There is an article on MSN today about how Icelanders believe in huldufólk (hidden folk), also known as Elves. It's quite hilarious. It says that they conducted a poll in 2007, and found out that 54% of Icelanders don't deny the existence of elves, 8% believe in them outright, but only 3% claim to have encountered one personally. I want to meet some of the 3%! I think it would be a riot to go out and search for elves. But then again maybe not. I think elves are suppose to be a little bit mischievous, or evil. I would have to look into that a little more. Maybe I am thinking of Rumpelstiltskin. Now he was a little devil! But the article goes on to say that you can't just "find" an elf. You have to have the "ability" to find them. Meaning you have to born with it, to be a seer. So in other words, you have to be psychic. Well crap. That leaves me out. One of the more ridiculous things in the article is that before the company Alcoa could erect a factory, "it had to defer to a government expert to scour the enclosed plant site and certify that no elves were on or under it." Bwaaaa haaaa haaaa!!! Gotta love those Icelanders! They seriously make companies prove that there are no elves on site before they can build. And people were laughing at our Spotted Owls! At least we have photographic proof that those exist!
I watched Idol last night. I thought about half of them did pretty good. Gawd....why do they have themes each week???? I think themes, and Ryan(THIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS......is A MER i can IDOL!) Seacrest, are the worst parts of the show. Seriously...who is going to release a cover album of Michael Jackson hits? None of these singers thats for sure. Just let them sing the types of songs that they are going to record. That is what I would like to hear. I thought that Adam, Allison and Danny were the best last night. I thought that Lil Rounds, Jasmine, and Jorge struggled. A couple others were pretty good too. A few others were also bad. My picks to leave tonight would be Lil and Jorge. But I don't think Lil will. So I am picking Megan and Jorge. We'll see after tonight. I'm really looking forward to seeing Kelly Clarkson tonight too!
I have seen spirits but no elves. I have no friends in Iceland. I have a BFF in Norway. I'll ask her about that but when she visits she never has spoken of elves. :0)
I have not known anyone who has seen the Lock Nest monster or Big Foot either.
Barb...I loved Sean Penn in Milk. Tonight we are watching Dog The Bounty Hunter. Since part of my job pertains to hunting down car thieves I always take an interest in these repo and bounty hunting shows.
Word tingsa
I don't tingsa elves really exist. ;)
I deleted my first comment because left out an important word..word was NOT..LOL
Happy Wednesday Dreama!
I loved Milk. I thought it was very well done. I was very happy with Sean Penn winning the Oscar for his performance.
I am off to go have lunch with my daughter! Fun! Even though we were together yesterday, she still wanted to meet me for lunch today!
Hi Barb!! I finally watched Idol last night. It was too hard for me to get into it before they had the finalists... don't know why, but it just doesn't interest me. So last night I watched and loved it. I loved the music and think that SOME themes are OK, but not all. MJ has so many different sounds that a country singer or a rocker could find something right for them. I have no clue who is going to go tonight... they said 2 are leaving... hmmmmm. No guess!
BTW, yesterday was one of the worst days ever. I ended up taking K to the hospital and she had to have blood drawn. Could you hear her screaming? It was THAT loud. (I am so proud of her lungs though!!) It just really takes everything out of you when you see your baby lying in a hospital bed with a needle in her. They found nothing medically wrong, so it appears she is fighting one hell of a virus. I guess that is good news.
Oh, I found the damn jellyfish a little while ago. Thought I should tell you that!
OK, off to give K her medicine (for fever) and finish cleaning the kitchen. I just wasn't in the mood last night.
That was K that I heard??? WOW! She really does have some lungs on her!
I'm really sorry to hear that she is that sick. Poor thing. It's scary when they get that way. I was all upset last week because Kodi was having trouble hawking up a furball! He was all heavy breathing and gagging. Poor thing. He never did puke it up. Makes me wonder if the stuff I was giving him made it go the "other" direction. He is one cat that does not like to throw up.
I really do hope that your sweet beautiful K is back to her ol smiley happy self soon.
I was going to also say how freaking bored I am! I love it here, but I just wish I had more to do. Now watch, this summer will be nuts and I will complain about being too busy! LOL! Bring it on! I would rather be super busy. Makes the day go faster.
It's so beautiful outside. It was clear and down to 29* this morning. Now it is sunny and around 45ish. Still cold, but so pretty out. I need to remember to bring my camera to work next week and try to get a picture of the tree out front when it is in bloom. I can see that they are about to pop open. Not sure if it is a Tulip Tree or a Magnolia. Very well could be something else for all I know~
All I do know is that it has large creamy flowers when it blooms and they unfortunately fall off very quickly. Or the squirrels eat them!
I was trying to say in my comment back to you how upset you must have been with K being so sick, because I know how I was upset with just my cat being sick. Does that make sense????
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