That's me alright. Hot. Sizzle'n hot! **touches ass......sssssssss......** I have been having hot flashes regularly for a couple days now. I have had them before, but not very often at all. A couple days ago they started up, and they are different. Before when I would get a hot flash it would be triggered by stress or embarrassment and they were usually centered around my head. My head would just get scorching hot. Now they are more centered and I get an all over feeling of being in an overheated room. It makes me feel kinda light headed and sweaty. TMI???? I just don't know how else to describe it. Have you ever almost passed out where you break out in a sweat? It's like that. Weird. At least I think these are hot flashes. I'm having one again. My face is getting all hot. So are my arms, shoulders, chest. It just kind of moves down my body. no likey......
I am going to have to research these. I know I can take flax seed and that helps. I need to find out more about making them more tolerable....Any suggestions????
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
My sister works with 80 females all who have hot flashes. What they all swear by is Black Cohosh and Wild Yam cream or capsules. Both are items found at Sun Harvest, sometimes found at Walmart or a Vitamin store. My girlfrend who lives in Oslo had a bunch of tests run thinking she had breast cancer. Her symptoms were swollen painful breasts. She was happy to report to me that it's hormone problems.
I'm going back in front of the TV remote. I have a stuffy nose today. I'm trying to fight my cold with Ester C and herbal tea.
Word: verssh
Thanks for the tips Dreama. I will go to Swanson Vitamins online and see if they have those. I buy my green tea, multi-vit and grapefruit pectin from them. I'm headed there now to see if they have these!
sentence: These hot flashes cutstr8 through me like a knife!
I'm worried about you guys. Your river is so high already and the heavy rains have not even hit yet. Please keep in contact tonight and tomorrow.
Be safe....
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