What better way to start the New Year than to watch some good ol outdoor hockey! In about half an hour the Blackhawks take on the Red Wings in this years Winter Classic. I'm so glad that the NHL has finally found something worth repeating every year. Looks like I will have to root for the Red Wings, which kills me, but they have my Marion Hossa. **slaps marion on the back of his hand** Bad Marion. You signed with the devil! I have never ever liked the Red Wings, but until Hossa leaves I will have to watch. Last year the game was played in Buffalo, which featured another fav player Paul Gaustad. And then before that it was in Edmonton. Someday I would love to go see this game in person. How fun would that be?! Cold....but fun! The year they played in Edmonton it was so cold the goalies wore stocking caps over their helmets! So funny! ( i would have said tooke but i'm not sure how the canadians spell it!)
We are having a little fondue party to end the game. It starts to early to have it during the game, and also Katie works until 1pm. So when she gets here we will have cheese fondue and then a little later, chocolate fondue! mmmmmmmmmmmmmm......
Wishing all a very Happy 2009!!!!!
OK, I cannot tell you how many people I have noticed have fondue on New Years... how ironic! We didn't have fondue last night, but we are having it today too.
I never knew about this hockey game outside. I must admit, I am not a huge hockey fan though. I didn't have a local team growing up, and then when we lived in Dallas the MN Northstars moved cities and became the Dallas Stars. They were pretty good and we went to a few games, but I felt like I had ADHD or something. I could never keep track of the puck and I could never figure out what "icing" meant. Not to say I wouldn't love to go again! I enjoy going to sporting events... it is just a lot more fun when you get it!
Enjoy this first day of 2009, plus all 364 of the rest of the days!
Hello and HNY to anyone who blogs after me.
Touque. :-)
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