** i am so stunned and so very sad to read that Natasha has died. I am a huge fan of her work, and will always be. my heart is breaking for liam. i have always loved both of their talents. she will be greatly missed.**
I'm so saddened at hearing the news of actress Natasha Richardson's skiing accident. If only the class she was in had required all students to wear a helmet. Why would a beginners skiing class not require helmets? Obviously a beginning skier is going to fall...a lot. It only takes one quick blow to the back of the head, or a major shake or jarring. Head injuries are so hard to overcome. I'm so thankful that Katie is now the proud owner of a helmet for when she is snowboarding. It scared me that she was not wearing one. But now she is.....right Katie???? Hubby and I also wear helmets when we ride our bikes. It's just common sense. There is so much information out there now about what happens to the brain when it is injured. I really hope she is able to overcome this injury. Unfortunately, sometimes people who have had a serious brain injury have personality changes. Or memory loss, they can't concentrate. This is not a good thing for anyone let alone an actress who has to rely on her memory for her job.
My thoughts are with the family......
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
I missed the news and have no idea what is going on... My life has been like a whirlwind at warp speed lately and I need 25 hour days but I'm not getting them!
That cake looks heavenly. OMG. Thanks for the recipe.
Our weather is very warm and sunny. Traffic here is a mess. We are filled up with families and spring breakers since the other beaches were all hit by hurricanes. Galveston is still a big pile of debris and South Padre residents are still waiting on roofing supplies.
Well.. back to house cleaning for me. I have friends wanting to come visit so I feel I need to scrub from top to bottom. I have no idea why I do this. I keep my house orderly and clean anyhow.
Have a great day!
At least you clean before guests arrive! I have stayed places where they didn't. Nothing makes you feel more uncomfortable then staying the night in a messy house!
The cake was so much better than I thought it was going to be. I've never really wanted to try Bailey's before, but I had to make something "Irish" for dessert yesterday. We both really loved it!
Oh..I just caught the news on E and heard the entire story. My gosh it would have never occured to me to wear a helmet on beginner slopes like the one she was on. I went skiing for my very first time when I was 18. My friends were avid skiers and we went to the Swiss Alps. I fell and busted my ass and I'm sure that I could have been seriously hurt. I shouldn't have been on those slopes to begin with. At least I knew not to follow my friends on the ski lifts. What happened with me was that I didn't have the leg power and arm strength to make the skis go from side to side so I went straight and gained speed before crashing at the bottom of a slope.
How very sad for her family and all of her many fans. It makes me think of the tragic ski accident so many years ago with Sonny Bono whose kids were also present.
I also watched our local news and yesterday it seemed that many drank way too much green beer and were arrested. Combine St. patty's with spring break and I guess it becomes mayhem. There was even two brothers who thought they'd get their kicks by going to the beach and harass women with knives and brass knuckles. Now two brothers have their asses sitting in a small jail cell with a 2" mattress and a smelly toilet next to it. Way to go Garcia brothers.
Okay back to my cleaning. My toilets even flush blue water. And I put pear scented aroma oil in the bathroom. It smells yummy.
I was the same way Dreama. Never wore a helmet when I rode my bike. Did not wear one when I was on the bunny slopes trying to ski. But now I wear it when I ride. And I am going to make sure that my family does now too. So sad.
And those Garcia brothers deserve to be in jail. Do dumbass stuff then you can sit your dumbass down in a jail cell!
Guess what! On GMA this morning, the doctor said that wearing a helmet might not have even helped! Because most likely it was whiplash of her brain. Which would have happened helmet or not. But in either case I'm PRO helmet also.
Such a sad, sad story.
that is so true aimee about whiplash. its just like shaken baby syndrome. its just all so sad.....
My daughter LOVES watching the remake of "Parent Trap" and when I heard that Natasha passed away I brought Kaitlyn to the computer, showed her the photos of Natasha's career and explained that she fell on a very easy course, but wasn't wearing a helmet. I also told her that Natasha didn't ever imagine that she was going to die that day and it is sad that you can make such a small, easy mistake and pay dearly for it.
So sad... but it caught my daughter's attention!
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