Saturday, September 5, 2009

teh Woorst acter evar

Can I just say that Sylvester Stallone is the worst actor ever? I mean EVER! Hubby is watching a Rambo movie.....ugh....No.....CRAP. It's awful. I can't stand Stallone so much that I don't even want to spend the time to check to see if I have his name spelled right. Hubby always watches crap movies like Rambo. Some I can take, Die Hard, Lethal Weapon. But when he turns on Stallone or....heaven forbid......Steven Segal ( just want to take a spork to my eyes. Weird thing about his Rambo choice. When there was a commercial break, he would flip to....hold on....ready.....My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Dude....I love that you watch chick why not just leave it on???? I would have totally watched that movie. But no. I only got commercial breaks. But now Rambo is over and he has picked a movie I can live with. A movie I will actually sit down and watch it. One of my Top 5 favorite movies of all time. The Sound of Music! I love my hubby when he watches chick flicks!

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