Why does the press feel the need to report a celebrity's loss over and over and over. I feel so badly for the Travolta's, and the press just keeps it going. They reported the loss when it happened, and then they just keep beating the news to death. When you have something to say, then say it. But why do we have to keep hearing the same thing repeated? Let them grieve. They lost their son. And to have to deal with that publicly has to be so overwhelming. Actually it is overwhelming. We had to deal with the press with my brothers death. Hubby had to deal with all of the local newspapers and TV reporters coming to the door. They came to our house because Rick had lived with us for a year. When he moved out, he never changed his drivers license to his apartment address. So everyone thought he still lived there. Here we were, trying to deal with my brother being murdered, and there was a steady stream of reporters ringing the doorbell. I still to this day panic when the doorbell rings. If I'm home alone, I ignore it. OK...not so much "ignore" but hide. I freeze. I don't want to go to the door and see who it is. I know, I should deal with that. I wake up in a panic during the night too because I swear I hear the doorbell ring. Again...I know, I should deal with that. It does not happen all the time, but I do wake up sometimes swearing that the doorbell rang. Some ya-hoo has called us twice recently and woke us up late at night. The first time was at 1:20 AM, the next time was around 2:30 AM. Both times I panicked. The first call was the night that Bryan & Celina had driven back home to Seattle. So I panicked that something had happened to them. But it was a prank call. Thank goodness. The next one they hung up. It's funny how I was relieved to get a prank call. They even used the "F" word!
I don't have a lot of respect for reporters after how we had to deal with them regarding Rick. Robert actually had the reporter from The Oregonian come to the door and want an interview. Robert said that he was sorry but the family was not talking to reporters at this time. The woman had the nerve to tell him that if we did not talk to her that she would just report what she wanted and we would have no say in it. Robert slammed the door in her face. After that every time she wrote something in the paper she spelled my brothers name wrong. What a bitch.
So I do understand what the Travolta's are going through. I wish the press would leave that family alone so that they can grieve their loss. They will talk when they are ready.
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3 months ago
The media is way out of control. My Dad just had an article published about the media. I was reading my online news and I was sickened by it all. Headlines:
John Tavolta tried desperately to give his son CPR. John Travolta extremely grief stricken. Duh of course he and his wife are grief stricken. Stop it media. he media are heartless and many other bleeps.
Barb I am sorry to hear that about your brother. A friend of mine and her husband were murdered 20 years ago right before Christmas. I didn't know it had happened until I was watching the 10:00 news and the media was out in front of my friends home and putting thier
names across the screen.
Stalking by the media should be against the law.
It is cold here today and I
am moving slow. My toes are frozen.
My Sweet Barbara...I never knew about your brother. How awful for you! I am so sorry for your loss. It's been almost two years now since my brother, Michael, died unexpectedly from heart disease and I still miss him everyday. Was he older or younger than you? And was his murderer caught?
I am heartbroken for the Travolta's. Jett was so darn young. A Bahamian autopsy - reminds me of Anna Nicole Smith's son. All so tragic.
I am SO glad my carjacking in November didn't make the news. It was awful enough to endure without having rude reporters questioning me about one of the worst experiences of my life. Where these people get off is beyond me. The stalking part is worse - I agree - it should be outlawed!
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