I was going to blog after I got home from getting my hair done, but Katie called and wanted to see a movie. So I just got home. We went and saw Confessions of a Shopaholic. Cute chick movie. So here are pics of my hair....I was brave so there is a "before" and an "after"!!! And I am also putting up a pic of our little hail,sleet,whatever the heck it was downpour last night. The picture made the balls of whatever look huge! LOL! They obviously were not big. This is Washington, not Nebraska! I can't believe that I am going to show you my 8 week grey grow-out! It's horrible. I took the pic with my cell phone before I went into the salon. I had her cut my hair a little shorter this time too. But now it's at the length that bugs me. Right at my shirt collar, so it kinda wants to go into my shirt. Bugs me. I'll get used to it. Actually, by the time I get used to it, it will have grown out long enough to not do that anymore!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
The color is GREAT, Barb!
The cut looks very cute! I'd sure like to see a picture of your face though!
LOL! Nooooooooooooo!!!!! HAHA! You can see it at the TOP of the blog! I was just showing off the new cut and color! YEAH! No GREY!!!
But I want to see your face with the new do!
Let me repeat.....
Hey Hartldo...long time no see.
Barb, it was your kids with their long Christmas wish lists that made that gray. :0) I love your new do. Speaking of hair...mine is finally losing that black dye. My Mother could not figure out what was wrong with me so she said I was pale and looked sickly. Thank you Mom.
Tonight we watched Milk starring Sean Penn.
Love the hair Barb! The last time I had mine done was.... hmmmm maybe for Jeremy's sis' wedding? That'd be 6 months ago. I had it short and in layers... ok I honestly can't remember when I got it cut last, but it's already down to the top of my bra strap in the back. I love my hair longer rather than short, but not too long. I had it down to my butt until I was in either Jr. High or High School... it's hard to march outside with the band in the Texas heat and have LONG long hair, so I chopped it to mid-back. After I graduated I cut it to above my shoulders... NEVER AGAIN! It got wavy and now it has stayed like that... I used to never be able to keep a curl for more than an hour. Though, I do like it wavy and sometimes I'll wear it like that - it works better if I use leave-in conditioner. If I want it straight then I blow dry it.
My mom and brother have told me recently that my hair looks like I dyed it black, but I haven't, it's just really dark brown. Probably because I didn't go outside much this last summer and it didn't get that natural highlighting? Who knows, but I love my natural color and I'm not sure what I'll do when I have visible grey? I'll cross that bridge when I get there :)
I'm so sick of jury duty already, it's not even funny! Trial is exhausting! Remind me never to sue anyone! LOL
Better get to bed... it's 12:30 and I have to be there @9.... at least tomorrow's our last day this week :D
word: tinst
the sound that some dainty women's farts make :D
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