Yesterday mom and I went to the movies and saw Defiance. It is a movie about 4 Jewish brothers during WWII who save over a 1,000 Jews by hiding them in the forests of Eastern Poland (now Belarus). And it has Daniel Craig, so you get to watch his beautiful blue eyes for over 2 hours! I love going to movies that are fact based. You learn so much about historical events. I always end up going home and jumping on the computer to google someone, something, some event. Or I go to my favorite site, Wikipedia. I know I have said all of this before.....
OK....I have to divert here. I'm so pissed off! ARGH!!!!! I am at work, that is why the blog is so late today. We have a problem with a woman who used to work here. She retired before I even started here, which was 4 years ago. She keeps coming here wanting to visit with people. Everyone feels sorry for her because she has an ass for a husband (i have been told this), and she seems to have dementia or something. All she wants to do is visit with people. Shes lonely and it doesn't seem like she has anyone to talk to. For over 3 years now she has been stopping by when she goes out for a walk. This was not a big deal when she started, but after 3 years of this, no one wants to talk to her anymore. It's the same conversations over and over. She asks me my name every time she comes in. She says the same thing about being retired, and how it is so hard, and how she remembers people coming in here to visit and she really misses all her old friends. Every time she comes in. Now her visits have increased. She has come by 4 times this week. It is just too much now. We have tried telling her to go up to the Library which is right across the street. Or to go up to the seniors center which is a block or 2 away. She is not even old. I don't even think she is barely over 60 if even that. But today she pissed me off. We decided it would be best to stop her outside and tell her that from now on she needed to call and set an appt if she wanted to visit with someone. I have been stopping her at the front desk since last summer when we started getting complaints about her wandering around the office. So I stopped her outside and said that I was very sorry but from now on she needed to call and set an appointment to visit with someone. I explained that people are here working and that this was the fourth time she was here this week and it was disruptive. She acted like she always does, and I explained that she could not come in. Then she said that she would just go in and stand for a few minutes. I said no, you can not come in. I told her she could walk up to the Library if she needed to take a break before walking back home. I said goodbye and went inside the building. Get this! She started walking around to the back of the building! So I told Karen that maybe she was going to the Library. So I went around back and she tried to come in the back door!!!!! I could not believe it! She saw me standing at the top of the stairs and she smiled and I shook my head at her. She opened the door and said "Oh the back door is unlocked." I went down and stopped her and said "That is not funny. I very nicely explained to you that you could not come in anymore without an appointment. I do not appreciate you coming around back and trying to get in. That is not funny at all." I told her she needed to leave. I was so pissed. She is not as forgetful and stupid as people think she is. I can not believe she had the nerve to try and sneak in the back door!
Deeeeep breath.....exhale....I need my Liquid Mind Balance CD really bad right now....
So to get back to what I started to talk about, google Tuvia Bielski and read up on what they did to save Jews during WWII and how they had their camp set up in the forest. It's very interesting and so brave of all of them to do what they did to save themselves and each other.
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