This has been my motto for some years now.....Keep It Simple Stupid. I have been known to way over do or over think things. I have tried to break myself of this for years. I am able to follow this to some extent, but this year I am going to work harder on keeping things simple. One of the agents at work gave me a book of quotes as a Christmas gift. One of the quotes is from a CEO of General Electric. He says..."You can't believe how hard it is for people to be simple, how much they fear being simple. They worry that if they're simple, people will think they're simpleminded. In reality, of course, it's just the reverse." He goes on to say that people have a tendency to think that "more is better" when in fact if you focus on less you can accomplish more. So what they are saying is, if you are focused on the most important few and not the insignificant many, you can be more self-motivated with a clear and uncluttered mind. You need to focus on what matters most.
I will be working on this. I want my life to be more simple starting this year. I am going to focus on the few, and not the many. My brain needs a rest!
Hi Barb,
I love the Picture!!!!
I'm pretty simple, trust me, I am, I don't have a new car its a 2001 Dodge Caravan. I live in a simple home we did do a lot of work to it, but I kept it simple, nothing extravagant. When I have dinners or parties at my house, its simple and easy TRUST ME, I have it buffet style ALWAYS, LOL. My MIL sets the dining room table with charger plates, dinner plate on top, salad plate, etc. THE WHOLE 9 YARDS. Not me, paper plates, and if you lucky you will get real silverware, not plastic, if we are having steak then you will get real silverware, hamburgers & hot dogs, plastic, sorry, I'm simple. LOL I have China very nice China Royal Daulton made for Princess Diana thats the pattern Diana my MIL insisted that I register for China, my mom always used or everyday plates or paperplates for parties depending on how many people we were having. When I was registering for my wedding she said and where is your China & Crystal & Silver at??? I said huh??? She said well my family likes China and Crystal!!!! I said oh, I didn't register for it. So I was telling my one friend and she worked for Hudsons (now Macys) she took me in there made me register for the most expensive crystal, China and Silver, we were laughing so hard, it was the only thing I registered for at Hudsons LOL. I did it to be spiteful. Well I have 12 place settings of my china, sugar and creamer and like 4 serving dishes, and all my silverware, from her family, Its still in the same Boxes and tissue paper 22 years later LOL!!!!!! The crystal she bought was not what I registered for but she bought me all my glasses thru the years, I'm done now. I like them, but they are a waste to me. Like I said I'm Simple, I mean you cant throw China and Crystal in the dishwasher. You have to wash all that by hand trust me I throw EVERYTHING in the dishwasher, I washed enough dishes my mother never had a dishwasher, well she had 2 named Renee and Lisa, LOL so no Joke I got my first dishwasher in 1993 when we bought our house, John and I. Now when its broke, I"M SO LOST!!!!!
Sorry, I'm just rambling over here, but don't worry Barbara, simple is so easy for me. Like when I blog or write a email or letter I just write and type, I don't go back and check for errors what I write comes from my heart, I don't go back and read it, so if I have mistakes please excuse them always. Ok I can hear hubbys truck pulling up in the driveway. I better get off my butt. For now anyways, this simple girl has to pretend shes not being simple around the house LOL.
Hey Barb! I believe that many people are more comfortable when a host is simple, but as the host we want people to feel comfortable and so we overdo it. To the point that sometimes we are too tired to enjoy our guests or the party/event we are hosting. It's sad! I think keeping life simple is going to make you happier, as well as those you want to be with. Being simple doesn't mean you have to give up on good taste or not show the care you like to give. It just means you don't need all the extra SHTUFF!
Keeping focused on what is important in life is a lesson everyone could use. Priorities and living a simple life could not only make you feel better, it could probably save some of us from going crazy at times. (I think I mean ME.)
OK this just reminded me that I want to go look at Peter Walsh's website to see about organizing. Keeping it simple is easier done when you keep it organized!!
The photo is beautiful!! Hey, when you were in Switzerland did you have something called "Raclette"? I just bought one and thought of you!
Happy Saturday Renee Eve and Glynis!
I was going to make Chex Mix today but forgot the honey nut cheerios. Will have to do it tomorrow. Oh well. I was not about to run back to the store. Hubby will do it in the morning. I am also making a pot of navy bean soup tomorrow. We will not be eating it tomorrow though! Today is Katie's B-day but she and her friend went snowboarding, so we are having her b-day dinner tomorrow. She picked Cheesecake Factory. I have never been there before. The only one here is way out in Beaverton. Bleck. But it's Katie's choice, so we will drive allllllll the way out there! LOL!
RE...I like your idea of simple! Been there....Done that!
G....Have don't remember seeing that in Switzerland. And I will have to remember that Peter Walsh site and check it out!
sentence:Where is lormate? He's late for dinner!
OMG you are going to love Cheesecake Factory! YUMMMMMM!
There is something called Bang Bang Chicken, or something like that and it is awesome!! (If you like curry.) The portions are HUGE, so be prepared to either share or get a doggy bag because you MUST have dessert!!
outsm is the word. I can't even come up with something.
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