I go through stages when it comes to reading. I can go years without picking up a book, and then I read 12 in a row. I'm in a reading stage now. I think it has been 2 years since I read last. I have about 6 Nora Roberts books that I have bought, and have yet to read. They have been sitting there on the end table taunting me. I even took 2 to Europe thinking I would read them on the plane or on the bus. That was a mistake. It just ended up being extra weight I had to carry around. I was close to dumping them in a hotel room because I was tired of trying to figure out where to put them, but I just couldn't. They were Nora Roberts and I was not going to part with them, paperback or not! I still need to read them, but I will.
I started out reading Twilight. It was really good. I wanted to see the movie, but Katie forbid me from seeing it until I read the book. I have now read it, so now I can go see it! I wanted to start right away on the second book, but Katie is out of town playing in the snow of Whistler, so I will have to wait. I went to the store yesterday to try and find it in paperback, but she said it is only a hardcover book. I hate reading hardcover books. They are hard to hold and it hurts my left hand trying too. But I really want to read it, so when she gets back she will bring it over. I will figure out a way of setting the book on the arm of my big cushy chair and see if I can do it without having to hold it. Either way, I have to read it! Until then, I am going to go ahead and read a Nora Roberts. I chose The MacGregor Brides to start with. Should have lots of s-e-x in it! heh heh.....
My Dad is an avid reader. He reads every day and it is his passion. I have a paperback copy of Vitamin Bible that is 12 years old and I just bought the new revised edition. I last read 90 Minutes In Heaven, a true story by a Baptist minister about his horrific car accident and the moments, days and months that followed. It is gripping.
Last night I flipped the remote back and forth watching Desperate Housewives and the Golden Globes. I am confused with DH. The last episodes Lynette was going after a man who was after her son Porter. I'm not sure what happened there.
Every year one of my resolutions (or promises to myself) is that I will read more this year. I usually start out the year reading, but then I get to a point in the year where I am either too busy, too tired or just don't know which book to read next.
I watched the Globes last night... loved them! I will have to watch DH on the DVR and try to fill in the blanks Diva. Not sure...
Loving Whoopi Glodberg this morning going after Anne Culter, or whatever her name is. I don't know why any network gives her a second of time to spew her venom!
Hey there ladies!
I watched the GG's last night. I have a lot of movies to go see before the Oscars!
I have not watched much of DH. I got kinda bored with it. I don't like that they skipped up 5 years. I also have not watched Ghost Whisperer since they killed off her husband. I was so upset that they did that. I have them all on the dvr. We'll see.
G....you might have time to read a book if you would get off facebook! You have twice as many eggs as I do! I was having virus issues though, so I did not search for several days. I did a little last night though during the GG's. I never did find the new egg, so thanks so so so so so much for sending one to me! muah!!! Is the new laptop easier to find eggs with? Also...I've been meaning to ask you if there are still any eggs in the warehouse that you need or want? I have a ton o'shells in there. Let me know!
I agree that Ann Culter isn't worth air time. That B is so toxic that she scares me and I don't scare easily. Go Whoopie!
I think Ross will put up a behind the scenes video blog today of the Golden Globes.
Going back to my Kleenex and meds now!
Get off Facebook? NO WAY! I love it there and have found so many old (and new) friends. And the only reason I shot forward on the eggs is because Berry was catching up... so I did a marathon night and blew him out of the water. Then I realized I was almost #1 for my city, but I am never going to catch up with the woman in first. She does over 1000 eggs a day. And she is 3000 eggs ahead of me... she needs to go on vacation for a week!
Diva~ On DH they sort of blew thru the whole Porter is going to jail story. He is now free due to lack of evidence. All done. No car wreck with Lynette either. It was kinda lame, but I guess they needed to move onto juicier stories. If you switched the channel, or even blinked, you would have missed that whole ending to the story line.
Barb~ yes, the new computer is so much better for egg hunting. Also Berry set up tabs for me, so I can breeze thru! Love it!!
Also, I saw what happened to the attic floor/garage ceiling and I hope Katie's friend is OK. He is lucky he had the strength to pull himself up like that.
I think tonight The Bachelor show was on however we rented Pineapple Express. David picked it out and OMG. I don't recommend it. I hope that I didn't miss the episode of Deanna's return. I don't understand her. I am sure he will do the smart thing and send her away. I want to see this kind hearted man with his fantastic little boy find his soul mate. Corny, huh?! LOL.
I missed the final episodes of GW also so I did not see her husband killed off.
Now my head is bowed and hung low as I confess that last round I only had 18 Hatchlings. I'm not good at that game.
Diva eh? LOL. You're talking to my Pekingese. Cinnamon is the Diva of the family. She even gets to go to her grandparents house for afternoon play time when I go do my errands and doctor visits.
Good night ladies. Stay warm and dry. We're getting one cold blast after another all week. Brrrr!!!
What happened to RenneEve? I sent her a text message but it
didn't connect. Hmmmm...
Adriana i bet you' re having loads of fun with the new puppies. Oh how I love puppies.
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