Arts & Crafts Day! Arts & Crafts Day!
You would think I would be sick of cards and scrapbooks after all the time I spent on them before Christmas. But you know, there is someone everyone month who I have to make Birthday cards for. I think I have about 3 or 4 more for this month, and then I want to get started or do all of February. I'm going to wait until my friend Sandy comes over first to get started. I can't ever seem to find the right time to get together with Beth anymore. We just can't seem to get a day where we can hook up. We used to meet the first Saturday of every month, but since we bought the trailer that does not work. We just need to get the days picked and stick to it. I usually end up spending one of my weekdays off or a Sunday making them. Beth is busy on Sundays. We'll figure something out.
I am almost done with New Moon. Just have a few more pages to read. I want to get it done before Sandy comes over.
Thanks for stopping by yesterday Adri and Dreama! I hope you and everyone else who stops by today has a very wonderful Sunday!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Hi Barbara and Gang,
The get together at my in-laws was OK, it was quite sad, my Father-in-laws brother passed away yesterday also. It was very sad. He was mentally challenged (retarded) very bad, he never talked, but he did know who his brother and sister were. My children saw him a few times. I'm having a problem with my little son Victor hes 8 years old and he DOES NOT want to go. They are having a private ceremony just being layed out in the Church from 10:30 am-11:00 am and then mass at 11:00 am then to the cemetary, then for lunch. Hes crying that he don't want to go. My mom is not going as she can't hardly get around. So I was gonna take Victor to school. I told my Mother in law and my Father and Mother in law are having a fit that Victor won't be there. I said well I'll just bring him to lunch. They said NO HE SHOULD BE AT CHURCH, hes afraid of dead bodies. I'm so confused. I have been there, my Great Aunt died when I was 7 and I was so scared the night I came home from the Funeral Home I started throwing up and having terrible dreams. I did not step into another Funeral Home until I was 21 and I still deal with fear when someone dies. Its hard to describe the fear I have. Like I can't go downstairs without someone, Weird I know. But I do not want Victor going thru this. But my in-laws just thinks its stupid and he should face his fears, and John feels the same as his parents. Then I have my mother telling me you should not take him, you know what happened to you. Soo I probably won't take him to the Church and just pick him up from school on the way to the luncheon. I'm his mother and I know whats best if they get pissed they get pissed. Am I right or am I wrong???? Ok back to work. Sorry for the rant.
Love Renee xoxoxoxoxoxo
I do not think he needs to go at all. He is your son. IF you say he doesn't have, then he doesn't have to. If he does not want to go, the worst thing you can do is to force him too. I have not been to a funeral since I went to my Grandmothers in the 70's. I refuse to go. Robert has been to many. We did not have one for my brother. I went to a gathering this summer for our friend Norma, but it was not a funeral. I think 8 is too young. Take him to school and then find someone who can take care of him until you get home. No need for him to have to do any of it. Did he even have a relationship with the man? If he did not even know him, what is the point of forcing him to go? Does not make sense to me at all. Take him to school. Stand your ground.
Gosh Barb..I feel like I need to take some "me" time. I no longer read. I used to 'create". I would love to learn scrap booking. I think I spread myself too thin doing things for others all the time and don't have any hobbies for myself any more. I keep feeling worn out and this head cold is the "mother" of all head colds. Now both of my ears hurt. The doctor gave me two injections and said I would improve immediately. He said that six days ago.
Renee there is not much more I can add except that I agree 100% with Barb. You're MIL needs to back off. Children do not need to be subjected to funerals. I can still remember my grandpa's funeral like it was yesterday and I was 10. I wish my last memory of my grandpa was the fun times racing in his wheel chair while he watched from his bed. Hang in there Renee. Sometimes Dads are too macho and they don't get it that little boys are not men. Sorry John.
Have a great rest of your evening everyone! xoxo to all who need them!
Hey Barb! Just thought I'd drop by while I can't sleep and check out your cool blog! I see my friends Renee and Dreama here too!
I'll have to try to make it by more often.
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