Last night hubby was attending a banquet in Seattle. He usually gets home anywhere between 10-11pm. I should have known it was going to be closer to 11pm since he was flying home, but I got myself all freaked out anyway.
I was watching Hells Kitchen last night. When it ended, the 10 O' Clock News came on with a breaking story about a fatal car crash on I-205 Northbound at Mill Plain. Hubby would have been driving right passed there. What freaked me out the most was that they said it involved a small car. He was driving the Miata last night. I called his cell phone and it went straight to his voice mail. I called it again 10 minutes later. Same thing. I spent almost an hour standing at the front window, blinds open, window open, house phone in my bathrobe pocket, cell phone in one hand, kitty in the other, and tears streaming down my face. I seriously had a complete panic attack. I have never done that before. Not like that. I have worried. Oh yah, I'm the Queen of Worry. But this was different. I had way to much time standing there to have all these horrible thoughts going through my head. "What if it's him? What am I going to do? Please please please please ( x a thousand) don't be him. " I won't even get into all of the thoughts. Lets just say my mind was working overtime. I watched for car headlights. His or the County Chaplain coming to tell me it was him in the accident. I know all to well what a visit from the County Chaplain is all about. I do not ever want to see that man or any man that takes the job after him ever again. Maybe I need some therapy. Nah...I think I just need to stop worrying so damn much. I got myself all freaked out because I had not heard from him. Stupid thing is, he always....ALWAYS....calls to tell me he is on his way. I know he does. So why did I think last night was the one night he did not call to say he had landed and was on his way? I blame Chef Gordon Ramsey. Yep, it's all his fault. He was yelling and screaming at those poor wanna-be chefs and I was all worked up over it.
Damn You Gordon Ramsey!!! **shakes fist in air**
** just found out that it was a 44 year old woman who died in the crash. so sad**
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
It is just awful how the brain can take over sometimes and run a marathon thru the "What-ifs"! Sorry you went thru that Barb. I must have been awful. You should have called me...
...and by the way, I am not too busy for you (per your message on my cell phone yesterday.) You need to call my home phone when I don't answer the cell. I was sitting there playing on FB!
Today I AM busy! It is our 16th wedding anniversary and what are we doing to celebrate? PTA Bingo night at the elementary school of course!! I am a vendor for my home business, and we are there to support the PTA too. Tomorrow night my sweetie is taking me out to the Melting Pot and the kids are staying with a sitter. It's all good!
So, why didn't Robert's cell phone go through to him? Berry NEVER answers his...Hmmmmm!
He had it off because he was still on the plane. I almost called you too, but it was after 10:00. I knew you were probably still up because I had just gotten your text messages. But I felt like I shouldn't. Next time I will and if I wake your ass up so be it! I almost texted you, but then I thought you might call, and I was being a huge baby and was crying and didn't want to cry on the phone with you. Geeze...I sound so friggen pathetic!
Happy Anniversary! I have said that alllll over the web today! LOL!
Can we plan a get together? I really need a G fix!
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