Glynis sent me this video. It's hilarious....and it makes you think about the things that you complain about. I know that I am going to just stop, pause, and really think about whether I really need to complain about what it is I am about to complain about!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Hey Barb! I am so glad you enjoyed the video. Isn't it just so funny...because it is TRUE! Berry and I were discussing that the funniest humor is based on truth. Things we can all relate to. I never knew that other people hated phone numbers with zeroes on a rotary phone... until I heard this! I was laughing so hard.
Do you remember talking on the phone to a friend, but while you were talking you were trying to untangle the phone chord? Or you would wrap your finger thru the coil? Or better yet, you would spin in circle to unwind it that way. What would alians in space think if they were watching us??
SO...what color armadillo will we be searching for tonight? THOSE are words I never imagined I would write in a million years.
Hope you are having a sunny day like we are. It is supposed to be rainy and plain ICK outside. I love when the weather man is wrong!
OK, now we know these aren't words. There isn't even a vowel!
word: schsts
Hey G!
You make me laugh. I totally remember all of those things with the phone cord! In fact, my office phone has a cord so I still do that thing where you wind your finger in the cord! I also remember hold the phone by the end of the cord and letting the hand piece spin and spin and spin until the cord was unwound! Too funny!
I'm thinking todays armadillo will be blue. I will have to find the pink one again. Stupid thing errored on me when I found it Sunday so I did not get to incubate it. But like the blog today says....those kinds of things are not worth getting worked up over! LOL!
It's cold here again today. Brrrrr...
I am going to write tomorrows blog now. I have last nights Bachelor show in on my mind still, and I have been reading a ton of comments on regarding what went on. Cracks me up! So be sure to come back tomorrow!
I wouldn't miss it dear! I'll be back here tomorrow...same Barb time, same Barb channel!
What do you call a set of twins that are really sleazy?
I just put in 18 applications at places in Austin.... I'm exhausted LOL
I put in 1 at an HEB, 11 with Travis County, 3 from Craigslist, and 3 at Barton Creek Resort & Spa!
Cross your fingers.
So I don't know whether to tell my parents now, or wait until I get a response... I suppose if I get contacted regarding an application THEN I can tell them. I just know my dad won't be thrilled at all, more so when I tell him I'm gonna move in with Jeremy (I think...). I am so worried about pleasing my dad, but I am to the point where I feel like I need to do what I need to do for myself.
It will also be a hell of a lot cheaper than anything I'd be able to find in Austin. He and I would take the Master BR which is rented for $575-all bills included (cable/internet is separate). If we get a roommate for the smaller BR, we would split the 575. If it were just us 2, rent would be about $900-some and we'd split that, so even then, it'd be about $500 for a 2BR 1 1/2 bath, duplex condo or whatever it's called LOL. Part of the garage is also turned into a room, which he says is used for storage now.
I originally wanted to have my own apartment or live with roommates because it'd be cheaper, and if I didn't live with Jeremy, then I would be able to see whether I really was at his place because I wanted to be and he wanted me there, and NOT because I lived there. Ya know? But now, I think I just need to be with him ... it's been 3 years.
My dad does not like Jeremy at all... he never did, but the latest thing that happened was he found out about Jeremy coming down when my parents were out of town. "He has disrespected me, you and the family... he is not ever welcomed in this house again, nor is he welcome in this family!!!" Not an exact quote, dad doesn't say "nor", but that's what all dad said. I want things to be ok between them, I want my parents to like the man I love, but it'll happen in time, ..... I guess. I know my dad will be furious if I move in with Jeremy and am not married... he'd be furious if I married him now that I think about it LOL. But I'm told that he'll get over it... I'm not so sure, though.
Sorry about the LOOOOONG rant, I'm just nervous and scared. I told Jeremy that I realize that sometimes I want a fairytale and I need to remember I live in the real world.
Any advice? Barb, G, Dreama, anyone? lol
Sorry again, didn't mean to have a Debbie Downer moment :)
word: dosestro
Sounds like the Italian word for 'disaster'! LOL
We have talked about this before. You really need to just go with your heart. But I can also understand where your parents are coming from. Maybe Katie should comment on this!
LOL yea i know.... I just hate displeasing him. When do you think I should tell them? When I get called for an interview or when I get a job? LOL
Adri, if you believe he would kick you out of the house for even looking, I would wait to tell him when you have a job! I think your dad is just having a hard time letting go of his little girl.
My mom couldn't stand Berry at first... until he proposed to me.
word: puguluxi
Hi Glynis & Barb. I have to get rid of all of my cookies so that I can make the video stop skipping.
Adriana live your life to please yourself and not to please your Dad or anyone else. Your parents should not control an adult child. Parents should find happiness in what makes their grown children happy. Trust me, been there, done that, bought the T shirt.
My nephew loves living in Austin. He lives with 5 roommates in a huge 5 bedroom home on Love Lane. The owner sure got creative and trusting to buy that place and then rent out the 4 spare bedrooms. His rent is $500. When I lived in Austin I lived by the Arboretum in north Austin. I loved it up there. I'm sure you will too!
Thanks ladies! :) I am not afraid of my parents kicking me out at all, I'm afraid my dad won't ever talk to me. But that's funny cuz he's told me before that he feels like I'm going to choose to be with Jeremy and he's never going to see me again. Well, like I told him in response, if that happens it'll be because HE (my dad) chose not to talk to ME. I'm with Jeremy, but just because my dad doesn't like him, doesn't mean that I'm NOT going to come down and visit my parents. But of course Jeremy will be with me, so my dad can either see me with Jeremy or choose to not see me.
I really don't know what my dad would do if I told him I was going to move in with Jeremy...... he'd probably just pitch a fit and be angry and make my mom's life miserable by complaining. LOL :D
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