Recently one of my online buddies was having some stress about another of our online buddies. She had not been able to get a hold of the other person for several days. This is someone who she had contact with every night. She tried and tried to get a hold of her. Emails, myspace, cell phone calls. She was even going to call the local hospitals to see if she was there, but unfortunately she did not know her last name. She finally was able to get a hold of her, after the friend was released from the hospital! She had been very sick. My friend wished she had known. She felt so bad that her friend was in the hospital and yet she had no idea. But that is one of the hard parts of having online friendships. Some of us can be very very private, for personal reasons. And that is perfectly acceptable. I know that I am going to be more careful. I have been too open and trusting in the past and it has come back to bite me in the butt. But when something like this happens, you wish you knew just that little bit more. Today on Yahoo News there is an article about a man who was big into an online game. He had quite a few friends in a group that he belonged too. The man passed away and his family had no idea how to contact his online friends. No one knew his passwords so they could not log into his game. Finally his daughter asked around that gaming community and found someone who recognized her fathers online game ID and they were able to direct her to his group. It took a while but she was able to find them. Some in the group thought that he had gotten mad and was taking a break. How could they have known that the man had died? I have worried about online friends before. Some just all of a sudden disappear. You wonder what happened? You worry. Then you start to wonder if they really had existed or if they were made up by someone who was hiding who they really were because you had already made it clear that you did not want to have anything to do with them. One example is someone started posting on a blog that I was going to. They came across super friendly and quite funny. They got a myspace, had everyone join it, and then they up and disappeared. Stopped going to the blog, stopped going to myspace. They have not even logged onto myspace for about 2 years now. What happened? Where did they go? I ended up deleting them because I didn't see the point in keeping someone as a myspace friend if they were not even going there anymore. Weird. Makes you wonder if that person is even alive anymore. So what do you do? I know I have some people programmed into my cell phone so if anything were to happen to me my family would be able to contact those people, and they in turn would let people know. I have addresses of a lot of other online friends. So I know I'm covered. But what about some of my other online friends? I would have no idea of how to find out what is going on if they stopped showing up at blogs, myspace or facebook. I would have no idea if they just got tired of it all and up and left. Or if they were sick. Or hurt. How far do you keep your distance with online friends? Are you not suppose to get that close to people you have never met face to face? I would find that really hard since I feel like I have become very close to some.
So what do you do? How do you protect yourself and yet meet people at the same time? I am generally a pretty nice person. And a very loyal friend. And yet I find being an online friend can be difficult. It is hard for me to trust now. I definitely have my group of online friends that I love and trust. Some I talk to all the time, others I talk to every once in a while, because life just gets in the way.
I would be extremely saddened to lose any of these friends. So don't any of you go anywhere!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
OK, I won't :).
I don't get on Blogger as much, I seem to only have time for one site at a time and right now Facebook is the "new toy"!
People come and go on the social networks for various reasons, it happens, and sometimes people just need a break from it all. My husband knows enough now at least on Facebook to be able to spread the word if something bad had happened to me.
I'm really looking forward to meeting you in person next month at Rick's concert!!
Hey Sooz!
I feel the same way! Hubby is not even worried about meeting you! LOL! He downloaded the new cd onto his iTouch so that he would be familiar with the new stuff. He said he is most looking forward to being the only guy in the first 5 rows. Lots of chicks to check out he said! I smacked him.
Thank you for what you said in your comment about people coming and going on social networks. It makes sense. I find though that I get used to talking to someone online, and then they just...go away. And you never hear from them again. It's sad.
Can't wait until Rick!
Hi Barb! What a cool time to stop into your blog today! I've thought all those things myself.
I'm glad you're doing well and still blogging! I'll try to stop in more often as I do enjoy you and consider you a friend. :)
Barb - you're almost like a second mom to me, but one that I can run thoughts past that I am not sure if I should tell my parents because you're not my mom and you give me honest answers and you totally can't ground me!!! HAHAHA!
But you made me realize, aside from MySpace or Facebook, I have no other way of contacting you. I don't think I have your email addy nor your phone number.
I only have a handful of online friend's phone numbers: Tracey, Sarah, Jac, Dee, and Dan.
I guess you never know though, that's why I loved webcams... you are able to see that the person is "real" ya know? That's why the whole Koncept thing bugged the hell outta me, I guess. Anywho - I am real LOL
Hi Sandie and Adri! I started this comment about 30 minutes ago!
Sandie....So good to see you! How have you been?
Adri....I'm always here for you. I will always give you my honest opinion when you ask for it. I have always been the type of person who treated my kids friends and my nieces and nephews the same way I treat own kids. Like crap! Just kidding. If I didn't like what they were doing I told them. If I was proud of something they did, I told them. If they wanted a hug, I gave them a big squeeze. I would love to work in a High School with kids as a counselor, but I have no desire to go to school for the degree. I just want the job!
And Adri....if you ever want to talk on the phone or email, you just have to ask through myspace or facebook!
What a good Blog today Barbara, Sorry I didn't get back yesterday, like you said life got into the way. Plus I have this sinus thing going on, I'm going to my doctors on Friday for my regular check up so I can wait till then.
I do have a lot of online friends but only a few know my address and phone number, but my sister knows where to go if anything happens.
If anything happened to any of my online friends I would also like to know. Ok I'm gonna go lay down and take a sudafed and check for Tuesday's blog
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