I'm so glad its Friday. I'm looking forward to this weekend. I have just a couple little things I want to do. Other than that I'm just gonna relax in the big comfy chair with a book. Thought hubby and I might go to a movie Sunday, but there is nothing new worth going to. Besides, I woke up with a stuffy/runny nose this morning. And I'm sneezing. Greeeeeaaaat....I'm going to run up to Freddie's on my lunch break and get drugs. Good drugs. Yeh gimme gimme gimme gimme......I need something to dry this up. Sorry. I'm sure no one wants to read about my runny nose. Whatever. I'm not feel'n right...in the head. You have to say that with an Irish accent. Only a movie buff would understand that! Ohhhh...I just remembered that today is...again...Friday the 13th! Oooooo....be afraid, be very afraid. Can you tell this blog is going no where today? Yeh....sorry. I did read an interesting article on Yahoo News this morning. They found a "vampire" in Italy. Well the grave of one from the 1500's or something like that. OK...I just looked. They think she died in 1576 due to the plague. I'm not sure that I want to go into the whole "what really happened to the body" that made them believe she was a vampire. It's a little gross. Read the article. I will upload the picture though. LOL! Yeh...I won't talk gross, but I will show you gross! I'm warped. I'm also a little sick. Not mentally, just the cold going on. Anyway, they found a mass grave of victims from the plague and this woman was found with a brick placed in her mouth. This was done to prevent the "vampires" from feeding. The article explains medically what really was going on with her body. Like I said....gross. Read it! LOL! OK....I'm done. Here is the link to the article.
Who's Freddie? I want drugs too. I'm not sick but who cares. I want drugs.
On a serious note my Vitamin Bible says
Ester C
My doctor gave me an antibiotic shot and steroid injection but I had congestion.
Nothing worse than a snot filled head. TMI? Sorry!
Oh and guess what?! Nowmercy resurfaced under a new name. She may want to stay anonymous so I'll just say she seems to be doing fine.
Oh that is nice to know about nowmercy. If you have any contact with her let her know that she is welcome to stop by, or add me on myspace or facebook.
Some people at work were talking about Ester C today. I'm going to drink some airborne, find a movie and go crawl into bed. I'm tired.
It was good to see that you stopped by today. Thanks!
OK, that vampire article was way cool...but how pathetic is life when you can't even rest in peace without someone shoving a brick in your mouth? I mean come on! I bet that girl never imagined that someday, when I'm dead, they are going to find me and stuff a brick in my mouth...and then a thousand years later, someone else is going to find me and know what they were thinking...and then some lady on a continent I don't even know about is going to post my photo on her blog.
WOW, you just never know.
Hate to see what they would shove up your nose to stop the running.
Go get a netipot. They work.
Now if only Amicus would come back!
And hopefully things will slow down for ReneeEve.
It is rainy and cold here for 3 days in a row! Blah! I'm trying to stay in and warm and not get sick again.
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