I did this on Facebook this morning. I thought, hmmmmmm, I will just repost this to the blog! What a cheater! LOL!
Have a great day!
**a little note after the 25 facts**
25 or so Things About MeRules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.
***If you have read this here on the blog, consider yourself tagged!***
01. I write a blog. Come by and read it and leave a comment! http://barbarainwa.blogspot.com/
02. I can not stand it when I am nice to someone on the phone at work and they bite my head off over something that has nothing to do with me. Hey dude, I'm just the chick who answers the phone. (this just happened can you tell?)
03. I love kitties.
04. And on that note.....one of my goals in life is to hug a lion. Can anyone help me accomplish this goal???
05. My kids mean the world to me.
06. After 25 years of marriage, arguements, sometimes thinking I just can't stand him even though I know that not to be true, he still makes my heart race.
07. I need to lose weight.
08. I need to exercise more.
09. I love to scrapbook and make cards.
10. I wish I could play the piano.
11. I work in a haunted house with an active ghost named Mary.
12. I love to get away. Anywhere...camping, the beach, the mountains, Hawaii, Europe. Take me anywhere.....
13. I am trying to be a better photographer.
14. I love the smell of fresh cut grass and fresh bark.
15. I can not stand the sound of shoveling rocks. It's worse than fingernails down a chalkboard.
16. I do not like it when people have lost a loved one or friend to violence and they go on TV over and over and over. It makes them look like they are using their horrible situation for attention. I speak from experience on this. I know everyone has their own way of dealing with grief, but to go on TV is just wrong to me.
17. When I'm giving out a phone number, I almost always say "zero" and not "O". ie: 3-6-zero for 360
18. I enjoy bird watching, and want to go to Costa Rica and see all of the beautiful tropical birds down there.
19. I have pretty good handwriting.
20. I want to paint, but I don't have the courage.
21. I have a weird knack for being able to name random actors in movies. People will call me on the phone and say "Who is that guy who played in that movie about....." I almost always know.
22. The smell of dairy farms makes me gag.
23. I blush easily.
24. I have never broken a bone.
25. I won our newspapers Oscars contest last year, and I'm hoping to repeat that this year! LOL!
Katie, mom and I went to see The Reader yesterday. I loved it. A very powerful movie. Kate Winslet was fantastic. I felt a little pervy seeing that young man in full frontal nudity though. Mostly because I was sitting between my mother and my daughter. After the movie I commented to them about it. Mom said she heard that they had to wait until he was 18 to film those scenes. Katie said she thought he was 19 now. Well gee, that just made it all better... Anyway, the movie was really good. I liked it a lot more than Slumdog Millionaire. There was a lot of unspoken things though. It made you have to think about why they made the decisions that they did. Why did she keep quiet, why did he. I don't want to spoil things for anyone who still wants to see it. If you have seen it, or after you see it, let me know so that we can discuss.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
I had never heard about Slumdog Millionaire before the GG's and we still have to wait until the 23rd for all these huge award winning movies to get down here. Like Revolutionary Road isn't going to be released nation wide until then. I hate living in Nowhereton :D Mom made mac n cheese from scratch....YUMMM! That was totally random LOL but it was delicious - and I'm thinking of grabbing seconds :)
Word: noning
mmmmmmmm....sounds yummy!
i'm not even sure when revolutionary road comes out here. but i have seen enough trailers and read enough about it to think it will be nominated.
hubby needs me to do something.
word: oforinex
Good Evening Barbara & Gang,
I have a funny, well maybe not so funny story. Ok, Mom made vegetable beef soup a couple days ago. Well I took out all the big pieces of beef with the bones the other day and put them in a bowl and covered them up, my husband and kids love cold beef and ketchup, GROSS I know, but whatever. Well I took the bowl out of the fridge uncovered it and I went to the bathroom to put my hair up when I came back the whole bowl was GONE Bones on the Floor, Bowl on the floor, and there were my 2 dogs eating all the beef!!! Now GiGi is 8 lbs and very, very small, Beijou is 85 lbs and VERY TALL so I know who the culprit was, because when I walked back in the kitchen she just looked at me with them eyes. GiGi just kept on eating. LOL Even the cat was eating the beef THE CAT!!!! I didn't know wether to laugh or yell, so I just started laughing, I told my kids and John sorry no beef for you!!!!! I wish I would of had a camera hidden to see her take that beef bowl from the counter.
Adriana I'm making homemade mac n cheese tomorrow for a family get together at my in-laws. Johns family from Chicago are coming in, I can't believe they are coming in still with below zero temps.
It was -10* today with windchills of -30 to -40. It was FREEZING!!!!! right now its -1* outside. Yes Barbara its cold, I don't even go out, just to get the mail. Tomorrow I'm gonna have to go, in order to get to my inlaws. LOL
Sorry I havent been around that much I did something to my back and I can't move that well, plus my hands hurt from Carpal Tunnel, I called the surgeon today, they are closed on Fridays, Just my luck. But I will call back Monday.
I'm just chicken to go for surgery.
Talk to you guys soon.
Renee Eve - she put celery and carrot shavings in it - OMG that was good :D although I dont like celery much unless its cooked n mushy... but I liked it. Good luck getting your in laws.... stay safe and warm.
I put up a cheat like Barb did on my blog :D
word: buyedaux
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