Test your knowledge on one of my favorite tear-jerker movies!
1. As the movie opens, what is being celebrated?
A: 4th of July
B. Wedding
C. St. Patrick's Day
D. Christmas
2. How many bridesmaids were in attendance at Shelby's wedding?
A. 3
B. none...they decided to elope
C. 2
D. 9
3. How many times was Ouiser married?
A. 2
B. 1
C. none...she was an old maid
D. 3
4. What is Sammy's full name?
A. Samuel F. B. DeSoto
B. Samuel L. DeSoto
C. Sammy Dewayne DeSoto
D. Sam Bob DeSoto
5. According to Truvy, who "when it comes to pain and suffering" is "right up there with Elizabeth Taylor?"
A. Shelby Eadenton Latcherie
B. Ouiser Boudreaux
C. Ruth Robelleen
D. M'lynn Eadenton
6. Whose idea was the "bleeding armadillo" groom's cake?
A. Shelby's
B. Aunt Fern's
C. M'lynn's
D. Jackson's
7. Where is Aunt Fern from?
A. Baton Rouge
B. Chinquapin Parish
C. New Orleans
D. Alexandria
8. When is Jack, Jr.'s birthday?
A. July 3rd
B. July 1st
C. July 4th
D. July 5th
9. What is Drum's favorite food?
A. chili peppers
B. onions
C. hot sauce
D. pork and beans
10. Why was Nancy Beth de-throned as the Miss Merry Christmas Queen?
A. she was caught in a motel with a "high political official"
B. she had breast enhancment surgery
C. she became pregnant
D. she had a sex change operation
11. Ouiser and Drum are embroiled in a legal dispute. What is the reason for this dispute?
A. Ouiser's dog biting Drum
B. A magnolia tree they both claim
C. Ouiser's will
D. Drum keeping Ouiser awake with gun shots at all hours
12. What is Truvy's son's name?
A. Ludlow
B. Larry
C. Louie
D. Linus
13. According to Clairee, what is one of the ways you can tell if a man is gay?
A. all gay men sing show tunes
B. all gay men are named Mark, Rick, or Steve
C. all gay men wear tight shirts
D. all gay men wear old clothes and grow vegetables in the dirt
14. What is the name of Truvy's new salon?
A. Truvy's II
B. Glamor Technicians Inc.
C. Truvy and Annelle's
D. Truvy's West
15. Who dies towards the end of the movie?
A. Clairee
B. Ouiser
C. Shelby
D. M'lynn
16. What is Truvy's husband's name?
A. Sammy
B. Spike
C. Spud
D. Skip
17. What is the only religious thing Ouiser ever did?
A. dressed up as a nun and went bar hopping
B. was a missionary in the Bahamas
C. took a field trip to Boystown
D. built a wing on First Presbyterian Church
18. Who was the last one in the room after they turned off the life support?
A. Jackson
B. M'lynn
C. Drum
D.Nurse Pam
19. According to Shelby, what does M'lynn's hairstyle resemble?
A. a brown football helmet
B. a bird's nest
C. a bee hive
D. a hair-do from hell
20. What holiday is being celebrated as the movie ends?
A. Memorial Day
B. Labor Day
C. Mardi Gras
D. Easter
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Shelby's dad was trying to shoot the birds
Shelby: "It'll be pretentious...and Daddy always says an ounce of pretention is worth a pound of manure.
Ouiser (referring to Owen): "He was not a bad fella, but I managed to run him off and marry the first of 2 total deadbeats."
Annelle (upon discovering a brew in her ice box): "Sammy DeWayne DeSoto, what is this in mah frigidaire?"
Truvy: "Her whole life has been an experiment in terror. Her husband got killed in World War II, then her son got killed in Vietnam."
Ouiser: "That thing looks like an autopsy."
Clairee(to Ouiser): "This is Jackson's aunt, Fern Thornton...from Alexandria. She made the cake."
Ouiser: "You did this?"
Aunt Fern (beaming with pride): "Guilty."
All (at Jack Jr.'s birthday party, to the tune of "Yankee Doodle"): "Born on the 3rd of Joool-eye."
Ouiser (observing Clairee as she dumps can after can of pork and beans into a shopping cart): "Clairee, this is just a gesture. We're not feeding Drum 'til the end of time."
Clairee: "Drum loves pork and beans. He eats them with everything." Ouiser: "That explains a lot."
Clairee: "They were both high. They'd been smoking everything but their shoes."
Ouiser: "You get those magnolia's outta mah tree?"
Drum: "The judge had not decided who's tree that is exactly."
Truvy: "Louie! Take out the garbage!"
Louie (hopping on a motorcycle): "Can't. Late. What'd ya hire her for?"
She got the lowdown on how you could tell "which side a man's bread is buttered on" from her nephew Marshall. Ironically, Ouiser's grandson is named Steve.
Truvy: "Oh, Spud! I don't believe it! I'm a chain!"
Annelle: "Sammy and I have decided that if this baby is a girl, we'd like to name it Shelby...since she was the reason we met in the first place."
Truvy: "Spud's as outgoing as ever."
Shirley MacLaine, born Shirley MacLean Beaty, is left handed and was named after child star Shirley Temple.
M'lynn: "Drum left, he couldn't take it. Jackson left. I find it amusing. Men are supposed to be made out of steel or something."
M'lynn (looking into a hand held mirror): "Shelby was right. This is a brown football helmet." She then bursts into tears.
Annelle goes into labor at the Easter egg hunt and Sammy has to ride to the hospital on the back of Louie's motorcycle still dressed in his Easter Bunny costume.
OK.....I think I have those copied correctly!
Where the hell are the answers? I thought they were here! LOL!!
This is too funny considering last night I was searching for that damn red armadillo Hatchling and kept thinking about Steel Magnolias and the armadillo cake.
OK, back to search for more red 'dillos for my friends. Love ya!
word: psela
What was Elvis's wife's name??
OH....well, there they are. I bet I didn't get many of them right. It has been way too long since I saw this movie. I love it though!
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