up on the computer at 1:38 AM. I remember trying to read my last e-mails at Myspace after all and my head kept conking my keyboard as I was fighting sleep deprevation. Yes, that was Mary/Mi.
I have 83 hatchlings and other things to pick up at facebook. Holy Guacomole!
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