I'm getting more and more confused about the Oscar race this year. I was set on my picks, and now I just don't know. I really did not think Slumdog Millionaire was going to win, but now it has won the Golden Globe and the SAG Award. I still think Kate Winslet will win best actress for The Reader. She has won twice for that role in supporting. Weird how she was nominated for supporting when she clearly was a main part of the movie. I was surprised to see Meryl Streep win the SAG last night. I love Meryl, but I didn't think she was going to win it. If my paper has their Oscar contest again, I may have to rethink my picks.....
I think today will be quiet.
Fine with me.
I'm kinda sleepy today anyway.
Did not want to crawl out of bed.
And....the sun is blazing today. Just the sun. Not the temp. It's 25* outside. Brrrrrr......
I find it amusing that yesterday I woke up to snow, and today there is not a sign of it.
If I didn't have the pictures, you would never know!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Good Afternoon!! Well, I enjoyed your snowy views yesterday because I didn't see a sign of snow except a few flurries that floated down. We have intense sun and low temps here too.... I love it! THIS is the winter that I love.
I can't pick the Oscar winners. I haven't seen many of the movies, and even if I had it seems like I don't have the same view as those who get to vote. I love watching them anyway!! I still haven't gotten over that film "American Beauty" winning. It was awful in my opinion... I think I missed something somewhere. Remember when Amadeus won? Where are those kind of movies? I love those!!
I still have a house guest from Germany. I am not enjoying her company very much, but I feel bad for what she has dealt with. It is my hope that she is flying home by the end of the week. ugh...
word: restrom
I can't wait to go hom and use the restrom.
LOL at your sentence! Cracks me up!
Sorry about your guest. Hopefully she can get home to Germany soon. Sorry for whatever you guys are having to deal with.
I kinda like American Beauty. Mostly. It had a great ending! I did not like No Country for Old Men, the one that took Best Picture last year. I have never watched it again. I did not like There Will Be Blood either. Bryan made me watch that again when we took him camping. He loves that movie. Bleck. Waaaay over acted in my opinion. Tomorrow I am going to go see The Wrestler. I have to see this and Milk very soon. Need to decide for certain who should win the Oscar. I have already changed my mind for Best Picture.
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