**this blog contains movie spoilers**
Hubby and I went and saw the movie Knowing with Nicolas Cage yesterday. He hated it. I'm still a little undecided. I really liked the special effects, and thought that the story was good...until the ending. Ugh....What a disappointment. It suffered from Steven King Syndrome. If you can't figure out how to end it, just throw in some aliens. OK....maybe that was harsh. They pretty much were leading you to that conclusion, but I was hoping that instead of it being aliens, I was hoping for angels, or messengers from God or something. Not that I'm a big believer in that either. But it just seemed like a new and different way to end it instead of the old aliens are here.
The movie was about, among other things, the world coming to an end because of a giant solar flare. Makes you start to think about whether or not the government or NASA would be able to tell that this was going to happen and if they would even warn people that it was coming. I don't think I would want to know. I think I would want to be just going about my daily business and and then...BAM... the sun flares hit the earth and we are all incinerated at once. The panic that the movie showed made me feel like NOT knowing is the better way to go. Why set in motion looting and everything else instead of just letting it happen? There was nothing they could do anyway. The world was coming to an end, so why freak everyone out? Just let it happen. Unless they know its coming and they have a huge Star Ship Enterprise all ready to go so that some us, like me, can jump on and go seek out new life, new civilizations....TO BOLDLY GO WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE!!!
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3 months ago
Hey Barb!
I have been intrigued the ads for that movie, but to be honest I wouldn't end up in a movie like that. I either go to kid movies or chick flicks. "Taken" was a real stretch for me and it had me shaking in my boots. I'm a wimp!
Hmmm....could NASA prevent something like that from happening? I doubt it. I mean, look who they have working for them! Bwaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa! Hi Whabbear!
My next movie is going to be Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D! I love that they are finally making 3D movies again!!
Wanna buy a t-shirt?
Love ya Barb! Hello to everyone who drops in after me! Have a great Monday!!
Hey G!
I agree that NASA can't prevent something like that, but I was wondering that if they knew far enough in advance, could they build a super ship to take some people away??? Makes you think!!! It's all just sillyness anyway!
** i deleted my last comment because of a typo **
The "aliens" at the end I thought were actually angels. You can tell from the wing-shaped outlines around their bodies as they are ascending into the celestial body of some sort. I thought it was interesting how the angels (let's call them...) portrayed something like that of a spirt (think poltergeist) with "energy" outlines. Just my 2 cents.
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