Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another reason for me to love Obama....And Team Jordan

YAY!!!! Jordan won Big Brother! I'm so glad she won that final HOH against Kevin. I wanted her to win BB by winning that final HOH comp and deciding who was going to the Final 2 with her instead of someone taking her. I really feel that you do what ever it takes to get to the Final 3 and then its up to you to get to the Final 2. Whoever wins that last HOH in my mind is the winner. So even though I love love love Jordan, if she had been taken to the Final 2 by Kevin, then Kevin deserved to win. I was so glad that Jordan beet (edit: beet??? wts??? i meant beat!) Gnat the Brat in the second part of the Final HOH comp. I didn't like Gnat from the very beginning of the show. She was annoying. Ugh....I loved that Jesse did not give her a vote last night. She lied to Jesse and lead him on in the house when all along she was never going to be anything to him after the show. I think that is what really pissed him off. I think that if she had just been honest with him so that they were just friends, he would have given her the vote. She played the game the entire season lying. I don't even like that she won $50,000. I hope they never....EVER....bring her back for an All-Star Show. Ugh.....
And here is my other Fav of this season. Jeff. Yummy! He and Jordan had the best relationship in the house. They were like a married couple. Little fights that meant nothing and left them both giggling. I loved the way they both laughed. I loved how he would laugh and laugh at Jordan, and she would just smile and giggle "Oh Jeff" It was so cute. I know that at least one time the show edited a portion of one of their HOH Room conversations that made Jeff look like he was being mean to Jordan. He wasn't. It was a long conversation that I saw on the Showtime After Dark live feeds. Most of the time during that conversation they were laughing. Jeff is just one of those guys that speaks strongly and it looks like he may be being a jerk, but he's not. He was just trying to get his point across, and she understood that. It was just creative editing.

I love this shot of them. This is how they were together in the house. I have hopes that they will continue their relationship outside the BB House. Fall in love and get married. They had great chemistry. It was like I was watching two people fall in love. I know how corny that sounds. Maybe I'm just a romantic. I know I'm not the only one who feels like this. From what I have seen online, Jeff & Jordan may be the most popular contestants ever on Big Brother. It was like a romance novel come to life! I'm going to miss them so much.....Please....someone hire these two for another show! Amazing Race??? Please???

Can I say how much I love the fact that President Obama is a real everyday kind of guy. This is the first time I have ever felt like I could sit down and have lunch, coffee, a drink...with a President. Don't get me wrong...I have complete respect for the fact that he is President. But I feel like he would be so easy to talk to. That he gets it. He understands what everyday people like myself are going through. Finally someone in the White House who was not born with a silver spoon shoved up their ass.
Here is a portion of an article today regarding his comment about Kanye 'The Jackass" West. I love it!

NEW YORK – President Barack Obama's candid thoughts about Kanye West are provoking a debate over standards of journalism in the Twitter age.

ABC News says it was wrong for its employees to tweet that Obama had called West a "jackass" for the rapper's treatment of country singer Taylor Swift. The network said some of its employees had overheard a conversation between the president and CNBC's John Harwood and didn't realize it was considered off the record.

The network apologized to the White House and CNBC.

Harwood had sat down with the president to tape an interview following his appearance on Wall Street on Monday. Although they are competitors, CNBC and ABC share a fiber optic line to save money, and this enabled some ABC employees to listen in on the interview as it was being taped for later use.

Their attention was drawn to chatter about West, who was widely criticized for interrupting Swift as she accepted an award at Sunday's MTV Video Music Awards to say that Beyonce deserved it.

During what sounds like informal banter before the interview begins, Obama is asked whether his daughters were annoyed by West's hijacking of Swift's acceptance statement, according to an audio copy that was posted on

"I thought that was really inappropriate," Obama says. "What are you butting in (for)? ... The young lady seems like a perfectly nice person. She's getting her award. What's he doing up there?"

A questioner chimes in, "Why would he do it?"

"He's a jackass," Obama replies, which is met with laughter from several people.

The president seems to quickly realize he may have gone too far, and jovially appeals to those assembled that the remark be kept private. "Come on guys," he says. "Cut the president some slack. I've got a lot of other stuff on my plate."

Need I say more???!!!


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