**Updated. See below**
I was going to blog something else this morning, but Renee Eve changed my mind. She mentioned in a comment on yesterdays blog how she has to watch Grease and Urban Cowboy when they come on. I love those movies! I'm the same way with those two and more. Others that I have seen dozens of times are Beautiful Girls, Sleeping with the Enemy, Practical Magic, Pride and Prejudice (Keira Knightly version), Becoming Jane (even though it is fairly new I have seen it a lot!), Gone With the Wind, Ten Commandments, Sound of Music and Willy Wonka (the original, not the crappy new one). I could sit and watch all of those movies back to back to back! A whole weekend movie marathon!
I don't know what it is about movies that draw me to them. I think sometimes it is the soundtrack. Just look at Grease and Urban Cowboy for instance. What fantastic sound tracks. I love the music in Beautiful Girls too. Practical Magic has Stevie Nicks. Stevie Nicks! And you can't go wrong with Julie Andrews. Willy Wonka is just so much fun. And of course with the others, well they are period movies. I love period movies. The costumes, the way they speak. I love that. I think I was born a couple hundred years too late!
But then again, maybe I did live through those times and that is why I am so drawn to it. But that is a whole other blog!
So we know what movies Renee Eve HAS to watch. What about you???
Going to get a little political....
WASHINGTON – A Saudi militant who was released from Guantanamo Bay after six years of confinement is now a top figure in the Yemeni branch of al-Qaida, a U.S. counterterrorism official confirmed Friday.
Said Ali al-Shihri was released in 2007 to the Saudi government for rehabilitation. He re-emerged this week, identified by a militant-leaning Web site as a top deputy in "al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula," a Yemeni offshoot of the terror group headed by Osama bin Laden.
The Yemeni branch has been implicated in several attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Yemen's capital Sana.
Do they think we are stupid? Of course something like this is going to come out right after President Obama has signed a paper for the closure of Guantanamo Bay. He has said, if I am not mistaken, that there will be investigations into all detainees to look into either releasing them, or moving them to another facility for a real trial. Why are they trying to make it look like terrorists are being "released" from Guantanamo. And for the record.....the guy was released under one President Bush....see above date of 2007.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Good Morning Barb! TGIF Baby!!!
The other day I watched Ghost for the millionth time... but this time I watched it in Spanish. And I don't speak Spanish!
Berry always rolls his eyes at me because I have watched When Harry met Sally and A League of Their Own so many times that I not only know all the words, but I know the next breath the characters will take. Another one of my favorites is Multiplicity (Michael Keaton ~Yummy~ and Andie McDowell.) That movie just cracks me up for some reason.
And of course, I always stick around to watch Grease and Urban Cowboy! What's not to love!!
Hope you all have a great weekend. We have another au pair coming to stay with us...too many crazy host families lately!
Oops, forgot~
LOL@ my word: potie
Good Morning bak at ya G!
I have seen When Harry met Sally and A League of Their Own. Both really fun movies. I have only seen Multiplicity once. I don't remember much about it. And come on....who has not seen Ghost! Love it! "I'm Henry the 8th I am. Henry the 8th I am I am!" LOL! Funny stuff. And touching.
Having problems with the au pairs???
I worked 12 DIFFICULT hours today and I'm really tired and sleepy, so I can't put a lot of thought into this, but there are a few movies that I KNOW I've seen at least 100 times, probably more.....
"The Sound of Music",
"The Wizard of Oz",
"A Christmas Story".
Also, whenever I'm switching channels and "School of Rock" is on, Bailey and I ALWAYS stop and watch it. I know it's not a classic but that movie gives us such a kick!
Same goes for the 2 Glynis mentioned -- "When Harry Met Sally" and "League of Their Own".
I'll add "Sleepless in Seattle", "City Slickers", "Groundhog Day", "Christmas Vacation", "Breakfast Club", "Grease", "4 Weddings & A Funeral", "BIG", "Love Actually", "The King & I", "Toy Story" (1&2), "Fidler on the Roof", anything "Charlie Brown"....
I know there are probably more but I just can't think anymoe.
Good Night!!! More from me later.
Hey Donna! I hope you are not reading this because I really hope you are in bed sound asleep.
Thanks for stopping by. I love all of those movies too!
Hugs to my friends....
word: mishadis
Hi ladies!
I have a brain fog because I can't think of any movies that I must see. I got in my cable bill today and it was $95. Ouch. I'm going to mark my calender for the next month and see just how much money I spend on cable and renting movies. I have a feeling that I am going to be mind blown.
I have watched It's A Wonder Life over and over and over and over. The Christmas movies are always my favorites.
Also I have watched ET a bunch of times. I used to even have an ET figurine. I probably shouldn't admit to that but I'm putting it out there and not going to erase it.:0)
Goodnight y'all.
E.T. was kind of cute in his own way....
I once had an ET stuffed creature. I bought it over 20 years ago (before I had kids) at the hospital gift shop when I used to work in the hospital lab. My son loved that little creature when he was a youngster. I don't know what ever happened to it. It had a plastic covering and I think it got so cracked that we probably threw it away. So, Dreama, don't be embarrassed by having an ET figurine. I loved that movie so much that I had to have a momento too! :)
Forrest Gump....
There's another one that I stop and watch whenever I find it on TV.
hart...i have the forrest gump sound track. i listen to it a lot. really good music!
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