First off....It's snowing....again! This has been THE weirdest winter ever. It's March for crying in a bucket. Nothing is sticking, but still. It is pretty though. I love snow. I will always love it. I just don't like missing work over it! Not that I am missing work today. I'm here, and the girls who were sick all last week are back. They are both still all congested and coughing poor things. And I'm sure they both have a ton of work to catch up on. I can't do their work, or I would have tried to do something for them last week. But instead I was stuck here at my desk. I do not know anything about the Admin Dept, so I know Diane has a lot of stuff to catch up on. She went home sick Monday and was out the rest of the week. So I'm sure she has a crapload of work today.
My wrist hurts today. I was playing with Kodiak and he got a little rough with me and scratched up my hand and wrist. There are scratches on the underside of my wrist so when I use the mouse my hand rests on the desk and it hurts. It also hurts from searching for the dang Hatchling Eggs! I was searching all day Saturday. Yep...I don't have anything better to do. I could have read my book, but I was baking cookies and since its Katie's book I didn't want to leave possible greasy finger spots on the pages. It was nice to have a lazy weekend. I kinda did laundry. Heh Heh. I should have done more, but if you know anything about me you know that I hate doing laundry.
I have talked to a couple people this morning about, for lack of better topics, Sex Offenders. I blogged earlier about the 13 year old girl who was murdered by a Sex Offender a couple weeks ago. I found out this morning that the same thing has happened to a 13 yr old girl in Ohio who was jogging near her house. And then another girl and her little sister are missing somewhere back East. We were discussing what should be done with these perverts. Things like...locking them up for life. Putting them in the prison general population so that they will be "taken care of". Or some liked the idea of castration. While that sounds like a most excellent idea, it does nothing for the sickness in their heads. So you remove the "weapon" but they still have the "thought" to commit the crime. My opinion is....lock up all level 3 Sex Offenders for life. Done. No one wants to deal with these perverts, so lets just lock them up and not have to deal with them. Give them some daily food, some water, no TV, no books. I would like to know what that Prison Warden in Maricopa County does with his Sex Offenders. I think its Maricopa County. Anyway, its the Warden in Arizona. I love that guy. He makes his prisoners wear pink t-shirts. They have to sleep outside in tents even in the middle of Summer. It could be 120* outside, and he makes them stay out there in the tents. His view is that if our US soldiers can sleep in tents in the 120* weather in Iraq in full military gear, then these lawbreakers can do it shorts and t-shirts. He is required by law to let them watch TV, so they get something like the Weather Channel and Disney. We need more Wardens like him.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Hey Barb..I so agree about sex offenders. Lock them up for years.I so agree with the warden in AZ. Put the cons in pink shirts and in tents and on chain gangs!
I grew up in Germany and there was no tolerance for rape or DUI. You went to prison for 40 years.No one wanted to go to prison for 40 + years so there wasn't much crime that's for sure.
Years ago my neighbor was a sex offender. No one knew. His wife didn't know. He had been in prison twice for raping 12 year old girls and women he found in bars. This guy was allowed to drive a limo for school kids and pick up people at airports in a limo. He had 2 daughters. The judicial system let the asshole back out after 3 years and he'd do it again.
There is a web site that shows where every sex offender lives. When I lived in College Station I worked for a man who seemed to be a pervert. He weirded me out. Well, a few years later he went to prison for raping a 6 year old. The sick thing is I think it was his grandchild. Regardless he was one sick puppy and my instincts about quitting that job were dead on even though his wife was clueless and he swore he was just joking around with me.
What bugs me is that society seems to accept men as perverts. Women get horny also but we don't go out on the prowl seeking to molest kids or rape hot young men.
On an entirely different topic who watched DWTS tonight and what do you think about Melissa joining the show last minute?!
I wrote a novel. Touchy subject! Sometimes I have little to say and sometimes a lot!
Take the "weapon" you take the drive. I am a strong supporter of castration.
xoxo, bry bry
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