I have been productive this morning. **pats self on back** I have a pot of Navy Bean soup on and Chex Mix in the oven. I doubled the batch of Chex Mix, so I will be watching the oven and stirring stuff for the next 2 hours! The cookie sheets that I am using are too big to have 2 side by side in the oven, so I will have to bake them separate. No biggie. Smells fabulous in here too!
As I was cleaning everything up, I started thinking about how my old neighbor used to just put all of her dishes in the dishwasher without rinsing them or anything. Grossed me out. I know a lot of people who do that. They just scrape off the large chunks and put the dishes in the dishwasher and call it good. I can't do that. I don't like it when I go to someones house and they have little pieces of ookie on their glass or dish. I would freak out if I handed a dish to someone at my house and there was something stuck to it. Bleck. **first stir of chex mix over** **sips reheated peppermint mocha** I have always washed my dishes first before putting them in the dishwasher. This habit used to make my neighbor crack up. She said that dishwashers were made to clean everything off of the dishes. But then why is there stuff stuck to some peoples dishes???? **another sip of peppermint mocha** I wash them with dish soap and a sponge and then put them all soapy into the dishwasher. To me, it is the final step to making sure they are clean by heating them and using the stronger Cascade soap. And the heat from the drying makes sure there are no germs hanging around. Am I wrong to think that I need to wash them first before putting them in there? Should I just rinse and throw them in? Am I wasting time by doing this? You know, I said yesterday that I want things to be more simple. This would save time by just putting them in there. My other concern is that the ookie stuff will clog up the dishwasher hoses. I don't want that to happen either. **ahhhh mocha** If you read this, let me know if you pre-wash your dishes. I'm curious as to whether I should change this habit.
You wash them with SOAP and then put them in the dishwasher? OK, I think that is a little more than is needed, but sometimes a dishwasher doesn't work right and then I could see doing all that extra work. I rinse my dishes, but no soap and scrubbing before the dishwasher does the rest. Occasionally, there is something like cheese or egg that needs a little more attention, but I always check my dishes as I pull them out of the machine and usually there is no problem. Make it simple Barb... let the dishwasher do the work! Try it!
OH, I forget to tell you to enjoy your birthday lunch with Katie today!! Let us know what you think about Cheesecake Factory (and what you ordered!!)
Oh man....Have I been wasting time all these years washing them off first???? I don't know that I can break myself of this.....LOL!
I am finally done with the Chex Mix and the soup is slowly cooking. I am about to get ready for lunch. I can't wait to try out Cheesecake Factory! I'm going to have something light so that I can enjoy some dessert. Last dessert for a while as I am changing my eating habits starting tomorrow, and dessert will not be a part of it! OK...there will be the occasional treat as I feel that no diet works if you cut everything out. But I will be hitting the Wii Fit and the Eliptical machine.
Barb, just doing a fly by, real quick LOL hubby has to use the computer for a while. But I'm like Glynis I never, ever wash my dishes ocassionally I will rinse them but usually I take a wet dish rag and wipe them off into the garbage can, LOL I don't want to mess up my sink, LOL, I know its weird, but the new dishwashers, now have food choppers in them, and with the new cascase out now it also disolves food. I'll be back later I want to know about this Cheesecake Factory we don't have them in Michigan :0( . Ok hubbys starring at me.
Love yas
I rinse the dishes off with hot water before putting them into the dish washer.
I do not wash dishes often using the dish washer because I rarely cook any more.Typically I just wash them by hand.
I should cook.... I use to... but I just don't want to spend two hours preparing and then scrubbing pots and pan when I live in a city with a hundred places to go eat out at. It's less expensive for me to eat out then cook.
I think if we had colder winters then I would bake or if I still had nieces and nephews in the house all the time then I'd bake cup cakes and home made soups etc like I used to do. Now I am reflecting back to the good ole days. I miss the youngins!
Today I think we will eat out at IHOP with our gift card unless David wants to go to a restaurant that serves chicken and dumplings. Yesterday David said he was craving chicken and dumplings. He was also craving Greek food and wanted Souflaki so we had Souflaki. He doesn't gain a pound and he can consume 3000 calories every day. I don't get it. If I consume one chocolate then I put on a pound. Well, maybe that's stretching it but still...
Secretly I don't like that man and his ability to eat what ever he wants. :p
(Just kidding David)
Word verification is
What on earth is an ingly?!
Hi RE and Dreama! Good to see you along with G today.
Cheesecake Factory was yummy! I went with the Bang Bang Chicken & Shrimp like G suggested. It was good, but I would have liked it more spicey with the curry and less of the peanut sauce. Still yummy though. And I brought home a slice of their 30th Anniversary cheesecake. It's a couple layers of chocolate cake and cheesecake! I had a bite there and will eat the rest later!
IS anyone else going to watch that International Dance Wars show tonight? I can't wait for it to come on!
And.....it's snowing again! We had some snow Friday morning that froze so we still had that in the yard. Now it's snowing. I can't believe how much snow we have had this winter.
Oh, and I fell today. Right before we were going to leave for Katie's B-day dinner I was walking into the bedroom and Aly got caught up in my feet. I was trying so hard not to step on her, and I still kinda did a little, and I ended up falling forward because I didn't want to hurt her, and I landed on my left hand and my knees. I tweaked my back too. Dang it. It's been 4 hours and my hand and back still ache a little. I took some advil when we got home.
word: stionjoh
We do NOT wash them and then put them in the dishwasher.... The ookie stuff is usually stuff like say cheese that is already stuck to a dish that needs to be scraped, but the dishwasher will wash off any sauces and just about everything. We don't wash things before the dishwasher, though we do rinse them, just not wash them clean. We also don't put like pots or pans in the dishwasher, which some people do... so maybe we really dont have to wash all of those pots n pans hahaha
I say you're wasting time - rinse with hot water... maybe take a sponge to anything stuck to it, but definitely don't wash it beforehand.
Word: erazinum
Barb I hope you are going to be OK. I fell last summer and hit the concrete and jammed my elbow. It happened real early in the morning when I was rushing. My elbow joint swelled and hit a nerve. If your pain doesn't go away then a reputable chiropracter might need to realign your spine. I get my neck and lower back adjusted from time to time when I get a kink.
ReneeEve I got your text message but no e-mail?
Adriana are you still in Austin? If so I bet it's much colder tonight than it was last night huh?!
Hi Glynis. :0)Do yuo have snow too?
Poz Mikey said that there is a virus on the Face Book App games. I forgot what the name of the virus is. I have installed all kinds of new programs now. My computer runs slower with all of this stuff but it's kind of cool to have all of these back up programs and no more adware to keep clicking off.
Tonight we went to Cracker Barrel. David had his chicken and dumplings and I had grilled trout drizzled with a touch of garlic butter. My favorite part of going to Cracker Barrel is the shopping area. :0)
Then we watched the new BlockBuster release Ghost.It's a comedy about a dentist who sees ghosts.
Word is "cleak".
Dreama - not in Austin anymore. It's getting colder here at home though, which I love :) I got to see Jeremy both nights... though it's never long enough :(
My foot still hurts from when I hurt it 4 months ago in Austin... but I hurt it BAD, so it'll take a while.
I have a horrible headache and keep sneezing... I took 3 tylenol and my allergy pill so hopefully that'll knock it out
Hasta manana!
word: colou
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