Friday, March 27, 2009

Some lolcat for you!

I'm out. Enjoy some lolcat funnies!

1 comment:

Renee Eve said...

Good Afternoon Barb & Gals,

I'm going to the Hospital today to UofM which is about an hour and 1/2 away from us. I am very nervous. My MIL called me this morning in tears, my MIL never cries she has alligator skin does not want anyone to know her feelings. So I know this is not good. Charlene is asking for her brother Johnny (my husband lol) They say she has shingles, they want to do a spinal tap on her, but that can't right now because she was on blood thinners for her blood clots in her legs, so shes bleeding to much. She pulled out her feeding tube and IV's 3 times, shes delerious so they have her strapped down. I don't know how my feet will carry me in there today. I have to be the strong one for my husband, as hes always strong for me, but I'm not a strong person lately, I'm becoming weak and always crying over my son and my mother.

Please send good wishes my way and pray I can be strong like I use to be.