WOW. People are getting really worked up over the way The Bachelor ended the show this season. I have not watched for a few years because I just got tired of the whole stupidity of this "Reality" show. But I was bored, so as I sat at the computer searching for Hatchlings, I would have that show on. From the beginning, I liked Jillian. I though out of all of the women, she was the most real. I always thought something was just a little off with Molly and Melissa. They both had their moments where I thought they were just totally fake, and really bad actresses. And Jason, the worst actor of them all. Cute guy. Good Dad. But horrible actor. No guy cries that much. Makes me wonder if he is not really gay? Just kidding! Anyway, they were all horrible actors. And then they drop the BOMB on the After the Final Rose show. What a joke. People on message boards were all...Jason is a jerk! Molly is sloppy seconds! Molly is a bitch! Melissa is so better off!....but in "reality" this had to have been staged. Melissa was pissed as soon as she walked out. She knew she was going to be made to look like a fool, and she was not happy about it. Or she was just such a bad actor that she started her "I'm pissed" act a little too soon! Molly also knew what was going on. And Jason? Please. How many times did he look up from "crying" to see where the camera was? The whole thing was a joke. A horribly acted joke on everyone who believed it! What cracks me up the most is that people are falling for it. They are so worked up over Jason dumping Melissa on TV.'s all fake! There is a reason only one of these couples have made it. And it was that Bachelorettes second show! I didn't watch that show either. I think I have only watched maybe 3 of the seasons. I don't ever really buy into the whole finding love on a TV show. I found some of the shows to be fun to watch because of all of the catty bitchyness. But now I watch America's Next Top Model for that! I have never enjoyed the shows where the girl picks from a bunch of guys. 25 guys competing for one girl would never happen in real life. And what girl is going to really let some casting director find her a man? Please....But I can see where a guy would want to spend a couple weeks making out with a bunch of pretty girls to get his face some TV exposure. Because when you break this all down, that is all this show is. Young kids trying to get a break into show business. I for one am done with this show. The acting is horrible, and it's just not any fun anymore.
**I watched the second update show. I still think it was a set up. I think Melissa was already mad when she walked out onto that stage. And then they had to go and announce that Jillian is the new Bachelorette. It is going to take a lot to make me watch again. Ugh. I like Jillian too. Just don't know if I want to get sucked into all that junk again.**
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
I just don't get why people get so worked up over this sort of thing. Like you, I also believe it is scripted and not "reality." I do watch it though... just to take my mind off of life and to give myself some time to just veg. Why there are people though that get angry, and cry, and get so personally involved will never make sense to me. They need to get a freakin' life. He could choose to propose to Chris (the host) and it would still not effect me (though wouldn't the ratings go crazy for THAT?)
Does America's Next Top Model start tonight? I enjoy that one. Not sure why, but I did study photography a very long time ago and I love to see the photo shoots. Plus, I also like to see if I agree with the judges after watching all the bitchiness that goes on in the house. My favorite is when they go to an international location. Anyway, I know the new season starts again soon and it MIGHT be tonight!
Adri, if you get the job in Austin I have another job for you if you are interested!! I need counselors in Austin really badly! (And there is pay involved...I will fill you in when you move there!!) :o)
word: dicaptyr
Morning G!
I love ANTM! Mostly for the cattyness, but also I love the photo shoots. The pictures turn out so beautiful. I do think it starts tonight!
As for Bachelor....people get so worked up over it. I think people just want to see someone fall in love. But it never is love. Lust maybe, but not love. It's not a natural setting for falling in love. They do not get to spend enough time together. I have an idea for a season of Bachelor. Have him stay at his house and only date 25 girls from his hometown. That way they see each other and go out on actual dates. No one has to move, no 6 weeks of just phone calls and secret weekend meetings. That just kills it. Who can develop any kind of a relationship, let alone a marriage proposal when you don't even get to see that person for 6 weeks?!
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