I started the second book in the Twilight series. I finished the Nora Roberts book I was reading last night. So this morning I started New Moon. So far so good. When Katie came over on Thursday she brought me the entire Twilight series and another Stephenie Meyer book to read. I am now on my 3rd book in less than 2 weeks. I do this a lot. I read a bazillion books all at once, and then I don't read for two years. I'm going to try to get out of that habit. This is one of the things I want to work on this year. Reading more. So I am. At least I am not like my mother. She reads 3 books all at the same time. She has a book at home, one at work and then starts a third when she is almost done with one. She hates the feeling of being done with a book, so she never is!
I have been pretty successful at some of my other changes. Some still need work. I feel pretty good about having been able to cut something out of my life a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. I surprised myself. I made the decision, removed it from my life, and feel so much better. It is something that I do want to keep private though. We all have our things that we do that we find a little embarrassing to share. I was obsessed with something, and now it is gone. No more obsession! Now if I can just get obsessed with exercise and cleaning everything would be fantastic!
It's ok Barb - you can tell everyone you cut Hatchlings outta your life :D
I lost all of my pets on my Adriana account and I don't really have to worry about my pets on the other account because people are always feeding them! If you find extra gummies then send them my way LOL I don't really hunt anymore either. It was an obsession that I kinda got over already :)
I have to run. Not physically run, but 'go' run :D My bro and SIL and grandparents are all coming over and I have to shower and vacuum...not necessarily in that order either :) Dad's grilling out chicken, riblets and fajitas YUM!
Have a great day everyone!
word: sulas (sounds sexy LOL)
Hey Barb..Reading is a good hobby during the winter. I never make it to the book store though. We never get past Block Buster any more.
We rented My Best Friend's Girlfrind last night with Kate Husdon.
Adriana say what?! I was supposed to feed my cyber pets. Uh oh. I am just no good at APP games. I should make some fajitas. I marinate mine over night in Italian dressing. I did use the word "should". I probably won't make the time. Maybe next month...
Word: unkli
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