When did it become our right to know about peoples sex lives? Just because someone is a public figure, do we have the right to know what they are doing behind closed doors? I really don't care, and I'm tired of hearing about it. I don't understand why the media has to continue to report that so and so is doing so and so. This week in Portland they are talking about their new mayor. During the campaign he was asked if it was true that he had an affair with an 18 year old who used to be an intern. He said no. Mistake buddy. Don't lie. Just say "It's none of your damn business!" Well... say it correctly with a phrase like..."My personal life is no ones business. It is private, and I intend to keep it that way."
Now the media is all a buzz about Portland's openly gay mayor lying about a tryst he had with an 18 year old. Who cares? Does this news affect the way this man is going to run the City of Portland? No. I'm so tired of the press reporting this nonsense. Can we please just go back to reporting...the news.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
My Dad has strong views about the media and mostly negative and he writes about it. Woah does he write a lot in public arenas now that he is retired mainly on political issues, military issues and media. Love him or hate him, that's my Dad!
I thought about my Dad when I read your blog and those above were my thoughts.
If one tells the truth then it won't catch up to them later on to bite them in the ass. I agree tell the reporters to mind thier own business. The media does need to back off and stop sensationalizing BS and calling it news IMHO.
Have a great day everyone!
I enjoy your blogs as always Barb!
I went to Sams club and they have MegaRed krill oil (Omega 3) that doesn't have the fishy taste and works 3X stronger.Omega 3 can reduce heart disease, lubricate joints, help dry skin, fight heart disease, maintain good cholesterol,etc.
I also bought the liquid vitamins called Liquid Life. They contain 100% daily allowance needed of
vitamins, aminos, Q10, antioxidents etc. It also has a pineapple flavor and doesn't taste like chit. Just thought I'd add this since I'm a nutrient nut and it's very important to have these nutrients to keep our immune system strong.Stress can tear are immune system down along with not eating properly.
Doctors aren't going to tell you this. They want to give you as many prescriptions as posible. Sure
we need prescriptions but our body is made up of nutrients and not pharmaceutical drugs. No I am not a scientoligist. LOL. I just study homeopathic meds.
in my spare time and have done so for 15 years and I wanted to share! Bye again! xoxoxo
ok....ewwww...both of those sound gross. but if you say we need it....nah....not sure that i can give those a try! LOL! i'll think about it :-)
I don't care about anyone's sex life except my own! Well, and my husband's. I'd be pretty upset if he were "doing" anyone other than me.
Dreama: I found your MegaRed krill oil on Drugstore.com, where I frequently shop. I have a ?
I take a multi-vitamin every day, along with 1200 mg. of Omega 3-Fish Oil. I also take extra vitamin C. Why isn't that enough?
We don't need to know what they do on their own time. It's ridiculous. It's sensationalism in journalism and unfortunately people pay attention to this crap. Ugh!
Just thought I'd let you know I stopped by :), sorry I've been such a stranger this month!
Hi Barb and Gang,
Sorry I didn't stop by yesterday, we went to a funeral for my husbands Uncle. He was 53 and he passed away on Saturday. He was born mentally retardted he had a sad but yet happy life. Johns grandparents had him at home until they could no longer care for him, then they put him in a group home where he lived for many, many years. Just this past November when the original owner of the group home retired there has been problems, he ended up in the hospital, then they put him in a group home closer to them. I don't really know who was involved with that if you talk to my MIL and FIL it was them taking care of him, then if you talk to Aunt Nancy, my FIL's sister it was her. But when their mother passed on 3 years ago she left Nancy in charge with a pretty good bank account for Randy to be taken care of, for shoes, clothes, etc. Then if Nancy would have passed the grandma put Nancy's daughter Sally in charge of Randy, so you figure it out for yourselves LOL. Anyway, I feel better for Uncle Randy he is with his Mother and Father now and I know Grandma is happy about that, she worried about him ALL the time. They had something very different at the Church you know how they have picture boards?? They put all the pictures on a disc and had it playing all morning and then brought it to the luncheon, that was really nice.
No Victor did not go, I picked him up for the luncheon.
Oh Barb they had an Italian Luncheon you would of loved the food, Homemade Italian Bread and Breadsticks, Fresh Salad so good, with Homemade Italian Dressing,
Red & White Pasta, Minestrone Soup, Santa Ana Potatoes, Italian Green Beans, Roast Chicken and Beef Tenderloin, the beef was out of this world, with a wine sauce with red, green, yellow peppers and onions, and Spomoni Ice Cream for Desert. Lets just say we all rolled out of there.
Now for the blog topic, I agree with you who cares whos sleeping with you, I agree with Donna, I only care about mine and my husbands sex life.
Hi to Dreama and Donna and Sooz, Ok I will wait for your new blog, I have a meeting at the middle school at 1:30.
Talk to you later,
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