I still have Christmas up. It's the 8th of January and I'm still wanting to plug in the lights and enjoy the Christmas tree. Hubby came home the other night and was embarrassed that the house lights were still on and no one else in the neighborhood had theirs up any more. So he unplugged them. So sad. I have made the commitment to take down the tree this weekend. I get so used to having it in here. When it's gone, it makes the house seem so empty. But it needs to be done. So I will do it.
I'm worried about Glynis. I have not heard from her since yesterday afternoon. She posted scary pictures on Facebook of the river behind her house. It was getting so close and the heavy rains had not even hit yet. I have not heard from her since. I don't want to bother her by calling. But maybe I should just to check on her.....
Mom and I will be spending the day together. We have not done anything for a long time. I think we only went to one movie in December. I was busy and so was she. So today we will go to lunch and then to see Valkyrie. Not looking forward to 2 hours of Tom Cruise playing a German with an American accent, but we both want to see it because of it being a WWII movie. So we will go. And suffer a little.....
I am going to call G. I have to know that she is alright......
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Hey Barb - have you called G? I have to admit - our lights are still up too, though we don't turn on the ones outside anymore, but our tree remains up until after the 6th. We're Mexican and we celebrate Three King's Day on Jan. 6 - which is the 12th day of Christmas so we don't take it down until afterward. This weekend we will do that. We didn't get too much into decorating, so it's just the lights n the tree... makes for an easy clean-up LOL
Hope your new year is going splendiferously :D
word: matindis
Mommy - is that a praying matindis?
No sweetie, that's a praying mantis.
I saw Glynis on Myspace put up a banner that she is safe and dry and that thier home is OK. If I understand correctly waters are receding however highways remain closed.
Hi Adriana!
I am stuffed up. Blah. I feel like my Pekingese looks with her little smashed in face.
Last night we watched Patrick Swayze and the new Angelina Jolie movie. Patrick Swayze is one tough son of a gun. I hope he beats this stuff. His mindset is good for fighting it.
Hey Dreama! I missed the Patrick Swayze thing... dad was watching Bones! UGH! hahaha I'm so happy Ugly Betty is back :D
Sorry you are all stuffy ... allergies here are crazy too. Though it doesnt help that I have 2 kittens LOL
I have to take pics of the puppies... mom is making a website for us to sell them easier. Putting an ad in the newspaper is ridiculously high priced. They are 3 weeks old, I think, so I have to clean them up a bit before taking their pictures. We are also battling ticks - I HATE TICKS!!! Poor dogs... that's what we get for living in the country though!
word: desser
Hi Ladies. Yes I got a text from G. They are fine thank goodness. I was headed into a movie so was not able to find out much.
Dreama: Which Angelia movie did you watch? The Changling? I thought it was a good movie, yet very disturbing. Or was it Wanted? That was a good one too. Today we saw Valkyrie. A lot better than I thought it was going to be. I was not into seeing Tom Cruise, but the rest of the move was really good. Darn good thing he was surrounded by fantastic actors. Good movie. I like a movie that is based on something historic that I have never read up on. Now I want to get on Wikipedia and check it all out!
Adri: I will have to use that as my excuse now for not taking Christmas down! LOL!
Off to work out on the elliptical.
You relylled at me pretty loud. Why so harsh???
We watched Wanted, the movie where Angelina is a hit woman. What a twist.
I saw Glynis on Facebook. I get dizzy trying to keep up with you gals. LOL. Especially right now with my congestion. :P
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